Showing posts with label Kim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kim. Show all posts

Saturday, June 6, 2009

One site I have a link to is Laketrees. Kim Barker, a gifted and generous artist from Australia, is running a drawing for a mini portrait of a lucky lucky winner's subject of choice. Kim paints decisive portraits and I am envious of anyone who wins her art. Please check out her blog and also enter her drawing, literally. Here is a mini portrait Kim made of her daughter, Charlotte. I hope Kim does not mind my borrowing her image ...

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Monday, March 31, 2008


Kim of laketrees in OZ has a sister and her sister and has a dance company and Rose danced for that company.

I wanted for this one to feel light - limber - like the toned step of a dancer.

Friday, March 14, 2008


I thought I had posted this yesterday. More plug and play.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Kim of laketrees posted some photographs of a dancer associated with Kim's sister's dance company. A Rose by no other name.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Kim of laketrees provided image of dancer - I played a bit with it this morning, The link I added is to her poetry site. I seek to confuse and otherwise illuminate. Play hide and seek. Spin the bottle. Sip decent wine. Add great songs to my iPod. Have the kids sleep late.

Rainy day here. Buckets fell overnight and will fall again today. Finally got to the flower show and the cut back on the plantings. Bought sugar snap and sunflower seeds. Also some hyacinths that barely pushing out to the potted soil.

Kim also raises an interesting question at her art blog - should portraits be representational - a good likeness of the subject? Is it more about the subject or the artist?



Removed my word verification for comments - I hope this pleases everyone. But, also somehow removed my Microsoft Accessories programs which includes - gulp - Paint so I am a wingless duck right now. Need to get disks form guy who built my computer.

I downloaded a program called, but it has other features- the worst issue is I can only have one image open - no multiple windows. Other tricks are missing or hidden....some features are better than old Paint so might be able to use this as a third important tool.
