Monday, December 15, 2008

It's begining to look...

All my Christmas shopping is done, all my presents are wrapped and under the tree. Our Christmas cards have been sent. I’ve done some cooking as well; even made some meat pies for a girlfriend of mine, and yet, I still feel like I’m running out of time or something. It’s weird. Maybe it is due to my husband’s lack of enthusiasm for it all? Maybe it’s because of the fact that it rained all day today, and all the beautiful snow has either melted or is now covered with ice? Whatever the reason, I don’t feel the excitement I used to for this time of year. I still love seeing the decorations, and hearing the Christmas songs, but it's not the same "warm & fuzzy" feeling or excitement it used to be.

It saddens me to feel this “blah” about it all, even if I did enjoy the get-together with friends we had last weekend. When I sit by our tree and look at it, I feel this great chagrin, as if I’m being splashed with sadness, and yet, there is nothing really for me to be sad about. Things are good, health as well (as far as we know), we do enjoy each other’s company and laugh daily… Is this what my grandparents were referring to when I was younger? I remember walking in on my grandmother while she was wiping her tears, and she explained to me that as time passes things change and you can’t help but feel nostalgic when Christmas comes. You can’t help but think of the people you’ve loved and lost. I didn’t get it at the time, but I sure do now. I guess this is what growing old means. Oh well…


Annake said...

My presents have been bought but they're in a big pile in the spare bedroom. ;-) Wish I had your energy for getting things done! But I know what you're saying about feeling so blah about the season. I just haven't been able to get into the spirit this year either. Hm, getting older is no fun....

Anonymous said...

It is my feeling, SP, that the Christmas spirit requires happiness and security, and I think a LOT of people around the world feel neither right now. Our economies, job losses, terrorist attacks anyplace anytime, and senseless wars are taking their toll on all of us.

Martha and I are handling Christmas differently this year, which I blogged about yesterday.

And I also think you'll come around when you hear Santa trying to get his fat fanny down your chimney . . .

Anonymous said...

No! I don't want that. Okay I'm freezing myself at my age. I will refuse another birthday.

Brave Astronaut said...

I am slowly decorating for the holidays. Christmas was my mother's favorite holiday and this will be the third without her. I have placed two ceramic trees that she made in my son's rooms. It helps me know that she is not gone and watches over my boys.

Of course, with two energetic boys, being old is hard when you have to decorate after they go to bed - to keep the spirit of Santa alive!

stinkypaw said...

Annake: At least the shopping part is done... and getting older isn't all I thought it would be when I was a younster! ;-)

Charlie: You must be right (again) - the voice of wisdom. Yet something good about getting older. :-)

noble pig: I've been trying that for a few years, and yet... ;-)

BA: Nice idea the trees in your sons' rooms... I agree she's keeping an eye on all of you.