66 venues located in everything from machine shops to architect offices to old dry cleaners buildings. All kinds of music and all kinds of art (etsy crafts, fine art paintings, photography, demonstrations) were showcased all throughout the neighborhood.
I kept calling it Arts "Google" - it is "Goggle" hence the goggles on the poster. My sweetie said he overheard a woman say "What's with all the bras?" (I guess the goggles look like artsy bras...)
Landers Machine Shop had vendors selling fine jewelry to fine art. This was a fun mix of the old (but clean) machine shop with the colors and textures of the arts.
A crafted booth with a little film noir presentation.
The dry cleaners building will be opening soon as one of the new brew houses in the neighborhood.
Hattie May Inn - Bed and Breakfast was a stop on the tour showcasing art and fine jewelry.
The barber shop was open but did not have any artists. The art inside was all from the barbers.
Yes, that is a pool table and this little shop was alive with music from the juke box in the corner. I have not been in many barber shops but this one has to be the most fun ever.
I do not think Rhodes Used Cars is open anymore. Its tiny location could only hold half a dozen cars but this night it was alive with a band, paintings and a clay artist.
It was a beautiful night and it was a great event to showcase the revitalization of our side of town.