Just heard on the radio we are under a frost advisory tonight. You can see the sun in the loft has almost been blocked out by all the tropicals I have hauled in so far. I did this on Monday and Wednesday in preparation of the drizzly day we received yesterday. If you could have seen me yesterday as I was bundled up from head to toe for the 50 to 45 degree day. Hey, it was 112 degrees just a little while ago.
I put out a couple pounds of dutch clover seeds around the barren areas of the loft garden. Luckily it was a nice slow drizzle most of the evening and none of the seeds washed away.
Hamlet is loving his perch. Luckily the plants have not taken over the perch (yet).
So far things are looking very good in the beds that are finished (? - are they ever really finished?). The red you see in the herb ring is a bowl of red snapdragons for my sweetie. The only flower he ever really asked about so when I saw them I had to get them for him.
Livin' Easy (orange rose in front) has a growth spurt from the fertilizer and cooler weather. She has performed very well for being in such a horribly hot spot in the garden. You can almost see the other roses blooming in the back of the bed. One caster bean has grown just as I expected. The others have not performed as well due mostly to the horrible soil in these beds.
See the red spot front on the right...? One lowly snapdragon (or two) made it through the summer and being run over...
I do have a spot picked out to try to keep the greenhouse this winter. I am in winter denial for now because I have an other project in mind.
All along the east side of the loft I have been torturing the last of my roses in pots. I was worried they would not receive enough sun and become diseased but...
not so much! This is
Clotilde Soupert in all her glory. She is a polyantha with the scent of a bourbon.
Photo of an older bloom - still smells like an old fashioned rose. She has been known to ball (the petals stick together and bloom will not open) during humid weather. This was not a problem this summer.
I am going to plant her here along the pathway with what I call "Magic Carpet"
(aka Polygonum capitatum or Persicaria capitata) that has finally taken hold. I will have to mulch this area this winter as the Magic Carpet is fairly tender here in North Texas.
Are you ready for winter? Or do you have projects you want to get finished, too?
This is my first time to link to Tootsie's
Fertilizer Friday/Flaunt Your Flowers today. Go by and see some pretty postings.