Showing posts with label collector. Show all posts
Showing posts with label collector. Show all posts

Monday, August 23, 2010

My name is TufaGirl and I am a Collector

I have too many plants to be moving 250 miles. I collect hibiscus, orchid (Bauhinia species - not Orchidaceae), salvias, roses, grapes (Texas varieties), plumeria to name a few.

I collect rusty things. Some things even spin in the wind....

hand crafted things....

more hand crafted things....

things I will make into other things....

and things I think I will try to recreate....

While this is a disease my husband seems to accept in his own way, I realize on a day like today it is a hard addiction to keep up. As you can see the poor Persian Shield (one of the plants my sweetie actually likes) is suffering in the heat and lack of water. Lack of water as we have been on the road taking care of the lawn at the house (still for sale - we will make you a deal....) and not here to water at the rental (transition) house.

So my question.... If you are a collector of whatever.... would you move it 250 miles? And better yet, would you do it in 109 degree heat?

Hope it is cooler where ever you are.