by Dennis Mahagin
Playing pepper
with the demons
in my nippy
Easter season,
I choke up
on that bat,
wave it
like the sign
of the cross
and now they're hawking
hot phlegm: one of them
says, "just a friendly game
of toss..."
then he whips it at
my face.
Ears burn
prickly rash about half
buckling from a scent
of Pabst foam,
spent cigarette
at thirty paces,
loose leaf
by breezes.
"just hold it right
up there," says another
behind his Jason mask
of glove,
his tough love
a voice
box full of crows.
Oh, they want me
to open up
my stance, they wish
to play with both balls
at once, try
to make me cry
or duck,
chuck my lunch
like Copenhagen...
"Hum now, come babe,"
says the worst prick
of all, with a brow
like a dull
I suck
it up, shake
it off, smack
a weak yet
clean one
right back up
the gut ... it don't
mean much but
now we're getting
in my nippy
Easter season,
I choke up
on that bat,
wave it
like the sign
of the cross
and now they're hawking
hot phlegm: one of them
says, "just a friendly game
of toss..."
then he whips it at
my face.
Ears burn
prickly rash about half
buckling from a scent
of Pabst foam,
spent cigarette
at thirty paces,
loose leaf
by breezes.
"just hold it right
up there," says another
behind his Jason mask
of glove,
his tough love
a voice
box full of crows.
Oh, they want me
to open up
my stance, they wish
to play with both balls
at once, try
to make me cry
or duck,
chuck my lunch
like Copenhagen...
"Hum now, come babe,"
says the worst prick
of all, with a brow
like a dull
I suck
it up, shake
it off, smack
a weak yet
clean one
right back up
the gut ... it don't
mean much but
now we're getting