Travelers Welcome

Travelers Welcome
Showing posts with label Tim Gardiner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tim Gardiner. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Curbar Edge

by Tim Gardiner

skylark shadows ghosts in the clouds

over green mire moss grey mist rolls

rain passes a cuckoo calls from birch forest

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Great Plains Drifter
(Monarch butterfly tanka sequence)

by Tim Gardiner

each spring
in forest pines
the odyssey begins ~
an orange army
decorates grey plains

delicate ladies
lay alien eggs
on milkweed leaves ~
a new generation
drawn to magnetic north

this season’s
prospecting pioneers
mine for nectar ~
sweeping along highways
at tornado pace

on Route 83
a butterfly is pinned
to the radiator grill ~
another victim
of the summer vacation

turbine blades
cut through silence
on high plains ~
a passing swarm
caught in their draft

the plough
has done its worst
cultivating extinction ~
ghost towns
deserted by butterflies

in all directions
dancing prairie-grass
is stripped of colour ~
drifting spirits
ride south to sanctuary

a life and death race
to escape fall’s
cold touch ~
two thousand miles
lead to the same tree

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


by Tim Gardiner

sun glints
oil slick carapace
smothers soil

Sunday, May 11, 2014


by Tim Gardiner

she stands alone
a slender beak
elegantly up-curved ~
the goddess
of a shingle shore

Sunday, April 6, 2014


by Tim Gardiner

Two clouds drift
like father and son
hard to separate