Travelers Welcome

Travelers Welcome
Showing posts with label Devin Streur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Devin Streur. Show all posts

Saturday, March 17, 2012

From that moment on
(one night last summer)

by Devin Streur

As soon as this cut heals I'll regrow my claws
& then be again who I was before now before
Steering my life off its course & before
Making myself this dark aching bruise of a
Body or better a hollowed-out emotionless
Vessel whose blood thickens & drips onto
A canvas once tender & bare impermeable
Oil on a night in July of last year it was 2011
When I met the knife & unknowingly flirted with
Catastrophe looming beneath your smile
A façade seductively leading me into
This ocean of teeth as you teemed with Chaos
Proclaiming for me alone it seemed to hear

Fear not friend the path is ours to follow
& no one will ever defeat us because
We're in this together

I saw nothing but the simplicity of rain & the dew
On the grass with the blades made of glass
& a hunger for flesh eager to be sacrificed
Then I prepared my body for Order's last supper
Perceiving it wise to dive into darkness
I saw as light knowing it not then as now
I do a journey too rough & for that matter
Unforgivably foolish to try as I did & forever still will
Naive as I am to convince myself that
I could ever love you

Scratch that last part I'd rather deny that you'd
Ever grow so fortunate to discover at all
The capability to comprehend
The very feeling itself.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

super hero

by Devin Streur

they sing in the streets
and smoke cigarettes near small children
believe in the moon and in
cathartic pain
they suck comebacks into their
brains and
i always wanted to be a vampire slayer.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

By The Numbers

by Devin Streur

neo christian I
neo pagan V
neo buddhist IV
neo muslim II
neo hindu III

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tropical Dangers [jaguar 1, whiteman 0]

by Devin Streur
Things that eat whiteman

Things that whiteman eats

Things that leave whiteman alone

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


by Devin Streur

Organic chemistry tells of
Molecules bound in time
& combustible... unstable.

Attracted & repulsed
alternatively --
We push and pull

Comets in the aether, or
Orbiting spheres of

The music: a map of
sheets, tossed. We're
Jealous & angry, unwillingly

Following paths laid out
beyond our comprehensions
Frequencies changing

The terrain shifting
beneath us.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Advice for a World Losing Tongues

by Devin Streur

Quit your job
Get a new one
Lay up off
Get out of my grill
Pronounce my name right
Stay out of trouble
But piss people off
Don't compete when you know
You can't win
Fight for survival
Get bloody messy
Angry hungry
Ditch the bedframe
Sleep on the ground
You were built for