Travelers Welcome

Travelers Welcome
Showing posts with label Moriah LaChapell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moriah LaChapell. Show all posts

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Working Week

by Moriah LaChapell

Monday Powers Whiskey
to make it through the week.
Tuesday fuzzy tongued waking
in daylight "savings" darkness.
Wednesday's desire stalled
by the hum drum ho hum.
Thursday, the unfastened lid
on the warm left over night
Mayonnaise jar
Friday, the sigh.
Saturday, farm eggs and bacon.
Sunday, bliss in the backyard
we watch our daughter chasing
blown bubbles, her blonde hair
flying in the wind.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

the naked soul

by Moriah LaChapell

is a collection
of polished stones
from roadside ditches
slack rivers
and corridor forests

these stones become
encased in our viscera
until we someday decay
and some body else
finds them