
20 Arguments for God's Existence : Argument #1 - The Argument from Change

Why Philosophical Proofs for God Are Better Than “Scientific” Proofs by Brian Huffling

Worldview and Apologetics in the News

Video: Worst Objection to Theism- Who Created God?

A.W. Tozer on the New Year

Greg Koukl on Thinking Your Beliefs are True

Cross Examined Podcast: The Birthday That Changed the History of the World with Bill Federer

Worldview and Apologetics in the News

Book Preview - 2084 and the AI Revolution: How Artificial Intelligence Informs Our Future by John C. Lennox

A Christmas Devotion - Can a Reasonable Person Believe in the Virgin Birth of Jesus?

Melissa Dougherty on Why Jesus Ate with Sinners

Worldview and Apologetics in the News