
Podcast: Stephen Meyer - One God or Many Universes?

Richard Dawkins' Strange Objection to Fine-Tuning

Is Our Universe Simply the Winner of a Universe Lottery?

Greer Heard Forum: Robin Collins - "God and the Fine-Tuning of the Universe for Discovery"

William Lane Craig on the "Many Worlds" Hypothesis as a Backhanded Compliment to Design

Paul Davies on the Fine-Tuning of the Universe

Video: The Ontological Argument

How a Dice Can Show that God Exists? by Justin Brierley

Multiverse Theory, The Anthropic Principle and Vampires

Article: Five Arguments for Theism by Peter S. Williams

Video: Does Science Argue For or Against God? featuring Eric Metaxas

Article: Can Multiverse Theories Explain the Appearance of Fine Tuning in the Universe? by J. Warner Wallace

Quote: Dr. Paul Brand on the design of nerve cells

Video: The Fine Turning of the Universe