
A Question that Christians Should Stop Asking Atheists

Does Studying Philosophy Make You an Atheist? by Josh Rasmussen

William Lane Craig Answers a Popular Atheist Rejoinder

Philosopher Alvin Plantinga on Atheism

Sy Garte: Why I Believe in the Resurrection

Book Excerpt: Without a Doubt by Kenneth Richard Samples

Debate Video: Michael Ruse vs. John Lennox- Science, Faith and the Evidence for God

Debate Video: Michael Shermer vs. Frank Turek- What Best Explains Reality- Theism or Atheism?

Classic Debate: Austin Dacey vs. William Lane Craig- Does God Exist?

Article: 5 Common Objections to the Moral Argument by Paul Rezkalla

Video: Atheism Can't Account for This! by John Lennox

Video: Christopher Hitchens vs John Lennox | Is God Great? Debate

Book Preview: Unbelievable? by Justin Brierley

Counterpoints: Karl Marx and Czeslaw Milosz on Religion

John M. Njoroge on Atheists and Morality

Video: Are God and Faith Anti-Science and Anti-Reason? by John Lennox

Video Debate: Matt Dillahunty vs. Mike Licona- Was Jesus Raised from the Dead?

How Atheist Guillaume Bignon Became a Christian Theologian - David Wood interview

"The Pillars of Unbelief" Series by Peter Kreeft

Former Atheist Lee Strobel on Atheism vs. Christianity