
Bart Ehrman on the Manuscripts of the New Testament

Video Debate: Jimmy Akin vs. Bart Ehrman - Are the Gospels Historically Reliable?

Counterpoints - Robert Price vs. Bart Ehrman on Who Shoulders the Burden of Proof Regarding the Historical Jesus

Don't Be "Duped" by Those Claiming to Have Uncovered a New Jesus

Bart Ehrman on Jesus Mythicists

Debate Video: Does the Bible Misquote Jesus?- Bart Ehrman vs. James White

Bart Ehrman on the Post-Resurrection Appearances

Debate Video: Bart Ehrman and Mike Licona on "Are the Gospels Historically Reliable?"

Common Objection #32- "The hypothesis 'God rose Jesus from the dead' is miraculous. Therefore, it is the least probable."

How do we know who wrote the gospels?

Bart Ehrman on the Earliest Christian Claims about Jesus

Bart Ehrman and Mike Licona Dialogue on the Historical Reliability of the New Testament

Article: On Miracles and Historiography: Can The Supernatural Ever Be The Best Explanation? by Jonathan McLatchie

Article: Christmas Notes, Part 1: Was Jesus Born in Bethlehem? by Tim McGrew

Common Objection #14- "Jesus' Disciples were Uneducated and Illiterate."

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Upcoming Debates Regarding God's Existence