
Convert David Wood to Islam!

Debate Video: Jay Smith vs. Dr. Shabir Ally- Which is the Word of God? The Bible or Qur'an?"

Got Questions- What is Ramadan?

East Meets West - Mark Mittelberg

Nabeel Qureshi answers a Muslim's question on the Trinity

Was "the Helper" Promised by Jesus Really the Prophet Mohammed?

Video: The Quran, the Bible, and the Islamic Dilemma by Dr. David Wood

Is the Trinitarian Doctrine of God More Plausible Than the Unitarian Doctrine of God?

Audio: 2016 Mt. Airy Defending the Faith Apologetics Conference

Nabeel Qureshi on Islam & Cancer

Article: Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God? by Doug Groothuis

What Are Obstacles Christians Face When Dealing With Muslims?

Book Giveaway: No God, but One: Allah or Jesus? by Nabeel Qureshi

Book Review: No God But One- Allah or Jesus? by Nabeel Qureshi

What is the Difference between Shia and Sunni Muslims?

The Trinity in Genesis 1:1

Book Preview: No God But One- Allah or Jesus? by Nabeel Qureshi

Mourning Orlando, Longing for Truth and Love

Video: Answering Jihad- A Better Way Forward with Nabeel Qureshi

William Lane Craig on Religious Pluralism