
Video: Where Do Good and Evil Come From? by Peter Kreeft

Video: How is L.I.F.E. the Best Evidence Against Evolution?

Breakpoint: Evolutionary Psychology, Natural Selection, and Human Misbehavior

7 Things You Should Know about Richard Dawkins Before You Buy His Children's Book

Video: Doubts on Darwinism by J.P. Moreland

Alvin Plantinga explains "The Evolutionary Argument against Naturalism"

J.P. Moreland on Consciousness and Evolution

Counterpoints: John Gray and John Lennox on Evolutionary Success and Truth

Book Preview: Old-Earth or Evolutionary Creation? Discussing Origins with Reasons to Believe and Biologos

Counterpoints: William Lane Craig and Richard Dawkins on Evolution

Cornelius Hunter on Evolution

Classic Lecture: Blind Watchmaker? A Skeptical Look at Darwinism by Phillip Johnson

Book Preview: Darwin's House of Cards by Tom Bethell

Video: Evolution- A Theory in Crisis by Dr. Thomas Woodward

Top 10 Stories of 2016 on Evolution News and Views

Biologist William Provine on Natural Selection

Video: Intelligent Design and the Fall of Darwinism by Jonathan McLatchie

Video: Shattering the Icons of Evolution by Tim Barnett

Helpful Resources Regarding "Homo naledi"

Article: 4 Key Points Christian Kids Need to Understand Evolution by Natasha Crain