
Jesus: The Smartest Man Who Ever Lived

Was There Animal Death Before the Fall?

Worldview and Apologetics in the News

Over 200 Academic Arguments for the Existence of God

4 Views on Adam and Eve

Did Ancient Hebrews or Ancient Near Eastern Peoples Believe the Earth is Flat?

A Person’s a Person No Matter How Small

Worldview and Apologetics in the News

Book Preview: Rescuing Inerrancy - A Scientific Defense by Hugh Ross

Video: How is L.I.F.E. the Best Evidence Against Evolution?

Series: Who Wrote the Gospels?, Pt. 4 - The Theory of the Anonymous Gospels, Problem #3 - Why Attribute Mark and Luke to Non-Eyewitnesses?

Worldview and Apologetics in the News

Series: Who Wrote the Gospels, Pt. 3 - The Theory of the Anonymous Gospels, Problem #2 - The Anonymous Scenario is Incredible

Featured Resource: Wise Disciple

Jesus as God in His Parables

Worldview and Apologetics in the News

Historian John Dickson on the Council of Nicaea (AD 325)

Series: Who Wrote the Gospels?, Pt. 2 - The Theory of the Anonymous Gospels, Problem #1 - No Anonymous Manuscripts Exist