
Article: “My Genes Made Me Do It”: Is Ethics Based on Biological Evolution? by Paul Copan

Nobel laureate Robert Langhlin on Darwinism

Video: What Do You Mean by Evolution? by Frank Turek

Quote: Dr. Paul Brand on the design of nerve cells

Video: The Biology of the Second Reich- Social Darwinism and the Origins of World War I

16 Steps to Generating Advanced Life

Paul Copan on God, Materialism and Value

Debate Video: Karl Giberson vs. Stephen Meyer- Should Christians Embrace Darwin?

Article: The Mismeasure of Man: Why Popular Ideas about Human-Chimp Comparisons are Misleading and Wrong by Ann Gauger

ID the Future Podcast: The Nye-Ham Creation Debate- Where was Intelligent Design?

Was Charles Darwin a Confident Evolutionist?

Book Review: Darwin's Doubt by Frank Turek

Debate Video: Fazale Rana vs. Michael Ruse on Evolution vs. Design

What is the Relationship between Science and Religion?

Video: Stephen Meyer asks, "What was Darwin's Doubt?"

Debate Video: Is Intelligent Design Viable? Francisco Ayala vs. William Lane Craig

Feature Blog Articles from Uncommon Descent

Debate Video: Richard Dawkins vs. John Lennox- "The God Delusion Debate"

Theism, Materialism and Science

Counterpoints: Antony Flew and Francis Crick