Showing posts with label rune stone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rune stone. Show all posts

Sunday, February 09, 2020

Hesslingby Runestone

Hesslingby Runestone
This runestone from the Viking Era has been nearly invisible for a long long time, probably hundreds of years. It was lying on the ground behind Kikarberget near Kalvsvik in Österhaninge, and if you didn't know that it was there it would be hard to find it. The runic inscription is very basic. There is a cross and a few runes that could read "fadiirt". Translated that could mean Father T. More info in Swedish here:

Monday, May 16, 2016


Part of a Viking Era runestone near the burial site in Österhaninge. My friend Jim could make out one word on a previous visit: Brother. Experts say that this is probably the runestones original location. The three nearby farms Alby, Lundby and Berga met around where the stone stands, and it is likely that the runestone stood by the side of an old road that is long gone today. The stone was probably raised in memory of a man living at one of the farms. The fragment is recorded on a map from 1774. The author of the Swedish national anthem, Du gamla, Du fria, Richard Dybeck is said to have heard on a visit, that the stone was destroyed many many moons ago.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

A runic inscription

Viking Age Runestone
A few people think they see a face when they look at this. This is a detailed look at a part of the Sö262 runestone at Årsta castle. It dates back one Millennium, or to the Viking Era. The stone was found at the Blista Bay not far from it's current position, and it was moved here and assembled in 1885. One piece of the stone is missing, but the inscription reads:"suain × lit × risa × stin ...... faþur × sin × kuþan × auk × iftiR × kuþfar. Translation by my friend Jim. In English it says, Sven had the stone raised after his good father and Gudvar (his mother). If you want to see a zoomed out photo, press here. Theme Day for October is Details.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Something for the garden

Two Vikings Made This

Something for the garden

Do you have a runic inscription from the Viking Era in your garden? I guess not. But here is one. You will find it on a hill side called Spångaberget in the old Tyresta village. Today this is part of the national park, but as there's a working farm here, a few people live in the old farm buildings. The runic inscription reads: "far(e)biarn : lit : hagua : stain : et : haulf : sun * si- : hal(t)an : hiak : runa". In English, Farbjörn had the stone made after Håulv his son, Halvdan cut the runes. The bird at the top of the hill side inscription is a wood grouse, and if you are lucky, you might see one in the forest here at the park. The wood grouse is today used as a symbol on the Haninge coat of arms. The local historical association, where I am a member has two birds on their newish iron gate.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Viking Legacy

A Viking Legacy

This rune-stone from the Viking Era stood by the side of a road near the Söderby Farm in Handen for a few hundred years. In modern times it was rediscovered on a field belonging to the estate, back in 1921, when a farmer was out plowing a field. Today you will find the rune-stone next to a bulding at the old estate. The inscription reads: Hjälmvid reste stenen efte rTorgöt Hjälmvidsson , sin son, Amunde ristade runorna. Or in English,Hjälmvid had the rune-stone raised after Torgöt Hjälmvidsson , his son, Amunde was the runecarver. It is hard to see the inscription today, but if you look closely you can see two snake-like creatures.

Friday, December 02, 2011

Runestone Update

Viking Era Runestone

As you might remember I visited Småhamra a few months ago. That's where a previously unknown rune-stone from the Viking Era was discovered by the farmer Rolf Norlin. The plan was to have a ceremonial raising of the stone on the spot where it was found. The archaeologist Roger Wikell who translated the runic inscription was planning to invite a few people, including the farmer, the local historical association and one or two journalists. Sadly it didn't happen that way as someone from the Swedish National Heritage Board decided to do it on her own more or less. Roger was very upset about this. He also said that the stone had been poorly positioned and that it might fall over any day. I had a look for myself a while back. It looked OK to me, but then again, I'm no expert, and the last I heard about it from Roger was that he is hoping to move the stone come the spring. Anyway, this is how it looks now.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Historical Find

Documenting the new-found runestone

A while back Rolf Norlin at the Hammarby farm was ploughing one of his fields near Småhamra when he suddenly hit a big rock. A closer look at the rock gave him the surprise of his life. He had just found a never before seen runestone from the Viking Era. He contacted a local archaeologist ( I know him as well), whom I guess was very excited. The runestone is in remarkable good condition. You can easily read the runic inscription although a part of the stone is missing. I don't have an exact translation, but the inscription reads something like: Gunnar and Ulf and Sighjälm had this stone raised after Halvdan their father. There's also a cross and a religious reference, saying something like May God protect his soul. I have never before seen that on a Haninge runestone. One reason for the superb condition of the inscription is probably that the stone has been buried in the field for nearly one thousand years. The experts from the Swedish National Heritage Board will visit the site for the first time later today and I wanted to beat them to it! The two people in the photos are my brother in law, who as it happens visited this area two days ago without seeing the runestone. The other person is Sune Nilsson, whose maternal grandparents lived in a house just meters away from the stone.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Viking Cross

A Viking Cross

Out on a a bike ride recently, I stopped near Svensro in Handen. On a hillside only meters from the busy Dalarö road, there's a runic inscription. Made one thousand years ago when the Vikings ruled. The inscription was forgotten for many centuries, only to be found again in 1964. On this visit I only took a few zoomed in photos. Here you see a Viking cross with two rings around it. Which is very uncommon. To see the whole runic inscription and read the translation follow this link. The runes used on the runestones are called fuþark. The name comes from the first letters in that alphabet. In total around the world there are around 6000 known runic inscriptions. 2500 of those can be found in Sweden.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Skogsekeby Runestone

Skogsekeby Runestone

There are 23 known runestones from the Viking Era in Haninge. This is the Skogsekeby runestone at Skolvägen in Tungelsta. The inscription reads: Vigils and Gerhjälm had this stone raised in memory after their brother Gudbjörn- björn cut the stone.

Or as it's written on the stone: in uik-l(s) : a-- kiRhimR : litu : ri(s)- stin : iftiR : burþur sen : kuþbiarn : --biarn : hiuk : stin.

The three brothers Gudbjörn, Virgils och Gerhjälm all lived at Tuna in Tungelsta one thousand years ago. Every time I walk by a runestone I start to think about how it must have been to live here back then.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Posing at a Runestone


Trying my best to look cool at the 1000 year old Ådala Runestone at Hammersta in Nynäshamn. The runic inscription, translated reads something like Bjarne and Ger had the stone raised after Näsbjörn his father...the brother of Gudfinn.

This stone was damaged back in 1939 when it was found upside down on a field. The area was being developed, and as no one knew that the big rock was a runestone, they used explosives so that it could be removed from the field. There is an old ruin nearby which was the reason I visited Hammersta today, I will tell you a little about that tomorrow.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Högsta Runestone

Högsta Runestone

On a field at Högsta in Haninge you will find this runestone. It is believed that the stone has stood here since it was made a thousand years ago. There's an old farm nearby with an abandoned house and a few stable buildings that are still in use, they belong to Hammarby farm.The inscription on the runestone was made by Åsbjörn. Translated it reads: Kasi reste stenen åt Assur sin son och åt Ulf. In English, Kasi had the stone raised to Assur his son and to Ulf. To get a feeling how it might have looked when the Vikings lived here have a look at Kenny's photoshopped version.

Friday, April 11, 2008

History lesson

Handen Runestone

On a rainy day (prove me wrong), in the year 1008 (give or take a few years), towards the end of the Viking Age, local Viking, Anund (or Ônundr), decided to have a runestone made as a remembrance after his father Vikinge. He gave the job to Halvdan, who had a reputation as a decent runestone carver. Today people disagree to what the inscription says, but it's something like Anund and ... raised this stone in memory of Vikinge their father, Stori's son. When the job was done, the stone was placed here in central Handen. Since then it has been moved a couple of times. As of a couple of days ago it can be seen at the entrance to the cultural centre at Poseidon's Square in Handen. Later today, local historian Olle Flodby (who claims that this is the original location of the ancient stone), together with a group of politicians will gather around the runestone for the offical unveiling.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Skogs Ekeby Rune stone

The Photographers Shadow

For a thousand years people have travelled the old Skogs Ekeby road in Tungelsta. And all that time this rune stone has stood beside the road. The inscription reads: Vigils and Gerhjälm had this stone made after their brother Gudhjälm -björn cut the stone.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Runic Inscription

Runic Inscription

This is the "runhäll" at Tyresta National Park. You will find the inscription on a hillside behind one of the old farm buildings. It reads: Farbjörn lät hugga stenen efter Håulv , sin son. Halvdan högg runorna. In English, Farbjörn had the stone made after Håulv his son, Halvdan cut the runes. The bird on the runestone is a Capercaillie, (part of the Haninge Coat of Arms).To give you an idea how it might have looked a thousand years ago have a look at Kenny's photoshopped version. Oh, and the old Viking road leading up to the runhäll is still there. Bigger photo.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hammar Runestone

Hammar Rune stone

This rune stone can be seen behind the Hammar Estate in Tungelsta. It was found at Vreta and moved to this location many years ago. Kenny has a photo of this stone and he has also translated the inscription to modern Swedish and then Ylva translated that to English. And that reads something like this: Þórir and Auðsteinn ... ... Ônundr raised the stone ... ... his. RAÄ info. I took this photo this afternoon after I had a long talk to Charlotte who lives at Hammar.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Beatelund Runestone

Beteby Runestone

Just south of Beteby Farm(from 1380), in Österhaninge this 2,3 meter high runestone from the Viking era can be admired. No one has ever been able to translate the runic inscription.

Friday, October 12, 2007

A Ziggy rune stone


Another modern rune stone from Rudsjöterrassen in Handen. I didn't know anything about these stones but a flickr contact told me that the guy who made them, Ziggy was arrested during a graffiti crackdown, and the stones he made was part of a rehab program. Sounds like a pretty good program if you ask me.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mystery rune stone

The runes that comes from the gods

In Handen at the Rudsjöterrassen, close to Lake Rudan you will find three modern rune stones. My flickr contact Kenny Lex translated two of them. This one says the following. Translation of the inner ring, "Try to read this runes that was writen with iron by ziggy, ..(gibberish)".

Translation of the outer ring, "never forget beautifully eyes ... (gibberish)". Obviously Ziggy is a joker. No one seems to know who he is or why he made the stones. I guess that means that this is a bit of a mystery...

Sunday, May 27, 2007

One Thousand Years...

One Thousand Years... how long this rune stone has stood at the side of the Blåkulla Road at Ribby, the oldest part of Västerhaninge. The inscription reads: Sven had this stone raised after his father Rodisl. Sven was a very common name around that time, whereas Rodisl probaly had come over from the island of Gotland. Bigger photo.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Valsta Runestone

Valsta Runestone

A bike ride through rural Österhaninge took me to this rune stone. The inscription reads: Signjut raised this stone after Sigröd, his father, Sibbes brother. The runestone is 1000 years old. Originally it stood at the Valsta border, but in 1835 it was moved to this location a few hundred meters north. There are lots of Viking remains in this area of Österhaninge. Zoom out a bit. In total there's 2500 rune stone around the country. I have a flickr set with a few more.