Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "compersion".
42 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in compersion. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
301 matches:
- 00goddess - Bee in the Honey
- 14cyclenotes - Redmage
- 24stars - 24stars
- 3countylaugh - No one will believe my memoirs
- 7rin - trin
- _paranoid - _paranoid
- a_dream_tiger - a_dream_tiger
- acerob1 - Robert
- acrazycatlady - Cat Mommy
- aela_j - Spinning in the Wind...
- aethyrflux - agemo_chenoi
- akienm - Akien MacIain
- alexa_robinson - Alexa M. Robinson
- alicesnow - Snow
- alphawolfguide - Wolfy
- althaea - MallowDramatic Miscellany
- amazon_waryr - amazon_waryr
- angelovernh - AngeloverNH
- angilong - Angi
- aqua_permanens - casaubon melon
- ardhanisvara - Bodhijesse
- asetwoman - Amma Aset
- ateo - Fire Ateo
- atlantagajoe - Joe
- azekeil - Azekeil
- azyuna - Curiouser and Curiouser
- baratron - helen-louise
- barefoot1342 - Issa
- bbbsg - bonnie
- bensong1 - bensong1
- brian1789 - Jay
- brighids - Maia
- burningwoman - JustaGirl
- butterflywebs - ButterflyWebs
- caesia - Caesia
- casqrlb8 - casqrlb8
- cat228 - cat \/--\/
- catdeville - catdeville
- chaosdancer - Chaos Dancer
- chillguru - The Butter for your Muffin
- chris_o - Lizard Queen
- cloudancer - Greg
- coalblacksmith - Emperor Madelin
- cortneyofeden - Cortney
- crag_du - Craig
- cunninglinguis7 - 0r41 10v3r
- cunninglynguist - Cunning Lynguist
- cynan_poly - Cynan (Keith)
- dafydd - The watcher over there
- dagnysprodigy - Dara
- dalek - Marek
- daprofessor - The Naughty Professor
- dark_kyrie - dark_kyrie
- darkyears - broken ladder
- datagrok - Michael F. Lamb
- dawnardent - DawnArdent
- dawnd - DawnD
- deepglenn - Glenn Meader
- dennyd - Denny
- devichan - Devi Shakti
- dhenderson - Dan
- dieppe - Dieppe
- diztraktcid - nick
- dmason - D!
- dmlaenker - Daniel M. Laenker
- dom_ino - Joe
- dpfesh - dpfesh
- duriyah - Unfolding
- dvord_direwood - dvord_direwood
- dyanearden - Diane de Arden
- eagleray - My Other Mother
- ebony_sphynx - Stevie
- eck - Iain
- eclectic_1 - eclectic_1
- elance - E
- elfric - Lee
- elfwreck - The Elf ½
- elsyd - syd
- enegim - enegim
- enkidog - enkidog
- ericsilverbear - Eric Silverbear
- eriklebeau - Erik LeBeau
- eternal_hlessi - the eternal hlessi
- ethernight - Alissa
- eve_l_incarnata - Eve L. Incarnata
- ewysiwyg - Ewysiwyg
- exslacker - Danubian1
- faeriechilde - just another misfit toy
- faeriegirl380 - Faerie Girl
- fagricipni - fagricipni
- fairywench63 - fairywench63
- feathernoir - pretty crash bam whirr run screw slam groan sigh
- felislunae - Felis Lunae
- fireandearth - Breathe
- fireangel_999 - FireAngel
- firespiral - Julia
- firinel - Bank
- formerpoly - formerpoly
- fumblingwisdom - heirophant
- fuzzigigi - fuzzigigi
- gabilady - GaBiLady
- galaxygrrl - Gal-Lexie-Grrl
- gconnor - Greg Connor
- goat - Lizzy Goat
- goldfish42 - Silvia DelMara
- gramina - Gramina
- greyine - greyine
- greyknight - Grey Knight
- gryphonthepure - Gryphon the Pure
- happypete - Pete 'Happy' Thomas
- harperjean - Harper Jean Jellybean
- hcjordan - Cino
- heart_open - Noël
- hedgee - Chris, the Young One
- heinleins_child - heinleins_child
- heru418 - Heru418
- hiddenriver - Hidden River
- holmes365 - holmes365
- huddyn - Huddyn
- iamlove - Nate, chrysalis, etc.
- inex1le - daboywhuishidininexile
- internet_addict - Jim
- invisogoth - invisogoth
- ivolucien - Ivo Lucien
- jazz7471 - Jasmine
- jb_27 - Joshua
- jodijem - Jodi, JodiJem, Jemmer, ¤Ĵęŵę£¤, whatevah...
- jodydavidson - Jody Davidson
- jtroutman - James Troutman
- justjulz - Jules
- k_crow - k_crow
- kaidevis - Fenwick K. Rysen
- kamacaazzy - kamacaazzy
- keithr - Keith Reynolds
- kelfwriter - kelfwriter
- keyagu - Keyagu
- kiarrith - Kailing
- kinkyredcrayons - J e a n n i e
- kinzokutaka - Taka Kinzoku
- kira_april - Kira
- kissycat1000 - KissyCat
- kitnish - kitnish
- klrmn - klrmn
- kopi_luwak - Kopi
- kshandra - queen of 5-minute-refresh
- kundalinidragon - Kundalini Dragon
- kynan - Kynan
- lady_equine - Lady Equine
- ladyarielle - ladyarielle
- ladycat228 - Lady Cat
- ladydom - Lady Dom
- ladyofthenut - Goddess Nut
- ladypoetess - Lady Poetess
- laurens10 - laurens
- lavablu - Karnage Kitty
- lavendargrrl - Dancing the Spiral
- laxrearslit - L
- learn_as_you_go - learn_as_you_go
- littlesailor - LittleSailor
- lordandrei - Andrei Freeman
- loreeley - Loreeley
- lovewithoutfear - lovewithoutfear
- luighseach - Luighseach
- lumiere - Lumiere
- manwithstory - Love, lust, sex, angst - the usual
- manzanita - Manzanita
- marieallen - *giggles* Oh no you don't...
- markuk - Mark
- mdm72 - Matt
- meyowmix - meyowmix
- minnalavendar - Mattie
- missdick - missdick
- misterx - misterx
- mizlin - Linda
- moechus - Gaius Valerius Catullus
- mokie_sassafras - mokie
- moominmuppet - The Girl With Kaleidoscope Eyes
- morebent - Sensitive Slut
- morleyroarly - morley
- mouser - Mouser
- mycrazyhair - Christina
- nancynewt - Astraea
- nevinai - Christ on toast.
- nila - Nila
- noaccident - The Inmost Light
- noressa - Noressa
- nosugarsadded - Saccharine
- nunnehi - Stefan
- oakdragon - Oak Dragon
- oaksong - Bill LaLonde, or a reasonable facsimile
- ocicat - Stray Cat
- ogre_ogre - Ogre, Ogre
- opagmeiam - Angel
- opus119 - Mark Alexander
- outfrominside - Nia
- pagan_student - pagan_student
- palmer_kun - Palmer
- papilleau - Papilleau
- paralysedforce - Eyes I Dare Not Meet In Dream
- paraquat - paraquat
- pemberducky - Crab of Ineffable Wisdom
- pierceheart - Morgan Pierceheart
- pinkflesh17 - heatherthegreat
- poee - poee
- polly_amore - Polly Amore
- polyamber - polyamber
- polyanarch - Live Free or die!
- polybayarea - SF Bay Area Polyamory Community
- polybear - Polybear
- polybynature - Michael
- polykleitus - Phaedrus
- polytwo - Galen
- popefelix - Kit Fenderson-Peters
- pseudoyoink - Nate
- puddlediving - Lana
- purplesofa - purplesofa
- pusifoot - Pusifoot T. Kitten
- queenofhalves - Christine
- quinnclub - Professor Quinn
- rampling - Clare
- revlainiep - Lainie
- rikko - Mark
- rowanheart - E. Rowanheart Valentine
- ruvoryn - Kyeli
- saizai - Sai Emrys
- samvimes - His Grace His Excellency Cmdr. Sir Samuel Vimes
- sapience - adrienne
- saturdayknight - saturdayknight
- schizm - schizm
- schmid_e - schmid-e
- scorpiodream - Scorpio
- sea_gaagii - Grizzly Weinstein
- seattlejo - snarky fucking bitch
- see_tree_me - see_tree_me
- selchie - Selchie
- selenite - Karl Gallagher
- senssuzy - SensSuzy
- sexy_knickers - Copper Mynx
- sexyjoodles - Joodles
- shadopanther - Shadopanther
- shaktiqueen - persephone
- shazear - Shazear
- shemayazi - Shemayazi
- shirleym - Chocolate Goddess
- sirencall - Just here for the music
- skryche - Dirt cheap, but it's a hotel for women
- skubisz - Sherri
- snowfoxxe - Snowfoxxe
- snowonthesahara - Cry
- softflame - Kathy
- somecoupleinma - M&J
- sorsyndar - Sorsyndar
- soulceress - Darlene
- spacemangroove - John
- spyder - Spyder
- spydielives - SpydieLives, now living, loving, and learning anew
- starwolf67 - StarWolf
- stollman - My father is a clone...
- t_amberstone - Cryptic A. Ghastliness
- tam_maat - Super Tam
- tanah - tanah
- technomom - Cyn
- technoshaman - Speaks With Fingers
- teine - Teine
- thaisa - Thaisa
- the_curmudgn - Fortunatus S. Marchbanks
- the_orbiteer - the_orbiteer
- the_tiger - Sata Naya
- theraevyn - The Raevyn
- tigerbright - Tiger Lily the Ginger Cat
- triadj - Amy & Deedra
- triple_entendre - Triple Entendre
- ubiquity - Pace
- ulesegisa - A (+/-) Adult Indigo.
- uncledark - Uncle Dark
- usqueba - Usqueba
- vampwillow - Vamp Willow
- vampyreboy - VampyreBoy
- vegascarrie - Carrie
- velvet_ferret - Scott
- victorianrose23 - Tracy
- volta_girl - Volta Girl
- vulpessolus - Vulpes§Solus
- vvvexation - V
- vzd - make the pie higher!
- wanderingangel - Wanderingangel
- waterlilly - Dances with Housecats
- waya - Waya
- whispereddream - Dream
- who_is_she - LilRed
- wishfire - Robert
- wispfox - 3-D, multi-coloured, strange silliness-attractor
- wolfieboy - Darren/Torin WhoEver
- wolfprincess - Princess
- woosi - woosi
- wrenlet - Wrenlet
- wymzie - Wymzie
- xenopsidal - Jonathan Eckstein, "SageWolf"
- xot - Xot
- zaratyst - Laura
- zjande - zjande