Showing posts with label Andrew Sullivan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andrew Sullivan. Show all posts

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Andy's At It Again

Poor Andy is having another snit. His dream lover, Obama, has fallen on his face over the undiebomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. The font of all evil, Dick Cheney, has criticized Obama for his 9-10 mindset - giving the undiebomber Constitutional rights and a lawyer instead of transferring him to military custody and interrogating him until the undiebomber provided every bit of intelligence he could on his al Qaeda contacts, etc. It does not seem to bother Andy that the undiebomber now sits in a federal prison, and, having been arraigned in the criminal system and provided a lawyer, is not answering questions. Indeed, Andy doesn't even acknowledge the implications of that for our national security.

Andy reasons that, because anyone would want to interrogate the undiebomber without the benefit of full constitutional protections, then that must mean that they want to "torture" them with waterboarding, etc. And while that does not logically follow, apparently most of America does feel that way. Assuming Rassmusen's recent poll is accurate, the vast majority of Americans want to see the undiebomber treated as an enemy combatant and a majority would like to have him being waterboarded for intelligence information at this very moment.

This all has Andy howling in moral self righteousness. Further, Andy, who to the best of my knowledge has never completed a day of law school, nonetheless feels himself fully qualified to tell us in absolute terms what both U.S. and international law is as regards torture. This from excitable Andy:

. . . here's the critical line (from Cheney):

You make him tell you what he knows so you can prevent new attacks.

That's the line that defines torture. If you can impose enough mental or physical pain or suffering to make someone tell you something you want to hear you have forced them to say something, true or false, to get the torture to stop. The fact of the matter is: this is illegal under any rational understanding of domestic and international law. In fact, domestic and international law mandates that governments do not even contemplate such measures, especially in extreme circumstances.

Andy is so far off the reservation it's jaw dropping. Indeed, he is creating definitions out of whole cloth. The legal definition of torture under U.S. law and international treaty is "SEVERE" mental or physical pain or suffering. Andy substitutes for the word "severe," the word "enough." Under Andy's definition of torture, putting even the smallest iota of mental pressure on a person during interrogation would be torture IF it resulted in the person providing full and complete answers to your questions. To put it another way, a successful interrogation would be ipso facto proof of torture, as virtually every interrogation can be cast as causing some iota of mental pain and suffering.

Amazing. Andy must be a very happy man since it appears that, in his closeted Orwellian world, words mean whatever he wants them to mean and reality is whatever he wants it to be. There are no shades of grey for Andy, and those of us who have arrived at different conclusions than he based on facts and reasoning are the embodiment of evil. He seems to operate on pure depth of emotion. Indeed, he concludes his rant with the statement "If you believe in torture, support the GOP. That's what conservatism is now all about." Neither intellectual rigor nor concern for factual accuracy are among excitable Andy's long suits.

You can find the actual legal standards for torture here, as well as a fairly detailed analysis of what torture is and is not under those definitions. I fall in the category of those who, having reviewed the law and the techniques used by the CIA in enhanced interrogation, believe that all of the techniques, including waterboarding, do not constitute torture under U.S. law or International Treaty. But that aside, it cannot be argued that, as to the undiebomber, Obama has made us less safe by gratuitously treating him as a criminal rather than an enemy combatant. That was the thrust of Cheney's criticism of Obama, and it is that criticism that Andy, in puffed up moral outrage, blithely sidesteps.

It honestly mystifies me that Andy still has a job at the Atlantic. I would expect stronger, more reasoned arguments out of juniors in high school. And indeed, one wonders at what the i.q. must be of those who read and actually buy into Andy's highly emotional, substanceless rants.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Andy & Charlie

This one is a classic. Excitable Andy Sullivan takes a spanking from Charles Krauthammer. Who is it that once said you don't attack people who buy ink by the barrel? Regarless, the collary to that is, if you are going to accuse Mr. Krauthammer of being a hypocrite and an obstructionist determined to destroy your dream lover (in Andy's case, of course, The One,) at least read the dates on the sources your citing. Read Andy here. Read the Krauthammer article to which Andy cites here. And read Krauthammer's response, The quintessential Andrew Sullivan. In all fairness to Andy, when presented with irrefutable proof of his error, issue a correction and apology.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I have never seen anything like this. The left is in complete meltdown over Sarah Palin. The above picture is from Salon Magazine's article, "The Dominatrix: Sarah Palin is trying to seduce independent voters. But she comes across like a whip-wielding mistress who wants to discipline a naughty America." Does the author, Gary Kamiya, seem to be losing his grip

Four years after Americans looked at the first term of the worst president in modern history and decided they liked what they saw well enough to sign up for four more years, it's all too plausible that just when victory is in sight, the most crucial election of our time could be tipped by the 11th-hour appearance of a slick, unqualified, right-wing extremist and religious zealot in designer glasses.

Call it Moose ex Machina.

I have to admit, this hyper-partisan at least has some humor - and an obviously overactive imagination dominated with S&M fantasies. Not so with Salon's other article from the odious lightweight, Juan Cole, who compares Sarah Palin to a Muslim terrorist. Not surprising, since Mr. Cole has a long history of being unable to distinguish America's friends from foe.

Michelle Cottle at TNR is "Shattered" by it all, calling Palin a "crackpot." Hillary, we are told, was perfectly qualified by her extensive experience (???) to be commander in chief, while Gov. Palin is obviously not. Indeed, according to Ms. Cottle, "the Palin pick is disheartening on so many levels. For starters, even what little we know about the Alaska governor's policy views is enough to make a traditional feminist weep."

Joan Smith at Seattle PI informs we, the great unwashed, that no "enlightened voter" could possibly support Sarah Palin. It would seem that Ms. Smith bases her assessment on what she believes conservative voters should feel about Gov. Palins pregnant teenage daughter. We thank her for her suggestions and have one of our own - please keep it up. Ad hominem attacks are working perfectly - pay no attention to those poll numbers.

Andy Sullivan over at the Atlantic - the MSNBC of print journalism - has been in meltdown ever since he decided that he wanted to have Obama's love child. Patterico has a cottage industry going debunking the serial smears coming from the keyboard of the excitable one. Among the most recent, that Sarah Palin opposes the teaching of contraception in schools and that Palin wants to see creationism taught in schools.

And lastly, there is Ariana Huffington who refers to Gov. Palin as a Trojan Moose. According to Ms. Huffington, Gov. Palin is George Bush sexed up. That one is a bit of a tough sell, but kudos to Ms. Huffington for giving us some entertainment with her attempt.

Update: The above pretty much pale in comparison to Obama's gaffe of yesterday, seeming to analogize Gov. Palin to a pig. Given that there is a large segment of women in this country livid at the perceived sexism from the Obama camp towards Hillary, this was just incredibly stupid - as is refusing to defuse the situation. A new McCain ad has already pounced on it.

As I've said many times, the left just cannot help themselves on this one. And they seem to be getting more unhinged by the day. It is so obvious and so unfair it is having a real boomerang effect. What can I say but, more please.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

To Sullivan & Steinem: Knock it Off With The Groundless Charges of Discrimination

I am not sure when my white male guilt ended. But at this point its long gone. I will happilly speak out against discrimination if I see it. Barring that, trying to tell me that I bear the stigma of original discriminatory sin just pisses me off and gets me defenisve - aggresively so. Enough already with the race and gender cards.

What brought this little rant on? Well, according to the dogma of today's Democrats, my status as a white male makes me the enemy and one who inherently discriminates against African Americans on account of race and women on account of gender. Taking that shibboleth to its logical conclusion, any decision that I might make to vote for a future President of the U.S. that rejects either an African American or a woman is, respectively, racial discrimination (Andrew Sullivan today) or gender discrimination (Gloria Steinem yesterday).

The race card and gender card are simply ludicrous. Whatever may have been the history of America through its first century and a half of existance, America of today elects people of every race, religion, color and gender to public office. Clearly than, to tag Americans as a group with discrimination sounds more than a bit questionable.

That said, I will never vote for Barack Obama for president. That has nothing to do with the color of his skin and everything to do with my belief that he is a hard line liberal whose domestic and foreign policies would damage America, perhaps mortally so given the challenges we face. My opposition to Hillary Clinton is on precisely the same grounds. Find me a Margaret Thatcher or Thomas Sowell, put them in the presidential race, and the chances that they would get my vote are incredibly high. All that said, idiots like Gloria Steinem and Andrew Sullivan playing the discrimination cards are not doing Obama or Clinton any favors whatsoever. It invites a backlash.