I blogged below on Obama's incredible gaffe of making an analogy that compared Gov. Sarah Palin with a pig. Obama, operating under the theory that a deity can do no wrong, has refused to defuse this situation with an apology. Call it doubling down on hubris and stupidity. The McCain Camp has already released an ad on this one. It is simple but very effective.
As highlighted in Tammy Bruce's essay below, female Hillary supporters in particular are already livid over perceived misogynistic attacks on Hillary by Obama and the media. At the Democratic convention, Bill and Hill went a long way to suturing the gaping wound this had caused. But before the healing could occur, Obama just tore out the sutures and rubbed in some salt. I wonder just how significant the ramifications of this will be? Much more on this at Memorandum, Big Lizards and Hot Air.
Update: The video has been pulled by Youtube at request of CBS. According to Ben Smith: "“One of the great lessons of that campaign is the continued and accepted role of sexism in American life," Couric is quoted in the ad. In the original clip, she was talking about Hillary Clinton; the ad applies her words to Sarah Palin." Okay, I have to go with CBS on this one. The McCain camp should have put in enough of the Couric portion to show that she was talking about Hillary. It would have made no difference to the meaning of the ad, and it would have kept out any charge of being misleading. A minor misstep by McCain.
The Obama camp is pointing out that others, including McCain, have use the "lipstick on a pig" expression before as proof that Obama did not misuse the phrase. Sorry, but context is everything when one is trying to determine meaning. And given Palin's well known joke about the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull, and given Obama's follow on reference to the stench of "old fish" clearly aimed at McCain, there is no question that by far the most reasonable interpretation is that Obama made a low class slur. Certainly his audience immediately understood it that way. Were I Obama and had I meant otherwise, I would simply apologize to anyone who interpreted it otherwise. That is not what he is doing. Indeed, he is whining about being attacked with the "gender" card. Super. That said, McCain has milked this one for all its worth at this point. Time to move on - unless the One wants to do us the favor of keeping it front and center of the news cycle.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Obama & Lipstick On A Governor II (Updated)
Posted by GW at Wednesday, September 10, 2008 2 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, gaffes, lipstick, McCain, misogyny, obama, pig, Tammy Bruce, video Obama lipstick on a pig
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Palin In Comparison
This is Sarah Palin
. . . America’s hottest governor and the Republican nominee for Vice President.
She is the governor of Alaska
. . . the northernmost of our fifty some odd states.
She has an approval rating over 80%. That is . . .
. . . almost better than God's.
She likes fishing . . .
. . . for salmon
She likes hunting . . .
. . . for moose.
And Mooseburgers . . .
. . . are whats for dinner at the Alaska Governor's mansion.
What she doesn't eat . . .
. . . makes for comfortable office decor.
She started out her adult life as a working woman, a hockey mom, . . .
. . . and a runner up for Miss Alaska.
Obama started out as . . .
. . . a follower of the Marxist organizer Saul Alinsky.
Palin won her first election for executive office to become . . .
. . . the Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska in 1996.
She did so by beating a three term incumbent . . .
. . . in a hotly contested election.
Obama won his first election to the Illinois State Senate . . .
. . . by having his competition, Alice Palmer, a civil rights icon, decertified from the ballot by his attorneys. Likewise, none of his subsequent elections to office were models of democracy.
Palin is famous for blowing the whistle on massive corruption
. . . at the very top of Alaska's Republican Party.
Obama is famous for meeting corrupt people . . .
. . . befriending them and doing business deals.
Palin has a twenty year old son . . .
. . . in the U.S. Army Infantry, a job that requires he put his life on the line in order to serve our country.
Obama attended Trinity United Church for 20 years . . .
. . . exposing his children to the deeply racist, seperatist and anti-American Black Liberation Theology and a preacher who damns America.
Palin has run businesses, including. . . .
. . . a commercial fishing business with her husband
That gives her more business experience than . . .
. . . these two combined.
Palin has been a mayor and is now a governor. That gives her more executive experience than . . .
. . . these two combined.
Palin went to Germany. She gave no speeches while there, but . . .
. . . she did visit wounded soldiers in Landstuhl
Obama went to Germany. He gave a speech to Germans . . .
. . . then exercised near Landstuhl
Palin has fought against . . .
. . . tax increases and earmarks
Obama has . . .
. . . sought millions in earmarks for special interests.
Obama voted against a bill that would have killed the funding for the most infamous pork project of the last decade, the $200+ million earmark for the Bridge to Nowhere . . .
When she became Governor of Alaska . . .
. . . Palin killed the Bridge to Nowhere project.
Palin is a huge proponent of . . .
. . . drilling in ANWR and off the coast to bring down gas prices.
Obama is a huge proponent of
. . . inflating your tires.
And Obama is fine with . . .
. . . $4 a gallon for gas
Palin is a lifetime member . . .
. . . of the NRA
Obama voted . . .
. . . against a bill to allow people threatened with domestic violence to carry a firearm for self protection and against a bill to protect a man from prosecution who had used a hand gun unlawful in Chicago to defend his family inside his own home.
The McCains adopted . . .
. . . an infant with heart ailments from an orphanage in Bangladesh and raised her to health and as one of their own children.
Obama adopted . . .
. . . the symbols of the presidency.
Palin is a working mom with five children . . .
Her fifth child was born four months ago. His name is Trig and they knew five months before he was born that he had Down's Syndrome . . .
They chose not to abort the child because she is pro-life.
That puts her at odds with Obama . . .
. . . who voted against an Illinois bill designed to stop infanticide of children born alive from botched abortions.
The Left says that Gov. Palin . . .
. . . is inexperienced and not ready to be one heartbeat away from the Presidency.
Who would have guessed . . .
. . . that lack of experience is now a disqualifier - for the position Vice President.
Indeed, putting aside foreign policy, Gov. Palin has more and varied experience than
. . . these two combined
Some on the left are questioning her intelligence and trying to label her the second coming of . . .
. . . Mr. "potato-e," former Vice President Dan Quayle.
The MSM of the day magnified Qualye's gaffes, while it seems that the MSM of today is ignoring . . .
. . . the serial gaffes of at least one of the candidates who makes Dan Quayle seem erudite by comparison.
McCain wants the Left and the MSM to speak up about this stuff so that he and . . .
. . . his new BFF's can hear also.
Of one thing there is no question. Of all the four candidates for President and Vice President from the two parties . . .
. . . Gov. Palin is the only one I would want to see both in the White House and on the cover of Vogue showing a bit of cleavage.
(Update 2: I included the above photo in the belief that it was the actual cover of the edition of Vogue for which Gov. Palin posed in February, 2008. Yes, she posed for Vogue, no, the above is not one of the photos. It is a photoshop. I thank one of the commentors, Mare, for pointing this out.)
(Update: Jim at Bright & Early has an additional comparison worth a view)
Posted by GW at Saturday, August 30, 2008 47 comments
Labels: 57 states, adoption, alaska, Alice Palmer, Barack Obama, corruption, experience, gaffes, governor, infanticide, Landstuhl, Mayor, NRA, obama, pro-life, rezko, Sarah Palin, Wasilla
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Trying To Shake The Teleprompter Monkey
Some of the gaffes have been almost painful to watch:
This from the American Spectator on Obama's problem:
According to several Democrat political consultants presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Barack Obama spent part of his Hawaiian vacation working on weaning himself from a heavy dependence on teleprompters. Even in what are staged as "town hall" events for Obama, remarks are scripted or formatted into bullet points that scroll on teleprompter screens. Obama has had several embarrassing events where the teleprompter either malfunctioned or the screens were not fully visible.
"He just locks down and can't get the words out," says one political consultant. "For such a fine speaker, it's really quite remarkable that he's had issues."
Obama's troubles with unscripted moments contributed to his campaign's refusal to participate in town hall format debates or discussions with Sen. John McCain, who feels much more comfortable in the unscripted moments.
It really is a pity that John McCain is not opening every speach pointing to Obama's refusal to engage in any town hall debates, including the one sponsered by military families. The U.S. deserves to see Obama unscripted to get a feel for just how well he will do without a teleprompter before we send him off to meet with the axis of lunch guests.
Posted by GW at Thursday, August 21, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, debates, gaffes, McCain, obama, teleprompter, town hall
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
A Walk Down Obama Lane
- Last May, he claimed that tornadoes in Kansas killed a whopping 10,000 people: “In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed.” The actual death toll: 12. Read the entire article. Michelle saves the best for last.
Michelle Malkin leads readers at the NRO on a history of the clueless mistakes and Tuzla-level whoppers that Obama has doled out over the past year - including the classic memorialized on the video above. None have seemed to have caught on yet with the MSM for some inexplicable reason. I would deem an inability to know the number of states far more disqualifying for office than the inability to spell potato, but that's me.
This from Michelle Malkin writing at NRO:
- Earlier this month in Oregon, he redrew the map of the United States: “Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.”
- Last week, in front of a roaring Sioux Falls, S.D., audience, Obama exulted: “Thank you, Sioux City. ... I said it wrong. I’ve been in Iowa for too long. I’m sorry.”
- Explaining last week why he was trailing Hillary Clinton in Kentucky, Obama again botched basic geography: “Sen. Clinton, I think, is much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas. So it’s not surprising that she would have an advantage in some of those states in the middle.” On what map is Arkansas closer to Kentucky than Illinois?
- Obama has as much trouble with numbers as he has with maps. Last March, on the anniversary of the Bloody Sunday march in Selma, Ala., he claimed his parents united as a direct result of the civil rights movement: “There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Ala., because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born.”
Obama was born in 1961. The Selma march took place in 1965. His spokesman, Bill Burton, later explained that Obama was “speaking metaphorically about the civil-rights movement as a whole.”
- Earlier this month in Cape Girardeau, Mo., Obama showed off his knowledge of the war in Afghanistan by homing in on a lack of translators: “We only have a certain number of them, and if they are all in Iraq, then it’s harder for us to use them in Afghanistan.” The real reason it’s “harder for us to use them” in Afghanistan: Iraqis speak Arabic or Kurdish. The Afghanis speak Pashto, Farsi, or other non-Arabic languages.
- Over the weekend in Oregon, Obama pleaded ignorance of the decades-old, multibillion-dollar massive Hanford nuclear-waste cleanup: “Here’s something that you will rarely hear from a politician, and that is that I’m not familiar with the Hanford, uuuuhh, site, so I don’t know exactly what’s going on there. (Applause.) Now, having said that, I promise you I’ll learn about it by the time I leave here on the ride back to the airport.”
I assume on that ride, a staffer reminded him that he’s voted on at least one defense-authorization bill that addressed the “costs, schedules, and technical issues” dealing with the nation’s most contaminated nuclear-waste site.
- Last March, the Chicago Tribune reported this little-noticed nugget about a fake autobiographical detail in Obama’s Dreams from My Father: “Then, there’s the copy of Life magazine that Obama presents as his racial awakening at age 9. In it, he wrote, was an article and two accompanying photographs of an African-American man physically and mentally scarred by his efforts to lighten his skin. In fact, the Life article and the photographs don’t exist, say the magazine’s own historians.” . . .
Posted by GW at Wednesday, May 21, 2008 3 comments
Labels: 57 states, arabic linguists, Barack Obama, Bloody Sunday, gaffes, Hanford, Life Magazine, obama, Tuzla