Showing posts with label Cactus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cactus. Show all posts

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sunday Thoughts

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
Psalm 147:3

I read this Scripture this week and knew that God has led me to this Scripture. What could be more perfect for me? It's been a heart breaking year and my wounds are still trying to heal. Isn't it wonderful how God is so specific to our needs? This Scripture has given me great hope and I'm clinging to it minute by minute! 

I went to the vascular place last week to get measured for these new compression stockings that have velcro straps so I can adjust them and not put too much pressure on the bypass in my leg. Normally, after knee surgery, you wear compression stockings to help with the swelling and all that, but because I had to have an emergency by-pass in my leg when the surgeon cut the artery in my leg, I have had to do things a lot different. I am hoping that these stockings will work and help my legs. My right leg swells so much, it hurts! Praying this will be an answer to this problem and that it will work okay with the bypass.

I was so thrilled to see my Christmas cactus in bloom! My goodness - it's loaded with blooms! This is one of my very favorite plants. In fact, I want to get at least another one this year for my home. I've told hubby to look for a couple - one with red blooms and one with white. That way I'll have all the different colored blooms. They love the sky lights in my house and just thrive. Here's a picture of my beautiful plant!

This plant was probably half this size last year. It's just grown so much! Isn't it gorgeous?

Miss Mitzi had her last shot last week! She was one happy little girl, let me tell you! It was really cold the day she had to go, so I put her little pink sweater on her.

Look at that sweet little girl! She's such a dolly! She is now sitting on command and I'm teaching her to sit up after seeing her do it when it was treat time. She's so smart! She has brought such great joy to my life!

On this Sunday, I thank God for all He has done for me this year. He has truly had His hand on me and I'm thankful to Him! I know He will see me through to the end - bind my wounds and bring healing to my life. I pray your Sunday is blessed and that you spend quiet time with the One who  loves you!

Blessings - Julie