Showing posts with label Diverticulitis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diverticulitis. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

What I've Been Up To

It's been a busy two weeks. Both my sons had birthdays (within 5 days of each other) and we celebrated each special day. I am so thankful to have these wonderful days with my sons. I don't take any of these days for granted. We went to Red Lobster for my oldest son and Peter Piper Pizza for my youngest. Quite a difference in choices and perfectly describes each of my sons. Both days were very nice and we all enjoyed being together.

I've had some very hard days the past two weeks. I've been having some very exhausting days again and also have had a bout of diverticulitis again. I'm so very careful about what I eat and have no idea how this happened. I went to the doctor and have antibiotics but also found out that Slippery Elm is a really good thing to take for this. My doctor agreed that it was a good idea so I'll be praying that this helps me not to have these problems again.

I pulled out an Easter cross stitch that I haven't finished and I'm hoping to get it done before Easter. I have a good start on it so, hopefully, I'll be finishing it soon. It's a Shepherd's Bush kit called "Three Pale Eggs". I've also been working on some crocheted things for my son's friend and his wife. They are having a baby very soon and I wanted to make some things for them. It's so fun to crochet for babies!

Many blessings to you - Julie

Monday, January 20, 2014

Need Prayer

Dear Friends:

I am asking for prayer. I have diverticulitis! It came on me last night and I was able to get into my doctor this morning. She has put me on antibiotics and she's very hopeful that I will be fine by my surgery, however, if I'm not, we can't go forward with the surgery.

So, my prayer is this: That this diverticulitis would heal completely and quickly, that there would be no other issues (such as a perforation or more pain which would require a CT Scan), that the pain would go away, and that I would be healthy and ready for my surgery on the 26th. 

I am so grateful for your prayers! This couldn't have happened at a worse time and it has me very stressed. I just have to rest in the Lord and believe Him for healing.

Thank you!

Blessings - Julie

Thursday, May 5, 2011

An Old Enemy

My old nemesis, diverticulitis, is back. I will taking a break from blogging and resting until I feel better again.

God bless you - Julie