Showing posts with label Everyday Peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Everyday Peace. Show all posts

Monday, September 5, 2016

The peace of God

Isn't it wonderful that God is peace and that we have access to that peace at all times and in every way? Let that sink into your heart! 

Monday, August 1, 2016

Counting Our Blessings - LinkUp!

How are you doing this week? I hope you have a lot of blessings to focus on and share!

78.  I have been feeling a bit better. A friend told me about Superbeets - a supplement of beets (of course) and other nutritional things, and it has helped me quite a lot! It has given me a bit more energy and my brain isn't as foggy feeling. I'm praying that it continues to help me and that I feel better and better each day.

79.  I haven't been working on a lot of needlework, but I have done more on my felt banner for Christmas. Here's an update of that.

You can see I've got all the stable "boards" in place and all sequined. That is what takes the longest is all the sequin and bead work. It adds so much, though! Don't you love those little hay pieces sticking in the corner of the cross beams? So cute and adds so much!

80.  I'm going to be teaching an online Bible study starting September 5th and ending the 30th. It's the Everyday Peace study by Katie Orr. This is a wonderful study that literally only takes 15 minutes a day and has the option of digging deeper on some days, if you are so inclined and/or have the time. It's perfect for the busy woman who wants to know the Lord in a deeper way but is very busy. I have done this study with the author and I'm telling you - it truly did give me a more content peace. I can't wait to do the study again with you!

I am going to keep the group rather small and we will have a private Facebook group where we can share our insights with one another and have a daily focus question or two. 

If you're interested in being a part of this study, you can leave a comment on this post or email me (there's a contact page at the top of the blog). I really hope you'll join me in this amazing study!!

If you want to pre-order the book, below is a link to order on Amazon.

I hope you have a wonderful week! Please share your own blessings on the linkup below!!

Blessings - Julie