Showing posts with label Jesus Calling Ambassador. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus Calling Ambassador. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Jesus Calling for Christmas

This is such a lovely book! I love all the Jesus Calling books and this one is especially beautiful for the Christmas season.

It would make a wonderful gift and they even have a gorgeous presentation plate in the beginning of the book for you to use.

Isn't that gorgeous? You can get a little peek at the page to the left  and see how so much thought was put into this book.

The entire book is a reminder of why Jesus came to earth and why we celebrate Christmas. It's a beautiful reminder of our Savior and how much He loves us.

Like the other Jesus Calling books, it's filled with Scripture, which I love. However, it also has gorgeous photographs throughout that just calm your spirit and quiet your heart during the sometimes frantic holiday season.

How lovely to sit with a cup of coffee or tea and just be reminded of the love of God.

Like the other Jesus Calling books, this is written as though Jesus were speaking to you. I love that these books remind me that Jesus is with me, cares about my circumstances, and He is in control.

Each and every page is gorgeous with beautiful Biblical devotions and Scripture. I love this book so much and have enjoyed reading through it and just basking in the gorgeous photos and promises of God throughout.  This would make a lovely gift for someone or for yourself! I know you would be blessed by this beautiful book!

*I am a Jesus Calling Ambassador and these books were provided to me by Thomas Nelson

Blessings - Julie

A Christmas Jesus Calling For Children

Isn't this just the sweetest book? This is a children's board book, which is perfect for little hands, that tells the story of Christmas. You can't tell very well in this picture, but the starry sky behind Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus is glitter. It really captured my attention and I'm sure it definitely would a child.

I love the illustrations in this book! They are so well done and, for me, illustrations either make or break a child's book. These illustrations are just perfect! I absolutely loved every one of them!

Look how lovingly it shows Mary holding Jesus. Oh my hear. I love how all the little animals are up close to get a peek at the Savior. Just too cute!! You can see the Scripture above that references this illustration.

There is also a story boo available that is perfect for older children.  Everything is the same in each book but the story book is a little larger and, of course, has regular paper pages.

Here are more illustrations you will find in these wonderful books.

I just love the reverence they show on the faces of the people around the baby Jesus.

Here we have the grown Jesus with all the little children around him. Again, you can see the love Jesus has for the children and how they are so happy to be with him. It's just delightful!

I love these books and I think the little ones if your life would love them, too! I just love them both and really like that they are made for little ones as well as older children. It's a wonderful way to engage children in the story of Christmas and Jesus. These books get 5 out of 5 stars and I would highly recommend them as Christmas gifts for the children in your life!

*I am a Jesus Calling Ambassador and these books were provided to me by Thomas Nelson.

To purchase the board book you can click on the graphic below

To purchase the story book, you can click on the graphic below

Blessings - Julie

Monday, February 5, 2018

Counting Our Blessings - Linkup!

Hello friends. This will be a rather short Counting Our Blessings for me because I'm still sick! I can't seem to shake this cough or stuffy nose. I know it hangs on so I'm doing my best to do all the right things to help it move along. I didn't want to miss another week for the linkup so I hope you'll enjoy my little post and share your own blessings!

16. I honestly haven't felt like doing much of anything but I did work on my Celtic Santa one evening. I love how he's coming together and now he has eyes to see. 😊 The eyes make him come to life for me.

17.  I had to share my devotion from my Jesus Always devotional for February 5th. This spoke volumes to me! I hope it will touch your heart as well. I really like this bigger book with the leather-like cover

Plus the larger font makes it easier to read and there's lots of space for notes. I decided to put the year down for my thoughts as I know I'll do this devotional again and again so wanted to write down what speaks to me each year.  I'm so incredibly blessed to be a Jesus Calling Ambassador as I love these books and it gives me such pleasure to share about them!

You can click on the above picture to read it easier. I hope this blesses you as much as it does me! (I am a Thomas Nelson Partner and received this copy of Jesus Always from them).

18.  Of course, this sweet girl just blesses me to pieces! She's lying on the huge bed in my craft room here. I can't even express how much I love this girl. Mitzi blesses me each and every day!!

Please share your own blessings on the linky below!

Blessings - Julie

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Jesus Calling

I am so very pleased and excited to be a Jesus Calling Amabassador! These books by Sarah Young have encouraged me and, quite frankly, gotten me through some really dark times in my life. To be able to share these wonderful, Biblical books, is a joy!

I received this lovely pack of books from Thomas Nelson and have been enjoying them so much.

For the new year, I am going through the large Jesus Always you see on the top right as my daily devotional. I've actually used this devotion before, but it's all so fresh and new to me again! I always pull something wonderful out of these books!

January 1 spoke to me in that it reminded me that God defines me! No one else can do this (unless I allow them to).

I also so much needed to remember to let the past go. It's so easy to dwell in the past and live defeated but, through Jesus, we can move on! 

January 2nd is so amazing, too, in reminding that Jesus is my joy! I can choose to live in joy when I choose Jesus! 

I wrote myself little notes on these pages to remind myself of these important facts. I love the Scriptures at the end of the devotions because they reinforce and help me to truly meditate on God's Word daily! 

I'm just beyond blessed to go through all these wonderful books and be a part of the Jesus Calling ministry!

Blessings - Julie
