Showing posts with label -Martha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label -Martha. Show all posts

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Just put it between your knees, gals

I'm sorry for the crassness of this post, but here it is:
Foster Friess, the money behind Rick Santorum's Super PAC, offered his own inexpensive alternative to the more-traditional contraception methods that have become the center of a political firestorm. On MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reporters, Friess suggested that "Back in my days they used bayer aspirin for contraceptives," adding, "The gals put it between their knees and it wasn't that costly."

The full quote:
"I get such a chuckle when these things come out. Here we have millions of our fellow americans unemployed, we have jihadist camps being set up in Latin America, which Rick has been warning about, and people seem to be so preoccupied with sex. I think that says something about our culture. We maybe need a massive therapy session so we can concentrate on what the real issues are. And this contraceptive thing, my gosh, it's such inexpensive. Back in my days, they used Bayer Aspirin for contraceptives. The gals put it between their knees and it wasn't that costly."

Why don't we just quit now, and save ourselves more trouble. That's the way I feel when I see this stuff. Maybe I need a new hobby.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Character Matters

Take note of the the ill-mannered behavior of Newt Gingrich this past week:

-He woudn’t concede Florida graciously, and didn’t call Romney, as is customary. Romney, Paul and Santorum congratulated the other candidates in their speeches. But not Newt.

-When little Bella Santorum was hospitalized, Mitt and Ron called Rick to express their concern and support. Not Newt. He was too busy trying to push Rick out of the race. “I have to win the nomination” he said, while organizing efforts to pressure Rick to drop out.

-At a polling place in Florida, Newt’s campaign thugs broke a Ron Paul supporter’s foot. One of Newt’s staff was heard telling the others to "step on his toes!”, all within ear shot of Newt. Paul has called on Gingrich to acknowledge the incident and pay the man’s medical expenses, but so far, Newt is not inclined to take responsibility.

These incidents speak for themselves. Time and again, Newt reveals his true nature.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Reagan and Gingrich

Assistant Secretary of State in the Reagan years, Elliot Abrams puts the lie to Newt's claims of being Reagan's twin back in the day. (Newt: “I worked with President Reagan to change things in Washington,” “we helped defeat the Soviet empire,” and “I helped lead the effort to defeat Communism in the Congress” to name a few.)

According to Abrams, Newt was always questioning Reagan's policies, and predicting they would fail--and doing so at the most damaging times. (Sound familiar?)
Newt: “Measured against the scale and momentum of the Soviet empire’s challenge, the Reagan administration has failed, is failing, and without a dramatic change in strategy will continue to fail. . . . President Reagan is clearly failing.” Why? This was due partly to “his administration’s weak policies, which are inadequate and will ultimately fail”; partly to CIA, State, and Defense, which “have no strategies to defeat the empire.” But of course “the burden of this failure frankly must be placed first on President Reagan.” Our efforts against the Communists in the Third World were “pathetically incompetent,” so those anti-Communist members of Congress who questioned the $100 million Reagan sought for the Nicaraguan “contra” rebels “are fundamentally right.” Such was Gingrich’s faith in President Reagan that in 1985, he called Reagan’s meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev “the most dangerous summit for the West since Adolf Hitler met with Neville Chamberlain in 1938 in Munich.”
Gingrich scorned Reagan’s speeches, which moved a party and then a nation, because “the president of the United States cannot discipline himself to use the correct language.” In Afghanistan, Reagan’s policy was marked by “impotence [and] incompetence.” Thus Gingrich concluded as he surveyed five years of Reagan in power that “we have been losing the struggle with the Soviet empire.” Reagan did not know what he was doing, and “it is precisely at the vision and strategy levels that the Soviet empire today is superior to the free world.”
Abrams writes that far from becoming a reliable voice for Reagan policy and the struggle against the Soviets, Gingrich took on Reagan and his administration.

Quite frankly this sounds more like the Newt we all know. Back then, as now, Newt was full of himself, and not exactly the great thinker / leader of civilization he fancied himself to be. Apparently, he was dead wrong on Reagan policy. Thank heaven Reagan was in control and not Newt (hint hint), and that there were members of Congress who were behind Reagan and giving him the support he needed at a critical time. (Henry Hyde, Dick Cheney, Connie Mack, Dan Burton, and Tom DeLay)

It seems to me that Reagan would have a problem with the way Newt is re-writing history. Newt just can't seem to tell the truth a lot of the time.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Mitt Romney is not dead yet

Most of us know of the car crash Romney was involved in during his mission to France. He was declared dead at the scene, but was not. If I remember correctly, the injured mission president returned to the states for a period of months to deal with his wife's death, leaving the mission without leadership. Romney became the defacto leader of the mission, rallying and motivating the other missionaries who had been demoralized by the terrible accident. He increased the yearly mission baptism goal by 40% up to 200, which they met--the most in the mission for a decade.
Romney said his life changed after that experience. He realized he wanted to live life with seriousness of purpose thereafter. Indeed he has. His life story is one of leadership, character, success, purpose, and values.

What gives me hope today is that Romney has the truth on his side. To put it simply, Mitt Romney is qualified and worthy to be our nominee, while Newt is not. I'm not going to list the contrasts between Mitt and Newt because that would take all day. It will suffice to say that Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are polar opposites when it comes to character, leadership, conservative values and morality. They chose different paths in life and I think it's pretty clear that Romney's path in life has been one of service and decency, while Newt's has been all about elevating himself, leaving a wake of destruction in his personal life, and in the GOP. He's now in the process of transforming our party from one of promoting freedom, free enterprise, and family values, to one of hypocrisy, bigotry, and stupidity.

Romney looks a little worse for the wear today, but I believe that he will be able to recover from a bad week, and rally our party to reject the 'transformational' Newt. It's not going to be easy, though! He's battling a very silver-tongued lying devil, Obama, and both the left and rightwing media. He needs our support and prayers.

I've said over the past few days that I will leave this party if Newt becomes the nominee. But it's not really a matter of me leaving the GOP. If he wins, there won't be any party left.
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Friday, January 6, 2012

A good question

Today, a young man asked Newt Gingrich a question about what changes he could make in eight years as president that would affect his generation. Unfortunately, Newt and the crowd made light of it. Perhaps it was not phrased very tactfully, but it was a good question nonetheless.

My children are of this young man's generation. I, too, am concerned about what their future will be like, if Washington continues on the same path. I believe Romney would have used the question to great benefit. He likes to talk about his grandchildren, and how one of the reasons he is running is because he is concerned for their future. Many people believe that Romney will be just another status-quo, moderate, do-nothing Republican. They say he won't ruffle too many feathers.

I sure hope they are wrong, and I believe they are. We Publish Postneed only look at the past to know that Romney is anything but a do-nothing man. We also know that he has well-considered plans to deal with our problems, and that as governor, he kept his campaign promises.

Romney would have taken the young man seriously, because it is serious. Romney is in the race to actually make a difference.

Listen to WBZ NewsRadio’s audio of the exchange:

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Monday, January 2, 2012

The Mitt Fit

The DNC has a new ad on Romney called the top 5 Mitt fits of 2011. If this is Mitt having a fit, give me some more. I just wish they would have included the clip from the Iowa state fair. That was a keeper. Corporations are people, my friend!

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season Everyone!

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