Showing posts with label -Texas Conservative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label -Texas Conservative. Show all posts
Monday, December 16, 2013
Friday, February 10, 2012
Mike Huckabee gives his best speech yet at CPAC
Mike Huckabee continues to show the GOP what they are missing this campaign season-a conservative who has walked the walk and who can communicate with voters across America.
Listening to the Michael Medved radio show today, he described today's CPAC speeches stating that Huckabee's speech was phenomenal and Mike Huckabee gave his best speech yet.
See for yourself:
"Thanks to President Obama, We are all Catholics now, standing together."
"Let me be very blunt with you and whether this is a popular sentiment at CPAC or not, I don't care...I am going to say it anyway...One of the things that the President has shown us this week is that morality matters even more than money does because where there is a nation that's lost it's morals, that is a nation that will freely give up it's money. Because if we give up the basic right to life, we will certainly give up what is in our pockets. Let us never act as if somehow our liberties under the constitution of the United States don't matter. If we lose those, money won't matter"
"All of us are created equal, and then endowed not by our government, but by our creator with unalienable rights. Unalienable meaning they cannot be taken away from us by a government because a government did not give them to us in the first place. A Creator gave us the rights and government's only job is to secure and protect the rights given by God."
"When we devalue a life that is unborn, we ultimately will devalue a life that is born."
"We need to unite for principal and for liberty."
Yes, I still Like Mike Huckabee for 2012.
Listening to the Michael Medved radio show today, he described today's CPAC speeches stating that Huckabee's speech was phenomenal and Mike Huckabee gave his best speech yet.
See for yourself:
"Thanks to President Obama, We are all Catholics now, standing together."
"Let me be very blunt with you and whether this is a popular sentiment at CPAC or not, I don't care...I am going to say it anyway...One of the things that the President has shown us this week is that morality matters even more than money does because where there is a nation that's lost it's morals, that is a nation that will freely give up it's money. Because if we give up the basic right to life, we will certainly give up what is in our pockets. Let us never act as if somehow our liberties under the constitution of the United States don't matter. If we lose those, money won't matter"
"All of us are created equal, and then endowed not by our government, but by our creator with unalienable rights. Unalienable meaning they cannot be taken away from us by a government because a government did not give them to us in the first place. A Creator gave us the rights and government's only job is to secure and protect the rights given by God."
"When we devalue a life that is unborn, we ultimately will devalue a life that is born."
"We need to unite for principal and for liberty."
Yes, I still Like Mike Huckabee for 2012.
-Texas Conservative,
Mike Huckabee,
Friday, January 27, 2012
Sarah Palin defends Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul
Today on Fox News, Former Governor Sarah Palin defended Newt Gingrich against coordinated attacks by the GOP establishment and underscores Ron Paul's fight to cut spending.
"On the domestic front he (Ron Paul) is the only one who has been so adamantly passionate about doing something about the suffocating debt, about doing something about reining in government growth and actually slashing budgets - $1 trillion a year, he’s been specific about until we get our hands around this. I respect that, I appreciate it."
"Look at Newt Gingrich, what's going on with him via the establishment's attacks. They are trying to crucify this man and rewrite history, rewrite what it is that he has stood for all these years.
So it's not just Ron Paul, I believe it's also Newt Gingrich that the establishment, liberal media, certainly, that the progressives and the Democrats don't like."
"On the domestic front he (Ron Paul) is the only one who has been so adamantly passionate about doing something about the suffocating debt, about doing something about reining in government growth and actually slashing budgets - $1 trillion a year, he’s been specific about until we get our hands around this. I respect that, I appreciate it."
"Look at Newt Gingrich, what's going on with him via the establishment's attacks. They are trying to crucify this man and rewrite history, rewrite what it is that he has stood for all these years.
So it's not just Ron Paul, I believe it's also Newt Gingrich that the establishment, liberal media, certainly, that the progressives and the Democrats don't like."
-Texas Conservative,
Newt Gingrich,
Ron Paul,
Sarah Palin
NRO's Elliot Abrams Caught in Distortion about Newt Gingrich
Another courageous person comes out of the woodwork to defend Newt Gingrich against the lies and distortions being coordinated by the Romney campaign. Today in the American Spectator, Jeffrey Lord writes about Chris Scheve who made a valiant effort to retrieve the original transcript of Gingrich’s entire 1986 Special Order speech. We once again find the attack against Gingrich to be false.
* That's right. Mr. Scheve, incensed at what he felt was a deliberate misrepresentation of his old boss by Abrams and the Romney forces, specifically of Gingrich's long ago March 21, 1986 "Special Order" speech on the floor of the House, and aware "that most of his [Abrams'] comments had to have been selectively taken from the special order" -- Scheve started digging. Since the Congressional Record for 1986 was difficult to obtain electronically, Scheve trekked to the George Mason Library to physically track down the March 21, 1986 edition of the Congressional Record. Locating it, copying and scanning, he was kind enough to send to me.Please click the link to read the piece in it’s entirety: Elliott Abrams Caught Misleading on Newt
* "But in apparent service to the Romney campaign, in order to make Newt Gingrich appear to be doing just that, Abrams apparently quite deliberately cut out the original Gingrich reference to Will, Kirkpatrick, Krauthammer, and Kristol.
* The main point is that the Newt Gingrich who spoke on the floor of the House on March 21, 1986, was thoroughly pro-Reagan, honestly engaging in a serious intellectual effort to assess the strengths and weaknesses of American foreign policy in the day from a hierarchy of vision, strategy, operations or projects and then last but not least, tactics.
In grossly misrepresenting this speech as some sort of anti-Reagan jihad, Elliott Abrams has ironically only called attention to Governor Romney's lack of strengths and experience in this area."
-Texas Conservative,
Mitt Romney,
Newt Gingrich
Obama Administration’s Mandated Free Birth Control Leads America Closer to Loss of Religious Liberty
First Americans were told that there would be no taxpayer funding of abortion in Obamacare. But we see how it materialized through different channels anyway. Now Obamacare is paying for free birth control for all. Not just birth control pills and sterilization procedures, but the emergency morning after pill that is an abortion drug.
The Obama Administration through HHS has ordered that all employers must provide free birth control and sterilization to its employees. While there is an exemption clause for religious organizations such as churches, synagogues, and mosques, there is not an exemption for non-profits such as colleges, hospitals, and other social service organizations. All employees, whether you agree with the birth control pill or not, must pay into this healthcare plan. No exceptions. So Catholics who use and promote natural family planning must pay premiums that include coverage for birth control even though it goes against their faith tradition.
Religious organizations have one year to think over the new mandate before they must comply. If they choose to ignore the mandate, than they will be in violation and either pay a fine or cease to extend coverage to their employees. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in a statement: “I believe this proposal strikes the appropriate balance between respecting religious freedom and increasing access to important preventive services.” So according to Sebelius, shoving this mandate down the throats of religious organizations but giving them one year to swallow is considered respectful and balanced?
Lawsuits are already under way as the Becket Fund has taken the case. At stake is the issue of whether or not the federal government has the right to force religious organizations to fund healthcare plans that violate the dictates of their faith:
Belmont Abbey College in Belmont, North Carolina, and Colorado Christian University in Lakewood, Colorado sued the government in federal court to overturn the requirement, arguing that it violates their First Amendment rights and a law protecting exercise of religion.
“This is not really about access to contraception. The mandate is about forcing these religious groups to pay for it against their beliefs.”said Hannah Smith, senior counsel at the Becket Fund, a nonprofit law firm in Washington representing both schools.
Will this go to the Supreme Court like the mandate itself in Obamacare? Afterall, if we need the Supreme Court to determine if mandated commerce is constitutional, than surely mandating birth control in that very same healthcare system should also be decided.
As someone who believes that abortion can be reduced by using better, more reliable methods of birth control, I am against the government dictating that all healthcare plans must hand it out for free. This violates the conscience clause for religious Americans. They should not have to pay premiums in a healthcare system that funds birth control pills. This move by the Obama Administration leads us another step closer to the loss of religious liberty in America.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Reagan Turned the Conservative Torch Over to Gingrich
"There is something truly obscene about the full blown assault on Newt Gingrich’s strong Reagan conservative history from and on behalf of Mitt Romney, who unabashedly ran away from the Reagan legacy and conservative principles in his 1994 Senate campaign and 2002 gubernatorial campaign. Truly obscene."
That’s how William Jacobson begins his article titled: Nancy Reagan 1995: Ronnie turned that torch over to Newt. No mincing of words. Direct and to the point. Jacobson states that the smears on Gingrich have been a shameless sea of lies helped in part by Drudge in an effort to help a desperate Romney.
To set the record straight Jacobson presents a video clip of Nancy Reagan at the 1995 Goldwater dinner. Nancy tells the dinner attendees how Ronald Reagan passed the conservative torch on to Newt Gingrich. Not Mitt Romney who a year earlier had stated in his MA senate race debate that he “was an Independent during the time of Reagan-Bush.”
We have another person coming out of the woodwork to clear Newt’s name. And again, someone with video evidence and courage to set the record straight.
-Texas Conservative,
Mitt Romney,
Newt Gingrich,
Ronald Reagan
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Newt Gingrich Exonerated and Proven Innocent
Newt Gingrich is probably thanking Mitt Romney for twisting the facts about Newt's time in Congress. Because of the subtle lies that Romney told, people are coming out of the woodwork to clear Newt's name.
I heard this on the Tom Sullivan radio show today. He devoted a good segment of time to reading through the Washington Examiner story by Byron York. As stated, York had written a piece on Newt Gingrich's innocence long before the internet made it easy to clink on a link to the past. So York dug through his past writings and put this together:
The Gingrich case was extraordinarily complex, intensely partisan, and driven in no small way by a personal vendetta on the part of one of Gingrich's former political opponents.
The bottom line: Gingrich acted properly and violated no laws. There was no tax fraud scheme. Of course, by that time, Gingrich was out of office, widely presumed to be guilty of something, and his career in politics was (seemingly) over.
Back in January 1997, the day after Cole presented his damning report to the Ethics Committee, the Washington Post's front-page banner headline was "Gingrich Actions 'Intentional' or 'Reckless'; Counsel Concludes That Speaker's Course Funding Was 'Clear Violation' of Tax Laws." That same day, the New York Times ran eleven stories on the Gingrich matter, four of them on the front page (one inside story was headlined, "Report Describes How Gingrich Used Taxpayers' Money for Partisan Politics"). On television, Dan Rather began the CBS Evening News by telling viewers that "only now is the evidence of Newt Gingrich's ethics violations and tax problems being disclosed in detail."
The story was much different when Gingrich was exonerated. The Washington Post ran a brief story on page five. The Times ran an equally brief story on page 23. And the evening newscasts of CBS, NBC, and ABC -- which together had devoted hours of coverage to the question of Gingrich's ethics -- did not report the story at all. Not a word.
Gingrich himself, not wanting to dredge up the whole ugly tale, said little about his exoneration. "I consider this a full and complete vindication," he wrote in a brief statement. "I urge my colleagues to go back and read their statements and watch how they said them, with no facts, based on nothing more than a desire to politically destroy a colleague."
Since CNN is hosting the next Florida debate, it would be timely and appropriate if they showed this clip from 1999 below:
-Texas Conservative,
Mitt Romney,
Newt Gingrich
Mitt Romney Skipping Another Pro-Life Event
As Romney supporters continue to try and tell us that Mitt Romney truly is Pro-Life, we find yet again that Romney cannot fit it into his campaign schedule to attend a Pro-Life forum. Now I know that the key issues on the campaign trail are the economy and jobs. But if one is truly Pro-Life than prepping for a forum such as the one scheduled for this Saturday January 28th should be a piece of cake. No need to have an all night study session reading through Pro-Life journals or bringing in Michele Bachmann's debate coach to help you frame your answers. Just explain to the voters what you have done to further the Pro-Life cause and what you would do as President to bring about an end to Abortion.
Alas, we will never know what Mitt Romney's answers would have been as he is skipping his third Pro-Life forum of the campaign season. Florida Awake! Presidential Candidate Forum and Audience Q&A will have to do without Mitt. Perhaps he truly is a P-L-I-N-O Pro Life In Name Only.
-Texas Conservative,
Mitt Romney,
Monday, January 23, 2012
Is Mitt Romney a PLINO--Pro Life In Name Only?
I have been mystified by candidate Mitt Romney's walk in the Pro-Life movement. He claims at the young age of 58 to have been a convert to the Pro-Life cause. Yet I have not seen Romney do anything to further the cause than just espouse a few sentences here and there. Today, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Romney put out a Pro-Life statement but yet failed to show up at last week's Pro-Life Forum in South Carolina.
David Brody writes an excellent rebuke of Romney for his declining the invitation to speak at the Greenville, South Carolina Pro-Life event on January 18th. Some highlights from the rebuke:
“I understand that he’s concerned that candidates and folks in the audience will probably attack his past support for abortion rights but he’s changed now right? That’s what he keeps saying so you would think he would go to an event like this to prove it and shut everybody up. Wouldn’t he be proud of the fact that he went from pro-choice to pro-life? Isn’t that something to shout from the rooftops as a conservative? Instead, he ditches the event. This isn’t the first time he’s ducked a pro-life event and it won’t be the last.
By the way, believe it or not evangelicals can actually walk and chew gum at the same time. They can be pro-life and be fiscal conservatives. The two are not mutually exclusive.”
-Texas Conservative,
Mitt Romney,
Friday, January 13, 2012
Mike Huckabee to Host 2nd GOP Forum: South Carolina Undecided
Given the success of Mike Huckabee's first GOP Presidential Forum, he will host another similar forum on January 14th right before the South Carolina primary.
This time his guest debate moderator will be South Carolina Congressman, Tim Scott.
GOP Presidential Candidates will include Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum. Ron Paul is unable to attend.
The forum will be taped earlier in the day and then aired during the Huckabee show 8 pm ET
GOP Presidential Candidates will include Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum. Ron Paul is unable to attend.
The forum will be taped earlier in the day and then aired during the Huckabee show 8 pm ET
Here is a preview of what to expect from this South Carolina forum:
For those interested in submitting a question that will be posed to the candidates, e-mail Mike Huckabee at
Cross Posted at I Like Mike Huckabee 2012
-Texas Conservative,
Jon Huntsman Jr.,
Mike Huckabee,
Mitt Romney,
Newt Gingrich,
Rick Perry,
Rick Santorum
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Heading into the Iowa Caucus Gingrich receives Key Endorsements
As candidates make their last minute push to gain the votes of Iowa Caucus goers, Newt Gingrich receives some key endorsements that could help him leave Iowa with one of the three tickets needed to move on in the GOP primary race.
Steve Deace, Iowa Radio Host
Newt Gingrich, who has campaigned on what I believe is the most important issue facing us as a people—the loss of the rule of law.
After offering every candidate in the race the chance to show they understand the gravity of this issue, Gingrich is the only one who has demonstrated he does, and can also use the bully pulpit of the presidency to educate Americans on the need to return to the rule of law.Michael Reagan, son of former President Ronald Reagan, Author, Political Consultant
endorsed Gingrich by describing Gingrich as a “man who fought in Congress for my father’s programs.” Reagan, to Newsmax, said that though “millions of dollars have been spent in negative ads against him,” voters should remember that “Newt became a leading ally of my father” by helping “Congress push through massive tax cuts” and working to “secure a military buildup that helped defeat the Soviet Union.”
Reagan also said under Gingrich’s leadership, “Congress also limited the welfare state” and, as a “leader in the Reagan Revolution, Gingrich helped keep my father’s legacy alive.”
-Texas Conservative,
Newt Gingrich,
TV and other media
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Huck's Army Founders Endorse Rick Santorum for President
Alex and Brett Harris, co-founders of Huck's Army, have come out in support of Rick Santorum for President.
From the News release:
Urbandale, IA - Republican Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum announced today that his campaign has received the endorsement of Alex and Brett Harris, co-founders of Huck's Army.
Alex Harris said: "Now is not the time for voters to settle for second or third best, not when we have a candidate like Rick Santorum. Rick is the strongest, most consistent conservative in the race. He is without question the best choice for evangelicals and social conservatives. Rick's record and experience qualify him to lead on the most pressing issues facing our country, because he's already done it. Whether it's welfare reform, Iranian sanctions, or partial-birth abortion, Rick has not only been on the right side of the issues, he's been leading the charge to get the job done."
Brett Harris said: "Rick Santorum has the same dark horse potential that fueled Mike Huckabee's surprise finish in 2008. You won't hear much about him from the mainstream media, but on the ground in Iowa he's connecting with voters and building momentum at just the right time. Conservatives of every stripe are beginning to realize Rick Santorum is their guy. He is rock solid on the economy, on foreign policy, and on faith and family. Rather than settling for the next 'so-so' candidate, Iowans are poised to deliver another dark horse to the national stage."
Rick Santorum said: "I am excited to receive Alex and Brett's endorsement today. They have been true grassroots champions for Governor Huckabee and the conservative causes we believe in. We need a strong conservative who will stand up for those principles of faith, family, and freedom that make America great, and I am committed to doing just that. I am looking forward to working with Alex and Brett to continue this fight and stand up against the dangerous agenda of the Obama Administration."
Please read the rest here.
-Texas Conservative,
Mike Huckabee,
Rick Santorum
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season Everyone!
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-Doug NYC GOP,
-Ohio Joe,
-Revolution 2012,
-Ric Pugmire (Closer To Home),
-Right Wingnut,
-Texas Conservative
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
C-Span to Air Huckabee/Citizens United Pro-Life Forum
C-Span will air the Citizens United/Huckabee Pro-Life Forum at 8 pm ET
You can also read up to the minute Live-Blog details from The Iowa Republican.
-Texas Conservative,
Michele Bachmann,
Mike Huckabee,
Newt Gingrich,
Rick Perry,
Rick Santorum
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The Gift of Life Film and Pro-Life Forum
On Wednesday, December 14th, Mike Huckabee will be host to Citizens United's new film The Gift of Life. Screening the film first before more than 1000 Iowans, Huckabee will then host a forum that focuses on the issue of Life. Life that begins at conception and contains all the DNA necessary to develop into a baby. This is the key issue that got Mike Huckabee involved in politics. It's where his heart is held captive when it comes to social issues.
So far only four Republican candidates are attending the forum: Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry and Rick Santorum. Huntsman, Paul and Romney were invited but have yet to RSVP with a yes.
-Texas Conservative,
Jon Huntsman Jr.,
Mike Huckabee,
Mitt Romney,
Newt Gingrich,
Rick Perry,
Rick Santorum,
Ron Paul
Monday, December 12, 2011
Tebow Mania: Mike Huckabee interviews Tim Tebow
Tebow Mania has taken the country by storm. Everyone seems to be writing about him and giving their perspective on his football skills, his faith, and his ability to help the Denver Broncos win.
In light of all that, it seems the perfect time to repost Mike Huckabee's June interview with Tim Tebow where they discussed Tebow's book Through My Eyes.
I find Tim Tebow to be a great role model, not only for kids, but for anyone who is part of a team. I like how Tebow always gives credit to his teammates and emphasizes some of their winning plays on the field.
Secularists are running scared because Tebow is not afraid to talk about his love for Christ. But they don't realize that God's kingdom has room for everyone to be part of the team. Tim Tebow knows how the ultimate game ends. And that's why he always gives God the glory.
Cross Posted at I Like Mike Huckabee 2012
In light of all that, it seems the perfect time to repost Mike Huckabee's June interview with Tim Tebow where they discussed Tebow's book Through My Eyes.
I find Tim Tebow to be a great role model, not only for kids, but for anyone who is part of a team. I like how Tebow always gives credit to his teammates and emphasizes some of their winning plays on the field.
Secularists are running scared because Tebow is not afraid to talk about his love for Christ. But they don't realize that God's kingdom has room for everyone to be part of the team. Tim Tebow knows how the ultimate game ends. And that's why he always gives God the glory.
Cross Posted at I Like Mike Huckabee 2012
Monday, December 5, 2011
Afterthoughts on Huckabee Republican Presidential Forum
Mike Huckabee, a former 2008 Presidential candidate himself, designed a forum that would give all candidates equal time, substantiative questions, and an opportunity to showcase their campaign for the American voter. There were no gotcha questions, no pitting one candidate against another, nor any silliness where a candidate has to raise his/her hand. As HotAir stated, it was Hucktastic.
Only one candidate declined the opportunity to answer the questions by Attorneys General: Pam Bondi, Ken Cuccinelli and Scott Pruitt--candidate Jon Huntsman. Mike Huckabee noted that Huntsman blew an opportunity that will definitely affect his campaign via GOP12
Watch the complete video of the Huckabee Forum via
2012 Election Central
Backstage at the Huckabee Forum via NYT
Mike Huckabee grading the Republican Candidates via GOP12 and the video below
Huckabee gets kudos for an improved, alternate format via HotAir
Vote online who you thought won the Huckabee Forum via WorldMag
Crossposted at I Like Mike Huckabee 2012
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-Texas Conservative,
Jon Huntsman Jr.,
Michele Bachmann,
Mike Huckabee,
Mitt Romney,
Newt Gingrich,
Rick Perry,
Rick Santorum,
Ron Paul
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Mike Huckabee to Shape GOP Focus in Final Weeks Leading Up to Iowa Caucus
Mike Huckabee will hold a GOP Candidate Forum on December 3rd in the New York Fox News Studio. Attorney Generals Pam Bondi (FL), Ken Cuccinelli (VA), and Scott Pruitt (OK) will assist Huckabee in asking questions. The focus of the forum has not yet been revealed, but the format has been detailed according to the Caucus:
Our goal is to have a unique and intimate setting in which each candidate is given equal time.
· The forum will last approximately 90 minutes.
· Candidates will be individually questioned. At no point will candidates have on-air interaction with each other.
· The order in which candidates are questioned will be determined by a draw. Each candidate will have an 8-10 minute question and answer session. The exact amount of time will depend on commercial break structure.
· Candidates will be in the studio one-by-one for their Q&A. The remaining candidates will be watching the forum from their private work space provided by Fox News.
· At the end of the forum, each candidate will be given one-minute rebuttal/final thoughts. Candidates will be on separate cameras.
· There will be no studio audience.
So far 5 of 8 Republican candidates have agreed to attend the forum: Bachmann, Gingrich, Paul, Romney, and Santorum. Huckabee is still waiting to hear from Cain, Huntsman and Perry.
Will these candidates win over an endorsement from Gov Mike Huckabee should they answer the questions to his satisfaction? Huckabee has stated numerous times that he will not endorse during the primaries, but will enthusiastically get behind the eventual Republican nominee. However, the questions that he asks will help shape the focus of the final weeks leading up to the Iowa Caucus. Huckabee is also scheduled to host a Pro-Life forum in Iowa on December 14th.
Please check us out on Facebook and If you like what you see, please "Like" us. You can find us here.
-Texas Conservative,
Herman Cain,
Jon Huntsman Jr.,
Michele Bachmann,
Mike Huckabee,
Mitt Romney,
Newt Gingrich,
Rick Santorum,
Ron Paul
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Mike Huckabee to Host Pro-Life Iowa Forum
Mike Huckabee continues to lead on the issues that defined his campaign in 2008. On December 14th, he will host Republican candidates in a forum on the Pro-Life cause.
This forum will feature a Pro-Life documentary, The Gift of Life, narrated by Governor Mike Huckabee and produced by Citizens United:
Eight of the Republican presidential candidates have been invited to discuss abortion and the Pro-Life cause 20 days before the Iowa Caucus. Will any of these candidates turn down the opportunity to speak to Iowa voters? And if they do, does this imply that the Pro-Life cause is not a value that they would further if they won the White House?
Politico reports: "Every conservative candidate for president will be fighting to come to this event," said David Bossie, Citizens United's president. "I think the campaigns see the value to be at a forum, in Iowa, three weeks before the caucus, standing next to Mike Huckabee. This is a unique opportunity."
Let's hope that all 8 invitees* reply yes and show the nation that while the key priority in America is JOBS, they all agree with Mike Huckabee that Every Life has Intrinsic Value and Worth.
* Invited but not confirmed: Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum.
This forum will feature a Pro-Life documentary, The Gift of Life, narrated by Governor Mike Huckabee and produced by Citizens United:
Eight of the Republican presidential candidates have been invited to discuss abortion and the Pro-Life cause 20 days before the Iowa Caucus. Will any of these candidates turn down the opportunity to speak to Iowa voters? And if they do, does this imply that the Pro-Life cause is not a value that they would further if they won the White House?
Politico reports: "Every conservative candidate for president will be fighting to come to this event," said David Bossie, Citizens United's president. "I think the campaigns see the value to be at a forum, in Iowa, three weeks before the caucus, standing next to Mike Huckabee. This is a unique opportunity."
Let's hope that all 8 invitees* reply yes and show the nation that while the key priority in America is JOBS, they all agree with Mike Huckabee that Every Life has Intrinsic Value and Worth.
* Invited but not confirmed: Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum.
Please check us out on Facebook and If you like what you see, please "Like" us. You can find us here.
-Texas Conservative,
Mike Huckabee,
Mitt Romney,
Newt Gingrich,
Republican Party
Monday, October 17, 2011
Who Can Challenge Romney? It's Gotta Be Huckabee
Will Mike Huckabee challenge Mitt Romney? As Romney has captured only 1/5 of the GOP voters, those on both the right and the left are asking if someone else can challenge Mitt Romney for the nomination.
From Politico:
Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks Network points out that "It's Gotta Be Huckabee."
The Young Turk makes some fair points:
Mike Huckabee is that rare candidate who can appeal to both the working class and the successful executive who worked his way to the top.
There continues to be a Draft Huckabee effort by grass roots supporters hoping that Mike Huckabee will get into the race.
Sign the petition to Draft Huckabee 2012
From Politico:
For all the talk about his inevitability, after half a decade as a declared or undeclared presidential candidate, Romney can scarcely muster a fifth of the GOP primary vote.
Whether it’s because of Romney’s ideas, his history of flip-flops or his personal political style, much of the Republican Party just can’t embrace its frontrunner.
But Romney’s negative attributes, if not dominating the campaign, have still left a palpable discomfort among core Republican primary voters, and the candidate has done little to ease their concern.
Dan Schnur, a former adviser to John McCain’s 2000 campaign, said that Romney’s political assets still left him as “the weakest Republican frontrunner in a generation.”
Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks Network points out that "It's Gotta Be Huckabee."
The Young Turk makes some fair points:
"Get the sense that Romney is a corporate robot. The base has this uneasy feeling about him. Think he is a flip flopper. Don't think he is a real conservative. The guy is going to tell us whatever he needs to tell us to get in charge, then he is going to help the powerful again. Huckabee can get in a give a real challenge to Romney."
Mike Huckabee is that rare candidate who can appeal to both the working class and the successful executive who worked his way to the top.
There continues to be a Draft Huckabee effort by grass roots supporters hoping that Mike Huckabee will get into the race.
Sign the petition to Draft Huckabee 2012
Please check us out on Facebook and If you like what you see, please "Like" us. You can find us here.
-Texas Conservative,
Herman Cain,
Mike Huckabee,
Mitt Romney,
Republican Party,
Rick Perry,
TV and other media
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