From Politico:
For all the talk about his inevitability, after half a decade as a declared or undeclared presidential candidate, Romney can scarcely muster a fifth of the GOP primary vote.
Whether it’s because of Romney’s ideas, his history of flip-flops or his personal political style, much of the Republican Party just can’t embrace its frontrunner.
But Romney’s negative attributes, if not dominating the campaign, have still left a palpable discomfort among core Republican primary voters, and the candidate has done little to ease their concern.
Dan Schnur, a former adviser to John McCain’s 2000 campaign, said that Romney’s political assets still left him as “the weakest Republican frontrunner in a generation.”
Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks Network points out that "It's Gotta Be Huckabee."
The Young Turk makes some fair points:
"Get the sense that Romney is a corporate robot. The base has this uneasy feeling about him. Think he is a flip flopper. Don't think he is a real conservative. The guy is going to tell us whatever he needs to tell us to get in charge, then he is going to help the powerful again. Huckabee can get in a give a real challenge to Romney."
Mike Huckabee is that rare candidate who can appeal to both the working class and the successful executive who worked his way to the top.
There continues to be a Draft Huckabee effort by grass roots supporters hoping that Mike Huckabee will get into the race.
Sign the petition to Draft Huckabee 2012
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I remember that Huck did relatively well in the polls. It seems he was usually equal to or slightly ahead of Romney. However, I don't recall that he ever really polled higher than what Romney is now. Therefore, I'm not sure I get the argument that Huck should get in because Romney isn't polling higher.
Also, Huck made it very public that he was seeking God's guidance in making his decision whether to run. Nothing wrong with that. I hope all candidates would do so regarding such an important decision. Huck's informed the world the answer was no.
Fair or not, if he runs, he will be branded by opponents, whether in the primary or general, as having committed a significant flip-flop of his own. There would be a lot of irreverent snarking that would have an impact on his credibility.
Then there's the timing--deadlines are nearly here for many states, I believe. Not saying he couldn't get it done. Just that he'd have jump in very soon--it'd be a major upheaval in his life.
Who knows, though. The grass always tends to be greener on the other side.
Huck was at the top of the Real Clear Politics prez polling averages when he made his announcement in May. He had definitely polled ahead of Romney in several states and national polls (ahead of Obama as well). Seems like interesting timing.
This is pretty good analysis from a liberal - I too have wondered why more pundits/journos haven't asked about Huck reconsidering. After all, he did leave the door open and hasn't fully closed it yet. He even gave the Obama girl a "Huckabee Girl" t-shirt Saturday night on his show "in case" she might need it "this year." (she implied she might do a prez video for Huck instead of Obama this cycle).
Plus he is collecting cell phone numbers for text alerts through his website (just started Friday).
Seems like some pretty big hints...just sayin
Anon @ :12,
I'm thinking that collecting the cell phone numbers is so he can spread the word quickly that he's endorsing Romney and that everyone should finally coalesce around one candidate. :)
Jump in Mike. The water is fine!
could be...
but the timing of collecting those cell the timing of the Huckabee the fact that he has never given a final "no"
let's see if there are any other "signs" this week
I would think it would be smart for him to do just one more show before he announces. Maybe he'll have one or all of these guests: Palin, Trump, DeMint...maybe Rubio
A girl can dream...
I would never "draft" any potential candidate. I really liked Fred Thompson last cycle (he was my close 2nd choice after Romney), but I learned my lesson. If you don't really want the job, and are willing to make the commitment necessary to get the job and do the job, I don't want you to run.
Well, he's got about six weeks till voting and no official organization. I guess he could win Iowa again...but I don't think he's going to bother at this point. Good luck, though.
I would favor Governor Mike Huckabee by a mile over anyone else in this race. I hear from people all over the nation hoping he will reconsider getting back in. He is in a class of his own and would be the immediate adult on the debate stage with more experience, wisdom, and class than everyone else combined. His communication skills would even be envied by Ronald Reagan. He also has the uncanny ability to communicate the conservative message without being obstinate and polarizing. He would garner votes from Independents, women, and minorities like no other conservative. And yes, he would beat Obama and he would beat him badly- like "in the landslide of the century."
"I remember that Huck did relatively well in the polls. It seems he was usually equal to or slightly ahead of Romney. However, I don't recall that he ever really polled higher than what Romney is now. Therefore, I'm not sure I get the argument that Huck should get in because Romney isn't polling higher." That basically sums it up. I do not believe that Mr. Huckabee has ever cracked the 20% in terms of average popular vote. At least Mr. Romney, Mrs. Palin, Mr. Perry and Mr. Cain have all done that at one point or another. In fact under the old big 3 political landscape Mr. Huckabee was often 3rd in terms of popular vote.
To Mr. Huckabee's credit, because of strength in Southern and rural areas, Mr. Huckabee was able to crack the 700 mark in terms of delegate. Something that Mrs. Palin was not able to to in 2011 and Mr. Romney was not able to do until Mr. Perry had crashed and Mrs. Palin was about to officially announce that she was not running.
One could argue that on the eve of his departure, Mr. Huckabee was the front-runner. However, he was a weak front-runner and he lead over Mr. Romney was probably under 1% in terms of national popular vote.
Before crashing, Mr. Perry was able to get almost 30% of the vote and almost 1000 delegates. Further, Mr. Cain is sitting at about 900 delegates right now and I argue that he is actually leading Mr. Romney right now (I know that many will rightly dispute my claim.) But in short, I argue that Mr. Huckabee is not the only one who can challenge Mr. Romney. While it is true that Mr. Huckabee has certain advantages that Mr. Perry and Mr. Cain do not have, those two have advantages that Mr. Huckabee do not. Further, while many of us like certain qualities of Mr. Huckabee, Mr. Cain and Mr. Perry. None of them are my first or second choice and I think a large segment of society shares that sentiment for a variety of reasons.
So in short, Mr. Romney is somewhat difficult to defeat, but I am not convinced that Mr. Huckabee is the only one to do it. Not to mention, it is a bit late for hime to get in the game, but I suppose anything can happen.
We've gone through how many people trying to find someone who can beat Mitt Romney. The best prepared candidate, the one with the best plan, the one with the ability to win the Presidency, the one who stands out at every debate. Yet, he's labeled as not conservative enough. Or he changes his position, or he did this or that. It's the economy stupid, that is his strongest message and his resume supports that. No one else can say that not even Huck.
Huck has, maybe, a couple of days to register in New Hampshire, and a very few days in Iowa and Florida. exactly what states would he actually run in......New Jersey and NY ?
Cenk Uygur looks really scared of Romney! HA!
P.S. There is less than zero chance Huckabee will even think about the possibility of entering the race.
Romney has taken all challengers, not one of them can seem to take him. "The weakest front runner" beats everybody who is placed up against him.
The fact is in a field where we have 3-4 strong candidates it's no surprise that Romney gets 25% of the vote. The surprising part is that for a man who is supposedly so weak nobody can seem to overtake him.
Huckabee supported instate tuition for illegals in Arkansas. He also supported the Immigration reform bill back in I believe it was 2007.
No way to Huckabee since illegal immigration is one of my top issues.
I always liked Huckabee, but there are just as many people on the right who think he is a big government Republican as there are people on the right who think Romney is a Rino.
This ship has sailed. Time to move on.
I think Huckabee will come as close to endorsing Romney as he's allowed by his contract with Fox, hoping to be selected as VP.
Texas, I don't blame you for wanting Huck, but the same reasons still exist that kept him from getting in months ago. Nothing has really changed.
Too bad God supposedly told Huck not to run, but if Huck says a couple of quick prayers maybe God will change his mind and allow Huck to run.
huck is definitely a great talent. I was surprised he didnt run this time. he would be easily #2 and close to #1 on my list. Personally i think mccain blew it bigtime not selecting him for VP in 08. They might of done better but such is life.
as for now, i really think the time for him has past to get inthe race, but i hold out hope for a Romney/Huck ticket. that would be the absolute winner ticket.
And i dont think that is so far fetched as it used to be. If Huck were to endorse this cycle it really would be down to 2 choices Cain or Romney.
First, Huck absolutely will not run.
Second, he would lose pathetically if he did.
Third, he would only pull support from the anti-Romney crowd. You'd see less than 1% move away from Romney toward Huck.
If you want Romney to lose, you should pray no one pulls ANY support from Cain.
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