Showing posts with label laughter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label laughter. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

50 States of Pray

This is my contribution to The Fifty States of Pray. The Linky List to read other posts participating in this event can be found HERE.  Mark wrote this on the blog post introducing 50 States of Pray:

I’m calling it the 50 States of Pray event and I’d love to find at least one person (but the more the merrier) from each U.S. state to participate.
But wait... as they say on TV... This is absolutely open to anyone, anywhere. Imagine if we got one person from 50 independent states (countries), too. That would be amazing!

All that’s required is to take a moment and about 100 words. Then, on Dec. 24, 2013, please share a prayer, a thought, a memory, a hope and even a regret about the past and/or a wish for the future.
This post is coming to you from Florida and this is my prayer:
 God, Thank you for the blessings that you sent my way this year.  Sending me to a new doctor who really made a difference with my migraines has made all of the difference with my LIFE.  Doors that looked forever closed are unlocked, passages that seemed so dark now have light, and a life that felt in permanent pause is now moving forward again.  I ask that you always help me to remember the necessity of forgiveness, an encouraging word impacts far more than one in steeped in criticism, the healing of laughter, the joy in giving, and the need we all have simply to be heard.  As my life changes so that I become my healthiest self, so may it also change that I am my best self.  Your son Jesus arrived to remind us that we are all children of God, Your children, and that we all have the Divine inside us.  May my Divine Light radiate out and touch everyone I meet with love.  Amen.

My friends, I hope that you have a Very Merry Christmas!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Pastel in a Brilliant Life

This has been the strangest time. Seriously. My creativity has been in the crapper. My hormones are raging out of control and so are my migraines. So I basically feel lousy all of the time. I remember reading years ago in my book on severe adrenal fatigue that all it takes is a major crisis to knock you right on your butt and completely drain your reserves. For someone who has no reserves, that really messes you up. It helps you discover problems you didn't know you had. Like you needed that, right?

Anyway, you probably noticed my lack of blogging, reading, and commenting. My focus is still lousy. I have considered posting one of those "I'm taking a break" blogs, but that feels like quitting and I don't want to do that just yet. Matter of fact, I almost had a Thursday post a couple of weeks ago. I had several things jotted down, but it just never came to fruition. This is what I mean about my inability to focus.

I have also started writing a book about my health experience, which includes my dad's adrenal breakdown when I was a kid, and might end up including other people's health issues if I was really involved in them. The book is all about how I fell through the floor (lost everything) and is written from the perspective of a regular person. Not a medical journal. Not a doctor. I am not out to sell anything, tell you one way is better than another, etc. This is just my story and my goal is to share it and possibly help someone else from falling through the floor. My secondary goal is to use it to launch my Forging Hope Project. Yeah, it all circles back to being an instrument to help other people. The mission is to assist other people in their journey from illness to wellness.

In other news, I got a military ID card. My stepdad is retired military and we jumped through those hoops to prove that my medical problems today date back to before I was 21 y/o. Yeah, that was fun. While I was in Ohio dealing with my dad while he was still alive I was also calling all of my former doctors digging up any and all paperwork from my childhood. Anyway, we found some. On this one application with symptoms it said in my own hand (I was 13): headaches, nausea, aching in bones and muscles. That was a bit of a shock to read. Anyway, we gave it all to my current doctor to read over. She then submitted a letter to state that she believed that the roots of my current problems began in youth. It was clear that it did. She did. So, after the military sent back the letter saying that it needed to be rewritten in their format (and it was), I was quickly approved.

This means that I cancelled my old insurance (which sucked). I am now on Tricare and am part of my parents' plan. My Rxs are cheap. Yay. I am on a copay system. I can actually get testing and stuff done. Anything done at the base hospital will be free (I think) or very inexpensive. In other words, I can actually get some forward momentum on getting some of my health issues solved. This is such a blessing.

I am now in the third phase of SSD approval. This is when I am most likely to get approved. For my area, we are looking at about 10 months before it comes before the judge. That is how slowly the system is working. Some places it is as long as three years. So, I will keep my tongue in my mouth and not complain. When you win, they backpay you in one lump sum. The irony will be if they take so long that I will be able to work by the time they get to my case. That, of course, will be thanks to the military insurance assistance. I will have financially broken my parents since 2006 and I will just be getting well by the time my case comes up. lol.

I am not sure what I think about that.

I have been watching MY NAME IS EARL on DVD. It is hilarious. It is about this bad dude who wins a scratch off lottery ticket and immediately gets hit by a car. In the hospital he sees Carson Daly on TV talking karma. He says that he thinks he has this good life because he believes if you do good things, good things come back to you. Well, that is when Earl make his list of every bad thing he has ever done. He is certain karma is out to get him. He has to fix things or karma is going to kill him. While he is doing the first good thing, he finds his winning scratch off. The rest of the show is him doing the things on his list. H-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s.

That cracks me up.

I try to laugh a little every day.

I guess that is all I have for now. Oh... I did get an IPod at long last. Love it. Still not real sure what I am doing. It has face chat on it. But I have no idea how to work it and don't know anyone else who has face chat. Now *that* is funny.

I hope that you have found something here to entertain, inform, or in some other way enlighten you. I do try to please.

image found at

Monday, March 29, 2010


Well, I said I wanted to branch out here and do some different things. Today is the day. Today, I want to laugh. Today I need to laugh. I am twenty five minutes away from another birtday and they just aren't as fun as they used to be. And, no, I'm not going to tell you hold I am. I first heard this bit a couple of years ago via email. You may have heard it, too. I must have played it five times and I laughed until I cried all five times. I went looking for it on youtube and listened to it a couple more times and it was just as funny as I remembered. I am not sure what I like most about it. The story is great. The description is fantastic. I think what tickles me the most is how cracked up the guy gets detailing the action. Laughter is contagious. So crank up your volume and give it a listen. If you've already heard it, listen again, because it is F-U-N-N-Y.

Before you click on the video. Go down to my music player and turn it off. It is at the bottom of the page. Sorry for that inconvenience.

I decided to just pull up some graphics out of photobucket that also made me laugh. So, here's your funny for today. The first two reminded me of the ladies from the audio above. You just don't mess with little old ladies in Texas! The rest are just well... funny!