Showing posts with label rotator cuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rotator cuff. Show all posts

Monday, October 13, 2014

And Then There Were... Bullets

I am considering making Mondays bullet point post days. Every week they overtake me and I am (sadly) unprepared. Ergo... say it with bullets.
  • Remember that ennui I mentioned toward blogging about a week ago, possibly more. Well, it's still there, but I am enjoying putting a video on my TV blog (every day but Saturday). Some are current TV and some cancelled shows. But it is FUN. If you want to see what is going on there, click HERE.
  • I feel like I am gaining traction on my novel. Several CPs came back with excellent suggestions and the whole project is moving onward and upward. Woohoo! If you want to beta read or CP this project, email me. 
  • This has been a Not So Great week in terms of migraines. Yeah, that means I am struggling. I woke up with a doozy this morning. My dreams must be powerful stuff if they trigger this sort of reaction. I just wish I could remember what CAUSED this massive amount of stress. And this massive migraine... that even now has my stomach flip-flopping and my head feeling like it wants to pound itself right off my shoulders.
  • You might be thinking... why aren't you in bed? I was. For hours. And it doesn't help. That isn't to say that I won't be returning directly...
  • I stumbled into my next song for Battle of the Bands last week. BOTB will be this Wednesday. And I am 95% positive I am going with the song I just found. I didn't even know there was a cover(s). How exciting is that???? Well, for me: very. For you: meh. Ha!
  • Mom and I like to go to the game rooms here in Florida. We don't spend much and usually come out a few bucks ahead. I figure when it all washes out, we either break even or make a little bit. A few years ago, when we lived in Yulee, we came out way ahead. That was my second source of income. Ah... the economy.
  • Anyway... two things happened this week that made me think about people and how crazy they are. 
  • First: It's 8:30PM and we are in a PACKED game room. This woman is telling one or two other people her PERSONAL BUSINESS at the top of her voice. And then she says something like, "This is private. My personal business. I don't want the whole world to know." Or something like that.
  • I am sitting on the other side of the room and I can hear every word she says.
  • Guy sitting next to me mutters, "A bit late for that."
  • I thought, "Heck, yeah. I wish she'd toned it down ten minutes ago." That thought was followed up by, "I bet she'd make a great character in a novel some day."
  • Yesterday, mom and I were leaving the game room (different room) when these two women walk in. Mom is going to the ladies room and I am waiting. Turns out these two are mother-daughter. The mother says loudly (of course), "My daughter is visiting me. She has done nothing but complain about how hot it is since she got here."
  • Man, I love that kind of guest (you know, the complaining kind). It's been 80 degrees here the last few days. Freakin' gorgeous weather. The daughter says, "Well, it's 33 where I live." And she says it like she wishes she were there. (I wished she was there, too.)
  • And it goes like that. On and on and on. Finally, they leave the counter and move to some games and the mother is still talking loudly enough for the ENTIRE ROOM to hear their conversation.
  • And that is when it hits me (again) that this could be yet another facet of that annoying character I met in the game room earlier in the week. 
  • For all of you still wondering about my shoulder... man, it still hurts. I am doing exercises and gaining range of motion. But, the pain is still... Well, let's put it this way: It is very painful to pull up my pants. Something about that specific rotation in the shoulder really hurts. Yesterday we stopped at Arby's for dinner and I needed to use the restroom. Tiny stall. In the process of the already-painful pulling up the pants process I slam my (bad) arm into the TP dispenser. I nearly cried right there in the stall.
  • Last, but not least, some old dude hit on me at the karaoke place. I am a magnet for old dudes. Worse, I remain stunned each time they hit on me. This particular one was missing most of his teeth and I am pretty sure he was older than my mother - who was sitting right next to me. Ah well... if any of you guys can explain this phenomena, I am all ears.
I guess that is a wrap. Any of this sound familiar????

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Tell Me Your Thoughts On This

Lucky for you, I still feel like something found on the bottom of a hiker's shoe, because that means this post will likely be very Short.

First, I promised to tell you (briefly) about my left shoulder. I wrenched it dancing a bit over two months ago and then proceeded to rinse and repeat that horrible motion in a variety of creative ways. Two months later I finally saw an orthopedic doctor who assures me this pain is not all in my head and that I have very likely torn (to some degree) my rotator cuff and ripped away the tendon from the socket in the ball joint of the shoulder. Because of the pain of this, I pretty well stopped my using my left hand for *most everything* and that has resulted in a frozen shoulder. Yeah, turns out that not moving it didn't work out so well. Now I am going to have my first therapy appointment tomorrow and will continue with that for a month to see if it will solve the problem. If not, then I can look forward to an MRI with a probable side of surgery.

Second, I wanted to ask you some questions about Religion. More precisely Organized Religion. Our pastor put out three different white boards during the message last Sunday. One was asking us to list the qualities of Jesus. The second was to list the characteristics of our church - specifically. The third was to list the characteristics of the church universal. She encouraged us to talk to people who were and were not Christians for the last one in order to get a broader view. Since you don't go to my church, you can't help with the second one. But, I am interested in your ideas of the characteristics of Jesus and the church universal. So, please tell me what you think in the comments.

I challenge you (if you are a Christian) to do what you can to make the characteristics of your life - and ergo your church, if you attend - to shift to look more like those in the Jesus column. I think that disparity is the reason that people tend to not like organized religion. Organized religion is nothing more than the sum of its parts (the people) and so that means You. And Me. I remember saying once, as a teenager, "The thing working hardest against Christianity is the people out there preaching the message." I still believe that is true. I feel sorrowful that Christ relies so much upon us to spread the message and we are so fallible, and sometimes miserable, in our translation of the Word.

So, back to the original point: Describe the characteristics of Jesus and the characteristics of the Church Universal. (And think about the characteristics of your church.)

Monday, July 7, 2014

BOTB Results and What Is Happening Here

I am late on the Battle of the Bands recap. Sorry. The song was I Won't Back Down and Tom Petty nearly swept your votes with 17. Ryan Star only got one.

JJ The Disconnected Writer said this in the comments:

Robin: I love this segment, but this is the toughest one yet. I knew the Tom Petty version, of course, but I also like the Ryan Star version. Here is why I vote for Tom Petty.

In my lifetime attempts to achieve peace and harmony, I recognize that conflict is a part of life, and I always attempt to avoid it at all costs. However, in our lives, we must occasionally dig in. The Tom Petty version arrives at that time and his heels are dug in as he approaches the upcoming battle. He cannot be defeated.

In the Ryan Star version, the singer has already engaged in battle, and not very successfully. However, despite the beating, he cannot be defeated.

My choice has nothing to do with artistic talent. Like most people, music moves me, and I choose not to believe I can be on the losing end of life's struggles.

I thought that was a perceptive way of interpreting the song. It explains why I really like both versions. When I am feeling on top of my game and ready... I love the Tom Petty version. It was my favorite song on that album for many, many years. When I first heard the Ryan Star version I was already nine years into my battle with chronic migraines and still not seeing any sort of end in sight. Or hope for that matter. But I still believed that it would get better. So, it was all about how I felt. When I first heard that Ryan Star version I felt like I'd been through what was bordering on a 10 years war with no reprieve and I got my butt whooped in every single battle. But, I was still singing the song. I still wasn't backing down. Let's just say my position wasn't fortified, but I refused to accept defeat. I think it is beautiful. It is the song of the extremely weary person who stands facing a stacked deck and still says, "You can stand me up at the gates of hell, but I won't back down." I cried when I heard it the first time. So, even though Ryan Star lost again, here... he is a winner with me (not that it matters, because it only brings his vote count to 2).

If you voted, thank you! We will do it again (different song) on the 15th.

Some highlights of what is going on in my world, bullet-point style:
  •  I strained my rotator cuff  in my left shoulder about a month ago. The first time dancing, the second time I nearly fell in the shower and caught myself by wrenching that shoulder (again), the third time dancing, the fourth time I nearly fell in the garden... I think you see how this is going.
  • I was told to go easy on it, take anti-inflammatory medication and do my level best not to tear it. A tear involves surgery and possibly/probable loss of motion.
  • Since I keep straining it, I think my dancing is about to get pared down to the bare minimum. I hate it, but I am tired of my shoulder hurting all of the time.
  • Since I changed my schedule and work on my novel in the morning and blogging later, my edits are coming along much faster.
  • Remember my numerology post... well, I have changed several reactions of my MC based upon what her numerology chart says about her. I like how that is developing. She feels more real to me with each change.
  • I was surprised and pleased by all of you who sent your information for numerology charts. I am running behind with all of this other stuff, but I will get to them!
  • My garden is actually producing this year. Last year it was in a shady spot, so we moved it. Last year, we also planted a month too late, since we were on vacation during the planting time. 
  • Ergo, last year our garden produced no tomatoes, no cucumbers, and very late in the season... a few peppers. It was a huge disappointment. Or learning experience, depending on how you look at it. I choose learning.
  • This year, it has produced like crazy, but we have fought the bugs every step of the way. I started picking the tomatoes green or they would be eaten. I sprayed with an organic spray that did not slow them down and dusted with seven about a week ago (good-bye organic garden), but that has made a difference.
  • We have one banana pepper plant that is producing like crazy. I wish I knew the secret so that I could make all of them act that way.
  • Last, but not least, our choir at church is on hiatus so each week someone does special music. I am slated for a solo two weeks from yesterday. I finally chose my music yesterday.
  • I am going to include a video if you want to hear it. Of course, it won't sound like this. The pianist will accompany me (so imagine that instead of all the string instruments) and my voice is not as good as hers. And I won't be doing all that humming.