Showing posts with label this week in my life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label this week in my life. Show all posts

Monday, October 13, 2014

And Then There Were... Bullets

I am considering making Mondays bullet point post days. Every week they overtake me and I am (sadly) unprepared. Ergo... say it with bullets.
  • Remember that ennui I mentioned toward blogging about a week ago, possibly more. Well, it's still there, but I am enjoying putting a video on my TV blog (every day but Saturday). Some are current TV and some cancelled shows. But it is FUN. If you want to see what is going on there, click HERE.
  • I feel like I am gaining traction on my novel. Several CPs came back with excellent suggestions and the whole project is moving onward and upward. Woohoo! If you want to beta read or CP this project, email me. 
  • This has been a Not So Great week in terms of migraines. Yeah, that means I am struggling. I woke up with a doozy this morning. My dreams must be powerful stuff if they trigger this sort of reaction. I just wish I could remember what CAUSED this massive amount of stress. And this massive migraine... that even now has my stomach flip-flopping and my head feeling like it wants to pound itself right off my shoulders.
  • You might be thinking... why aren't you in bed? I was. For hours. And it doesn't help. That isn't to say that I won't be returning directly...
  • I stumbled into my next song for Battle of the Bands last week. BOTB will be this Wednesday. And I am 95% positive I am going with the song I just found. I didn't even know there was a cover(s). How exciting is that???? Well, for me: very. For you: meh. Ha!
  • Mom and I like to go to the game rooms here in Florida. We don't spend much and usually come out a few bucks ahead. I figure when it all washes out, we either break even or make a little bit. A few years ago, when we lived in Yulee, we came out way ahead. That was my second source of income. Ah... the economy.
  • Anyway... two things happened this week that made me think about people and how crazy they are. 
  • First: It's 8:30PM and we are in a PACKED game room. This woman is telling one or two other people her PERSONAL BUSINESS at the top of her voice. And then she says something like, "This is private. My personal business. I don't want the whole world to know." Or something like that.
  • I am sitting on the other side of the room and I can hear every word she says.
  • Guy sitting next to me mutters, "A bit late for that."
  • I thought, "Heck, yeah. I wish she'd toned it down ten minutes ago." That thought was followed up by, "I bet she'd make a great character in a novel some day."
  • Yesterday, mom and I were leaving the game room (different room) when these two women walk in. Mom is going to the ladies room and I am waiting. Turns out these two are mother-daughter. The mother says loudly (of course), "My daughter is visiting me. She has done nothing but complain about how hot it is since she got here."
  • Man, I love that kind of guest (you know, the complaining kind). It's been 80 degrees here the last few days. Freakin' gorgeous weather. The daughter says, "Well, it's 33 where I live." And she says it like she wishes she were there. (I wished she was there, too.)
  • And it goes like that. On and on and on. Finally, they leave the counter and move to some games and the mother is still talking loudly enough for the ENTIRE ROOM to hear their conversation.
  • And that is when it hits me (again) that this could be yet another facet of that annoying character I met in the game room earlier in the week. 
  • For all of you still wondering about my shoulder... man, it still hurts. I am doing exercises and gaining range of motion. But, the pain is still... Well, let's put it this way: It is very painful to pull up my pants. Something about that specific rotation in the shoulder really hurts. Yesterday we stopped at Arby's for dinner and I needed to use the restroom. Tiny stall. In the process of the already-painful pulling up the pants process I slam my (bad) arm into the TP dispenser. I nearly cried right there in the stall.
  • Last, but not least, some old dude hit on me at the karaoke place. I am a magnet for old dudes. Worse, I remain stunned each time they hit on me. This particular one was missing most of his teeth and I am pretty sure he was older than my mother - who was sitting right next to me. Ah well... if any of you guys can explain this phenomena, I am all ears.
I guess that is a wrap. Any of this sound familiar????