Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts

Monday, January 01, 2018

Dr. Michio Kaku, Theoretical Physicist: Fukishima Daiichi Nuclear Facility is a "Ticking Time Bomb".

Dr. Michio Kaku, Theoretical Physicist: Fukishima Daiichi Nuclear Facility is a "Ticking Time Bomb". The Japanese government is trying to calm fears about radiation levels and food safety in the region around the heavily damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility, even as it has raised the severity rating of the crisis to the highest possible level. "Radiation is continuing to leak out of the reactors, the situation is not stable at all," We are talking meltdown of three reactors not one as in Chernobyl!

Europeans Warned To Avoid Drinking Milk Or Eating Vegetables Due To High Radiation Levels, the radiation risk from Fukushima is "no longer negligible," says CRIIRAD, the French research authority on radioactivity. It is now warning expectant mothers and young children to avoid drinking milk or rainwater. They should also avoid certain types of vegetables and cheese due to the dangerously high levels of radiation they may contain thanks to the radioactive fallout spreading across the globe

The operators of Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant say they are moving equipment to higher ground after a series of strong aftershocks that have hampered efforts to repair the crippled facility. The latest strong tremor came at about 6 a.m. local time Thursday, with a magnitude of 6.1. It was the fourth aftershock since Monday with a magnitude of 6 or greater and the 14th with a magnitude greater than 5. Hundreds of aftershocks have rattled Japan's northeastern coast since the massive 9.0 earthquake and tsunami on March 11 that knocked out the plant's cooling systems. They are afraid another big one is coming.

I reiterate for those that need or want it: Cement all 4 reactors and get on with it! Even Chernobyl was encased by now, what is Tepco and Japan waiting for?

The growing concerns of nearby South Korea and China about radioactive fallout from Japan were underscored when China's health ministry reported trace amounts of radioactive iodine in spinach in three Chinese provinces. Japan's fishermen and farmer's are more than angry that their livelihoods are being destroyed and receiving a mere apology.

Radioactivity from the Fukishima plants has now been detected throughout the US, Canada, Russia, Scotland, the UK, South Korea, around the world, this is an environmental catastrophe our frail planet did not need.!

This really concerns me because the crisis in Japan just keeps getting worse despite the lies. It had to cross the country to get here on the east coast of the United States. This is not the legacy Japan wanted to leave for its children nor the one I want for mine. I have been saying from the beginning that this was going to dwarf Chernobyl and it will. It was obvious they were lying from the beginning and they still are.

They found that #2 and #3 were leaking plutonium and uranium directly in the sea but don't worry it will be diluted. What? That reactor three is the only one of the 6 that uses the deadliest of the deadly, a mixture of plutonium and uranium. Now we are hearing there is another in as bad a shape and they are worried about another hydrogen explosion from #1.. Seal them in cement now before things get any worse. Chernobyl was a 7 now they are talking 7, eventually it will be a 10 or for which they of yet do not have a classification.

I was blown away that Chernobyl is now a vacation destination knowing how much they are still hiding and that 25 years later the Germans pay hunters half a million apiece for wild boars to keep them off the table as they are still radioactive. This is 4 reactors and will dwarf Chernobyl!

Radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster is still poisoning Germany's boars nearly 25 years on, with authorities fighting to keep toxic meat off the market as the wild boar population rockets. Besides all the other problems there is still a 35 square mile area around Chernobyl that is dead and off limits.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Video Simulation Of 3 Million Gallons Of Dumped Radioactive Water Spreading Through The Pacific, Don't worry?

We keep being told this will be diluted so don't worry but what our government doesn't seem to be telling people is about the cumulative effect. You don't repeatedly get x rays because it's not good for you, when technicians give x rays they shield themselves. Add up the radiation in the air, the water, the rain which falls on the crops that animals graze on it goes into the milk and the meat and it all adds up. Now there is a great concern that contamination will spread well beyond Japan's shores affecting seafood overseas that is expected to concentrate in the upper food chain.

Japan considers wider nuclear evacuation zone

S. Korea shuts schools amid Japan radiation fears

After notching a rare victory by stopping highly radioactive water from flowing into the Pacific, workers at Japan's flooded nuclear power complex turned to their next task early today: injecting nitrogen to prevent more hydrogen explosions.

The growing concerns of nearby South Korea and China about radioactive fallout from Japan were underscored when China's health ministry reported trace amounts of radioactive iodine in spinach in three Chinese provinces. Japan's fishermen and farmer's are more than angry that their livelihoods are being destroyed and receiving a mere apology.

Radioactivity from the Fukishima plants has now been detected throughout the US, Canada, Russia, Scotland, the UK, South Korea, around the world, this is an environmental catastrophe our frail planet did not need.!

This really concerns me because the crisis in Japan just keeps getting worse despite the lies. It had to cross the country to get here on the east coast of the United States. This is not the legacy Japan wanted to leave for its children nor the one I want for mine. I have been saying from the beginning that this was going to dwarf Chernobyl and it will. It was obvious they were lying from the beginning and they still are.

They found that #2 and #3 were leaking plutonium and uranium directly in the sea but don't worry it will be diluted. What? That reactor three is the only one of the 6 that uses the deadliest of the deadly, a mixture of plutonium and uranium. Now we are hearing there is another in as bad a shape and they are worried about another hydrogen explosion from #1.. Seal them in cement now before things get any worse. Chernobyl was a 7 now they are talking 6, eventually it will be a 10 or for which they of yet do not have a classification.

I was blown away that Chernobyl is now a vacation destination knowing how much they are still hiding and that 25 years later the Germans pay hunters half a million apiece for wild boars to keep them off the table as they are still radioactive. This is 4 reactors and will dwarf Chernobyl!

Radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster is still poisoning Germany's boars nearly 25 years on, with authorities fighting to keep toxic meat off the market as the wild boar population rockets. Don't worry?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Full Core Meltdown will Send Deadly Radiation Over The US: Don't forget there are three not one

Full Core Meltdown will Send Deadly Radiation Over The US

Click here to watch and read, "Full Core Meltdown will Send Deadly Radiation Over The US"...

Also don't forget that Massive Japan Tsunami debris field approaching the west coast before it heads to Hawaii then back to Japan. Besides 200,000 houses and all the expected debris only God knows what else is in there. The floating debris will likely be carried by currents off of Japan toward Washington, Oregon and California before turning toward Hawaii and back again toward Asia, circulating in what is known as the North Pacific gyre

The more this develops the worse it gets:

Dr. Michio Kaku, Theoretical Physicist: Fukishima Daiichi Nuclear Facility is a "Ticking Time Bomb". The Japanese government is trying to calm fears about radiation levels and food safety in the region around the heavily damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility, even as it has raised the severity rating of the crisis to the highest possible level. "Radiation is continuing to leak out of the reactors, the situation is not stable at all," We are talking meltdown of three reactors not one as in Chernobyl!

Europeans Warned To Avoid Drinking Milk Or Eating Vegetables Due To High Radiation Levels, the radiation risk from Fukushima is "no longer negligible," says CRIIRAD, the French research authority on radioactivity. It is now warning expectant mothers and young children to avoid drinking milk or rainwater. They should also avoid certain types of vegetables and cheese due to the dangerously high levels of radiation they may contain thanks to the radioactive fallout spreading across the globe

The operators of Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant say they are moving equipment to higher ground after a series of strong aftershocks that have hampered efforts to repair the crippled facility. The latest strong tremor came at about 6 a.m. local time Thursday, with a magnitude of 6.1. It was the fourth aftershock since Monday with a magnitude of 6 or greater and the 14th with a magnitude greater than 5. Hundreds of aftershocks have rattled Japan's northeastern coast since the massive 9.0 earthquake and tsunami on March 11 that knocked out the plant's cooling systems. They are afraid another big one is coming.

I reiterate for those that need or want it: Cement all 4 reactors and get on with it! Even Chernobyl was encased by now, what is Tepco and Japan waiting for?

The growing concerns of nearby South Korea and China about radioactive fallout from Japan were underscored when China's health ministry reported trace amounts of radioactive iodine in spinach in three Chinese provinces. Japan's fishermen and farmer's are more than angry that their livelihoods are being destroyed and receiving a mere apology.

Radioactivity from the Fukishima plants has now been detected throughout the US, Canada, Russia, Scotland, the UK, South Korea, around the world, this is an environmental catastrophe our frail planet did not need.!

This really concerns me because the crisis in Japan just keeps getting worse despite the lies. It had to cross the country to get here on the east coast of the United States. This is not the legacy Japan wanted to leave for its children nor the one I want for mine. I have been saying from the beginning that this was going to dwarf Chernobyl and it will. It was obvious they were lying from the beginning and they still are.

They found that #2 and #3 were leaking plutonium and uranium directly in the sea but don't worry it will be diluted. What? That reactor three is the only one of the 6 that uses the deadliest of the deadly, a mixture of plutonium and uranium. Now we are hearing there is another in as bad a shape and they are worried about another hydrogen explosion from #1.. Seal them in cement now before things get any worse. Chernobyl was a 7 now they are talking 7, eventually it will be a 10 or for which they of yet do not have a classification.

I was blown away that Chernobyl is now a vacation destination knowing how much they are still hiding and that 25 years later the Germans pay hunters half a million apiece for wild boars to keep them off the table as they are still radioactive. This is 4 reactors and will dwarf Chernobyl!

Radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster is still poisoning Germany's boars nearly 25 years on, with authorities fighting to keep toxic meat off the market as the wild boar population rockets. Besides all the other problems there is still a 35 square mile area around Chernobyl that is dead and off limits.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, December 28, 2017

America: Living to fight as it appears or Fighting to Live as we are told?

Many of you know that I have been writing about the truth of what is going on with us and the world since 9/11. Until the advent of the lying war monger Bush I always assumed the United States did the right thing for average citizens and fought and went to war only when provoked to protect our citizens and our autonomy. Boy was I ever wrong.

For one reason or the other we have been at war since 9/11 and after much research I no longer trust the Governments reasons for taking us to war. I realized our wars were for us to fight and for them to gain. Well the other day someone asked why I write about war so much so I thought I better illustrate why once again. I took to calling our current war situation Bush's forever war and for good reason.

I see no end and in fact as you watch the middle east, China, Russia, indeed the mindset of the entire world you know why as this is barely beginning and like it or not will dwarf the 100 years war. Yes war is our past and our future. We can only hope it turns out as good as the past.

Knowing I have been thinking of this for years and I based it on a book written in 2003 in which it was pointed out that we have been at war since our founding, 227 years, that is now 235 years so I had to revisit this thought. 209 out of 235 years of war or armed conflict Call it what you want but sadly the rest of the so called civilized world is no better!

Years ago now I was consumed with the crazy thought that my son who at the time was an EOD (explosive ordinance Disposal) Team Leader just got home from Afghanistan then volunteered for Iraq. I was very concerned as to how many civilians and American soldiers were going to lose their lives in what many of us considered an illegal war. I was sickened watching our Patriotic sons and daughters being abused and ill used.

I was listening again to the number of Americans killed in past wars including the civil war where some 562 thousand lost their lives as you know, fighting amongst ourselves. At first I was focused on the wasted lives in Iraq and was wondering how many there would be when all is said and done as well as feeling there is no foreseeable end and we still have to wonder, then I went to this list and I wanted to compare how many lives were lost in wars in contrast to how many we lost fighting amongst ourselves.

The numbers were getting too convoluted for me to come up with anything tangible I thought. I then was looking at the immense numbers of conflicts and wars we were in and I decided a comparison of war years to peaceful years would be best to tell our story. I couldn't figure it out. I was floored by the number of conflicts and wars America has been in since our founding and thought I would say we have only had approximately 50 years of peace and supply this link on our war and peace History. List of America's wars

Then I went back to Google and I found this compelling story by Jon Stanton showing that America has been at war openly or clandestinely essentially since we were founded. I merely want you to see what is out there and think about the whole story. Having read what he wrote I thought there was something at least worth reading, thinking about, and putting in perspective.

I never read him so I researched him and found him to be a Virginia based writer that writes from a left wing perspective and I am afraid I agree with much of what he says. In fact I have written much of it myself in the past. I am not a warmonger I am a peace lover so I thought I would give you the link to Jon Stanton's book 227 years of warfare written in 2003 and you could tell me what you think. 227 years of warfare

It did make me remember that I did a diary a while back in which I said the U.S. has a war economy and some took exception to that but looking at our History of wars our fault or not I really have to wonder, what are we? I am a peace lover willing to fight for my country as are my sons as you know but are the leaders of America fighting to live or living to fight? what is happening to us? How are we supposed to feel knowing we are right now in what I call at minimum our 100 years war, Bush's Forever war?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, December 23, 2017

We are facing a disastrous monumental fiasco of Biblical proportions.

911 was not the defining moment of our time nor is our greatest threat underground as they stupidly say!

Post-9/11, biggest terror threat is underground Wrong! We are our own greatest threat!

We just cannot stop killing  ourselves and the planet
High levels of toxic cadmium dumped into Tampa Bay ; About 45 million gallons of contaminated water has already flown from the former Piney Point phosphate plant through pipes that lead into nearby Bishop Harbor, a Gulf bay that is a sensitive habitat for fish and wildlife.   We haven't done enough to the gulf already let alone the ocean and planet in general with the hidden nightmare of Fukijima. Plus now our "friends" at Exxon Mobil are screwing up another pristine part of America with another of their "safe" oil nightmares.
An oil pipeline under the Yellowstone river ruptured. What the hell is it doing there in the first place?"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390">

I didn't realize until I was looking at today's unwinding horrors we will be facing long into the future. We watch Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Iran, Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, China and Taiwan, North and South Korea, water pollution, air pollution, global warming, water wars, food wars, numerous future wars in the making, I decided it best to go back to something I wrote 5 years ago now long before I decided to interact daily trying to wake up the world still to no avail.

9/11 was not the defining moment of our time as we are told,that event has not occurred yet but that moment is coming and soon. A lot of people tell me to get over Bush but the US and the world will never be able to as he upset US and world balance that will forever affect us all. Up to now and all our horror Bush has been the defining moment of our time, but ?

The fall of the Russian Empire set in motion something that began with the founding of Islam in 610. Islam was established by Muhammad in order to give Muslims a formal religion and sense of belonging with the Jews and Christians. It failed and Muslims have never been able to gain equal footing or be willing to accept their role in the worlds society.

The Christian Crusades to take back Jerusalem turned into a blood bath against Muslims. Our nation was born during the enlightenment and industrialization completed a gap between our societies which will never close. Next comes the Berlin Conference in the 19th century, allowing Europe to divvy up Africa where they then took what they wanted and then reset the boundaries creating another mess with the Muslim world.

We are in a fight that is just beginning but this is not though just a fight between the west and Islam. Islam is also fighting itself! It is a war between Islam and the world at large, everyone. As Bush had no tolerance of anything but his version of perverted Religion and Democracy. The Muslim Islamists have no tolerance of any other version of Islam than their own. They want all their lands back which can not happen. They want us off their lands so what do we do we attack them once again?

We had enough problems in Afghanistan then Bush had to worsen things by diverting to Iraq to get into the Middle East to unsettle that already shaky balance to set up his idea of a new middle east order.To all our demise there is no desire for compromise here by anyone as Iran now freed up wants there version and you see how that is going.!

There is an easy answer to this and that is too fight and continue to fight and that includes it seems, our Governments and world leaders! At the very least there is no easy way out but to fight. We have no other choice as none of this will be quelled by diplomacy. Average Muslim's of all nations want peace and prosperity as average citizens of every nation do but our so called leaders have taken it upon themselves to fight and destroy our peace and prosperity.

Throw in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya,Pakistan, Iran, Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, China and Taiwan, North and South Korea, water pollution, air pollution, global warming, water wars, food wars, numerous future wars in the making, and it is daunting but you must realize the defining moment of our time has yet to occur I am afraid.

We are more rapidly every day destroying our environment and our planet. Fukishima and the Gulf of Mexico as horrendous and horrific to humanity as they are are just 2 of the recent examples of mans self destruction. It seems like we have another oil or other man made disaster every week. I was very concerned with our growing oil disasters but hearing of the vast cadmium leak off Florida recently really flummoxed me. WTF?

We are more and more overwhelmed with more rapidly occurring climatic disasters, man made disasters, a world wide financial disasters, and wars and threats of wars. Sadly it will get worse. We are going to get hit with the culmination of all this, a disastrous monumental fiasco of Biblical proportions.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Monday, December 18, 2017

Knowing of Afghanistan's mineral riches a look Inside a remote and dangerous Afghan mine

a look Inside a remote and dangerous Afghan mine Their mines without the Taliban are in the 16th century, Good luck trying to get those minerals out and to market! Knowing this I have to reiterate what we already discussed as this really puts their mineral wealth in a new perspective at least for me!

Afghanistan the Saudi Arabia of Lithium The China of Capitalism, success or failure of tribalism is up to them, Afghanistan the curse of natural resources! US geologists find $1 trillion of mineral reserves in Afghanistan, the deposits, which include large veins of iron, copper, cobalt, gold and lithium are so large they could alter the Afghan economy, American geologists said after discovering the resources.

Plans were announced to start mining copper in the Aynak valley, southwest of Kabul, which holds one of the world’s biggest untapped copper deposits, estimated to be worth up to $88_billion (£44 billion) – more than double Afghanistan’s entire gross domestic product (GDP) in 2007.

In November, 2008 a 30-year lease was sold to the China Metallurgical Group for $3 billion, making it the biggest foreign investment and private business venture in Afghanistan’s history.

However despite the latest finds, with no mining industry in place it would take decades to develop an infrastructure to exploit the vast mineral reserves which are scattered throughout the country including along the border with Pakistan where some of the most intense fighting has taken place. US geologists find $1 to $3 trillion of mineral reserves in Afghanistan

China‘s involvement in Afghanistan is more than overdue! US troops provided security for China’s monstrous copper mine

China is mining what may be the largest deposit of copper on the planet. They stand to make tens of Billions and we are defending their interests.

For now this is justified as we have to be in the area anyway but once China builds a railroad in order to move the copper to port that better come to an end. You can bet every inch of that railroad and port is going to need 24/7 security. It will be a major target as the Taliban seek to keep what is Afghanistan’s theirs!

China should have her troops there providing her own security at the very least. If they were helping in Afghanistan as they should they would be less inclined to be trying to gum up the works for us everywhere else. We must make this a world effort if we are to succeed. I am happy to see we are moving in that direction.
In closing there are 1 to 3 trillion dollars worth of mineral resources alone. Enough to make them a power house if they could only come together in some manner and had someone in control of the country that knew how to capitalize from it. They are throughout Afghanistan including the Afghan Pakistan border which is significant to me.

There is enough lithium alone to power laptops computers Ipads Ipods everything you can think of in the age of lithium batteries, the 21st century. The heck with copper mines pipelines and oil and gas this could force the Taliban into being the China of Afghanistan allowing Capitalism to facilitate their preferred lifestyle of tribalism as the Chinese have used it to further communism. It is up to them it is up to Afghanistan because history has taught us progress will not be denied. You either use it to your advantage or be trampled. I hope Afghanistan chooses to use this opportunity to farther their preferred lifestyle instead of trying to fight it. Good luck trying to reach those riches and getting them to market!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, December 01, 2017

All out middle east war will not be avoided: The latest

Ban has warned that spillover violence in the Golan from Syria's civil war is threatening a nearly four-decade-old ceasefire between Syria and Israel. His push to bolster the force comes even as the U.N. lobbies other countries to send replacements for Austrian peacekeepers who began withdrawing from the Golan this week after fighting from the Syrian civil war threatened their positions.

As a whole the so called civilized Nations of the world are bound and determined to start another world war they all mistakenly think they will win. Russia China, Iran, they are all responsible for creating this civil war.

From the beginning of the chaos in Syria we have been saying that Iran more specifically the IRG (Iran Revolutionary Guard) was in Syria helping if not leading the way in trying to quell the uprising along with Hezbollah.

You know Bashar's only friend's Iran and Hezbollah are dictating that this slaughter is a necessity though Syria knows how to brutalize its people all to well. Iran will not allow a Democracy at her doorstep further isolating her.

'Iran building militias in Syria in case Assad falls': The Post quoted a senior Obama administration official as saying that Iran was backing as many as 50,000 militiamen. “The immediate intention seems to be to support the Syrian regime. But it’s important for Iran to have a force in Syria that is reliable and can be counted on,” the official stated.

Now that we know how involved Russia, Iran and Hezbollah are in the slaughtering that is going on around the country that is beginning to look like the beginning of their fight not nearing the end.You have to be very concerned about what is happening in Syria especially.

Russia, China, and Iran are not going to allow Syria to fall to Democracy. What we saw after the voter fraud in Iran was mild compared to what the IRG will do if this movement spreads to Iran. I really wish Bashar would step down but Iran is the elephant in the room any way you look at it. The total middle east breakdown we have written about numerous times is well under way. We can only hope we keep it from erupting into WW3.

By attacking and defeating Iraq we freed Iran up to pursue her version of new middle East order by interfering wherever she could while Bush was doing the same thing with his Middle East Democratization program. I think you can see how successful Bush and Cheney were with chaos creating Middle East Democracy program but you are barely seeing the results they created in Iran.

The goal absolutely is to be the country who decides which direction the new Middle East (dis)order will take. Bush started it by attacking Iraq to get into the middle east to destabilize it and start the new middle east order the idiot said God told him to do now it will be up to Iran and Saudi Arabia at least up front fight it out whether this goes the Iranian Shiite way or the Saudi Arabian Sunni way and do not forget Israel!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Arctic Council gives 6 more Nations the right to help destroy and plunder the Arctic


Approximately 230 people, including ministers, delegates from the eight Arctic states, representatives of indigenous peoples, scientists and observers, participated in this event, which marks the end of the two-year Swedish chairmanship and the beginning of the Canadian chairmanship of the Arctic Council. The Arctic Council, founded about 20 years ago, includes eight Arctic countries, namely Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States.

India’s bid for observer status in the Arctic Council was successful on Wednesday along with that of five other countries — China, Italy, Japan, South Korea and Singapore. An MEA spokesperson said India would contribute its scientific expertise, particularly its polar research capabilities.

U.S.'s Arctic plans may serve as a wake-up call for Canada and the world as they scramble for the resources as the Arctic thaws.

The Cold War for Arctic resources is not just heating up – it’s leading to a growing militarization in the remote North.

That’s the conclusion a study by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, which claims that Russia, Canada, Denmark and Norway are all developing their military interests there. Also, more countries are seeking access to the region’s important natural resources and transport routes, such as “outsiders” like China, India and Brazil.

U.S.'s Arctic plans may serve as a wake-up call for Canada: The Pentagon wants to know what’s happening in the Arctic; there’s an app for that. Well not yet, but Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency wants one in a hurry. In a call for proposals this week, it said it plans to pick, deploy and test two systems this summer. “Remote sensing may offer affordable advantages over traditional methods of monitoring the region – aircraft, satellites or manned ships and submarines – due to the great distances in the Arctic,” the agency said in a call for bids.

The U.S. military wants “new technologies to monitor the Arctic both above and below the ice, providing year-round situational awareness without the need for forward-basing or human presence.” Nothing nefarious about that. Except that slicing up the Arctic as retreating ice heralds a 21st-century resources rush and shipping boom at the top of the world is shaping up as a race for riches and control.Do you think it will matter?

I have been covering this for 6 years now, remember: The scramble for the Arctic: Russia to station 2 military Brigades in the Arctic: Vladimir Putin said Russia would strongly defend its interests and Putin is back
Russia's defense minister has said he plans to create two specialist army brigades to be based in the Arctic.The announcement comes days after Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Russia would strongly defend its interests in the region.

Denmark to lay claim to North Pole: DENMARK which already counts Greenland and the Faroe Islands as its Arctic territories, is planning to lay claim to the North Pole. This will put Denmark on a collision course with Russia, the US, Canada and Norway but they all better make a share deal and avoid conflict over this.

I wanted to discuss that in 2007 when Russia declared that it had successfully planted their flag at the bottom of the Arctic claiming it as Russian territory Russia was disturbed that Canada the US and others dismissed it as a joke saying that is worthless in the 21st Century. Myself I wasn't as sure as it seems like a scary ratcheting up of the race for future resources and world domination. Well attitudes are changing when recent events are taken into account. I am sure Denmark's joining this venture will simply be dismissed.

It has been noted that Russian nostalgia for past greatness has been seen stretching from the North Pole to the Mediterranean via the Caucasus. First the Russians planted a flag on the bottom of the Arctic. Then they promised to return to the Mediterranean. .

Russia's Mediterranean plans pale in comparison with its audacious foray into the Arctic where they collected soil samples and planted the Russian flag two and a half miles below the sea. The official purpose of this first-ever manned mission was "to prove that the North Pole is an extension of the Russian coastal shelf." Geologists say the region could have big oil, gas and mineral reserves. Massive oil reserves is more like it!

Knowing that the Arctic features prominently in Russian Imperial mythology and the rising desire for Russia to regain prominence as a world power you have to be very concerned about this and Canada now is. Canada's prime minister went on a three-day trip to the Arctic in an effort to assert sovereignty over the region a week after Russia symbolically staked a claim to the North Pole by sending submarines.

Five countries -- Canada, Russia, the United States, Norway and Denmark -- are competing to secure subsurface rights to the Arctic seabed. One study by the U.S. Geological Survey estimates the Arctic has as much as 25 percent of the world's undiscovered oil and gas. PM Harper, who has pledged to spend billions defending Canada's sovereignty over the Arctic, is said "Economic development -- unleashing the resource-based potential of the North, environmental protection -- protecting the unique Northern environment, national sovereignty -- protecting our land, airspace and territorial waters were his priorities.

" In response to the building interest in the shelf Canada's PM Harper announced that six to eight new patrol ships would be built to guard the Northwest Passage sea route in the Arctic, which the United States insists does not belong to Canada. Canadian PM vowed in 2007 to defend Arctic

U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins had criticized Harper's promise to defend the Arctic, calling the Northwest Passage "neutral waters." This is all very troubling as we watch the ratcheting up of tensions around the world as we try to move into the future. The increased militarism around the world is tenuous but throw all the recent developments in with what is shaping up to be a fight over the Arctic and its resources which will only serve to ecologically destroy another very important part of the Ocean's and world's ecosystem in what is increasingly appearing in trouble.

Denmark's interest and claim is also old. The scramble for the Arctic also gathered pace in 2007 as Denmark prepared to challenge Russia's bid for the North Pole and Canada vowed to defend its "sovereignty" over the region's frozen waters. Boy are they getting desperate! Over the next month they searched for evidence that the Lomonosov Ridge, a 1,200-mile, underwater mountain range running close to the Pole, is a geographical extension of Greenland, a Danish possession. 
The mission it was felt would strain relations between Denmark and Russia, which claims to have found evidence linking the ridge to Siberia. Both countries will seek adjudication from a United Nations commission in the next few years that could award a large swathe of Arctic territory to the country with the most compelling case. The scramble for the arctic The time is coming closer!

With the ice melting all of a sudden everyone has a claim to the land below and we are racing to destroy the Arctic. It sickens me to hear lies like China, India, and the rest of them saying they just want a faster route of travel and want to protect peace and the environment. Russia and Canada are not the only ones who have long voiced the willingness to fight for what they believe is theirs. That Arctic Council is a joke and will stop none of the impending destruct but merely enlarge the amount of Countries allowed to do it.

* In closing:China Focus: China publishes Arctic policy, eyeing vision of "Polar Silk Road"1/26/2018

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The battle for the Arctic takes shape

The Arctic Is Melting, So The U.S. Military Has Another Place It Has To Defend:  The Strategy opens by saying the Arctic is at a “strategic inflection point” because “its ice cap is diminishing more rapidly than projected.” This brings increasing “human activity, driven by economic opportunity” that ranges from shipping and fishing to fossil fuel extraction and tourism. 

Most experts believe there will be no Arctic sea ice in the summer by 2030. Secretary Hagel said in his speech that the U.S. “will remain prepared to detect, deter, prevent and defeat threats to our homeland and we will continue to exercise U.S. sovereignty in and around Alaska.                                                                                                                       

 Putin ramps up the world's fight for the Arctic

Putin said the Russian military has been restoring a Soviet-era military base on the New Siberian Islands that was shut down after the Soviet collapse. He added that the facility is key for protecting shipping routes that link Europe with the Pacific region across the Arctic Ocean.


  Last month, a Russian navy squadron led by the flagship of Russia's Northern Fleet, nuclear-powered cruiser Peter the Great, visited the archipelago, which occupies a strategic position on the Arctic shipping route. Putin said that the military has already re-established a permanent garrison there and will restore an airfield and other facilities.China granted observer status in Arctic Council: The meeting also witnessed the signing of Kiruna Declearation, which recognized "the importance of maintaining peace, stability and constructive cooperation in the Arctic," and "the importance of the sustainable use of resources, economic development and environmental protection."

U.S.'s Arctic plans may serve as a wake-up call for Canada and the world as they scramble for the resources as the Arctic thaws.
The Cold War for Arctic resources is not just heating up – it’s leading to a growing militarization in the remote North.

That’s the conclusion a study by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, which claims that Russia, Canada, Denmark and Norway are all developing their military interests there. Also, more countries are seeking access to the region’s important natural resources and transport routes, such as “outsiders” like China, India and Brazil.

U.S.'s Arctic plans may serve as a wake-up call for Canada: The Pentagon wants to know what’s happening in the Arctic; there’s an app for that. Well not yet, but Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency wants one in a hurry. In a call for proposals this week, it said it plans to pick, deploy and test two systems this summer. “Remote sensing may offer affordable advantages over traditional methods of monitoring the region – aircraft, satellites or manned ships and submarines – due to the great distances in the Arctic,” the agency said in a call for bids. 
The U.S. military wants “new technologies to monitor the Arctic both above and below the ice, providing year-round situational awareness without the need for forward-basing or human presence.” Nothing nefarious about that. Except that slicing up the Arctic as retreating ice heralds a 21st-century resources rush and shipping boom at the top of the world is shaping up as a race for riches and control.Do you think it will matter?
I have been covering this for 6 years now, remember: The scramble for the Arctic: Russia to station 2 military Brigades in the Arctic: Vladimir Putin said Russia would strongly defend its interests and Putin is back.

Russia's defense minister has said he plans to create two specialist army brigades to be based in the Arctic.The announcement comes days after Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Russia would strongly defend its interests in the region.

Denmark to lay claim to North Pole: DENMARK which already counts Greenland and the Faroe Islands as its Arctic territories, is planning to lay claim to the North Pole. 
This will put Denmark on a collision course with Russia, the US, Canada and Norway but they all better make a share deal and avoid conflict over this.

I wanted to discuss that in 2007 when Russia declared that it had successfully planted their flag at the bottom of the Arctic claiming it as Russian territory Russia was disturbed that Canada the US and others dismissed it as a joke saying that is worthless in the 21st Century. Myself I wasn't as sure as it seems like a scary ratcheting up of the race for future resources and world domination. Well attitudes are changing when recent events are taken into account. I am sure Denmark's joining this venture will simply be dismissed.

It has been noted that Russian nostalgia for past greatness has been seen stretching from the North Pole to the Mediterranean via the Caucasus. First the Russians planted a flag on the bottom of the Arctic. Then they promised to return to the Mediterranean. .

Russia's Mediterranean plans pale in comparison with its audacious foray into the Arctic where they collected soil samples and planted the Russian flag two and a half miles below the sea. The official purpose of this first-ever manned mission was "to prove that the North Pole is an extension of the Russian coastal shelf." Geologists say the region could have big oil, gas and mineral reserves. Massive oil reserves is more like it!

Knowing that the Arctic features prominently in Russian Imperial mythology and the rising desire for Russia to regain prominence as a world power you have to be very concerned about this and Canada now is. Canada's prime minister went on a three-day trip to the Arctic in an effort to assert sovereignty over the region a week after Russia symbolically staked a claim to the North Pole by sending submarines.

Five countries -- Canada, Russia, the United States, Norway and Denmark -- are competing to secure subsurface rights to the Arctic seabed. One study by the U.S. Geological Survey estimates the Arctic has as much as 25 percent of the world's undiscovered oil and gas. PM Harper, who has pledged to spend billions defending Canada's sovereignty over the Arctic, is said "Economic development -- unleashing the resource-based potential of the North, environmental protection -- protecting the unique Northern environment, national sovereignty -- protecting our land, airspace and territorial waters were his priorities.

" In response to the building interest in the shelf Canada's PM Harper announced that six to eight new patrol ships would be built to guard the Northwest Passage sea route in the Arctic, which the United States insists does not belong to Canada. Canadian PM vowed in 2007 to defend Arctic

U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins had criticized Harper's promise to defend the Arctic, calling the Northwest Passage "neutral waters." This is all very troubling as we watch the ratcheting up of tensions around the world as we try to move into the future. The increased militarism around the world is tenuous but throw all the recent developments in with what is shaping up to be a fight over the Arctic and its resources which will only serve to ecologically destroy another very important part of the Ocean's and world's ecosystem in what is increasingly appearing in trouble.

Denmark's interest and claim is also old. The scramble for the Arctic also gathered pace in 2007 as Denmark prepared to challenge Russia's bid for the North Pole and Canada vowed to defend its "sovereignty" over the region's frozen waters. Boy are they getting desperate! Over the next month they searched for evidence that the Lomonosov Ridge, a 1,200-mile, underwater mountain range running close to the Pole, is a geographical extension of Greenland, a Danish possession. 

The mission it was felt would strain relations between Denmark and Russia, which claims to have found evidence linking the ridge to Siberia. Both countries will seek adjudication from a United Nations commission in the next few years that could award a large swathe of Arctic territory to the country with the most compelling case. The scramble for the arctic The time is coming closer!

With the ice melting all of a sudden everyone has a claim to the land below and we are racing to destroy the Arctic. It sickens me to hear lies like China, India, and the rest of them saying they just want a faster route of travel and want to protect peace and the environment. Russia and Canada are not the only ones who have long voiced the willingness to fight for what they believe is theirs. That Arctic Council is a joke and will stop none of the impending destruct but merely enlarge the amount of Countries allowed to do it.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Monday, November 20, 2017

Beijing's Pollution Alarms Neighbors, environmental secrecy angers public and the world

  Microbloggers, state media and even delegates to this week's session of the National People's Congress, the largely rubber-stamp parliament, were already critical of the government for poor air and water quality. Now they are also expressing disquiet over the scarcity of information about the environment available to them.

*The bad news is that the country's hell-bent drive towards industrialization has brought in its train a host of collateral problems, not the least of which is pollution. Last month Beijing's air pollution soared past levels considered hazardous by the World Health Organization (WHO).

*Prior to that, the government often played down the pollution in Beijing, insisting it was merely fog, despite evidence to the contrary that was plain for all to see. Earlier this year, following public pressure resulting from hourly air-quality readings first published in 2011 by the U.S. embassy in Beijing, which Chinese authorities had previously denounced as "foreign interference," the municipal officials took notice. 

Pollution in China is one aspect of the broader topic of environmental issues in China. Various forms of pollution have increased as China has industrialized, which has caused widespread environmental and health problems. According to the World Bank in 2007, 16 of the world's 20 most polluted cities are in China.[1][2]
 *China, in Guangdong it is Province is made up of four small villages. It is the location of what may be the largest electronic waste (e-waste) site on earth.[1]: Once a rice village,[9] the pollution has made Guiyu unable to produce crops for food and the water of the river is undrinkable. Guiyu as an e-waste hub was first documented fully in December 2001 by the Basel Action Network.

For example, a November 2008 news story by 60 Minutes, a popular US TV news program, documented the illegal shipments of electronic waste from recyclers in the US to Guiyu. While taping part of the story on-site at an illegal recycling dump in Guiyu, representatives of the Chinese recyclers attempted without success to confiscate the footage from the 60 Minutes TV crew.

                                                     * 10 most polluted countries in the world

 Latest industrial pollution to batter China environment:  BEIJING, Hundreds of thousands of dead fish were left floating in a Chinese river after a chemical discharge, officials said Wednesday, the latest industrial accident to pollute the country’s battered environment.

About 100,000 kilograms of fish were cleared from 40 kilometres of the Fu river in Wuhan, the capital of the central province of Hubei, the official Xinhua news agency said, citing “local government investigations”.

I was overwhelmed thinking about the dire state of the environment in China in every respect then I was thinking wait a minute Fukushima's nuclear fall out has greatly affected Russia, Japan, and the entire world not to speak of Chernobyl.

 Russia has made many environmental disaster area's in many former USSR countries. Much of South America is a mess, the United States has it's great amount of guilt and is now concentrating and fracking our frigging country to pieces for gas and oil.

Canada is doing its share with its grotesque oil sands in Alberta that they want to pipe through our heartland and its aquifers and wildlife migratory areas.  I saw countries in South America where it was impossible to eat the food grown as it is in areas of China. These areas are all over the world.

We don't even want to get into the ocean with its numerous growing dead spots and continent size garbage swirls. Remember the pirate problem down around Somalia? We created them. At one time we had permission from tribal elders to dump all our nuclear and electronic waste in what was there fishing area and we killed everything forcing them into piracy. What we don't know about our pirates. We do this all over the world!

China was the focus at the outset but every continent every country is doing its share to destroy the only planet, the only place we have to live and the powers to be could care less that they are destroying it for their gain. I am disgusted!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma