Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Nothing could have prepared me for how tired I would be this summer. Being pregnant really doesn't mix well with being a summer associate . Every day, it's coffee, lunch, then coffee again, then dinners ... Most days I don't get home until 10:30 or 11. Eating that much food and not having time to work out is just dangerous. Not to mention, I'm the only weirdo not drinking at events (even the Mormon kid is drinking). This week, I have dinners/events planned every night, Tuesday through next Monday, including the weekend. I could really go for some coffee ... too bad I'm not supposed to drink any!

It's really fun, and I wouldn't trade it for anything else, but I wonder how long I can sustain this schedule. And I wonder if I'll have to tell people at work that I'm pregnant, or if I can make it through the end of the program without saying anything (especially because we're not planning on telling PJO's family until a week after I stop working).

On another happy note, PJO ended up getting a great counter-offer from the place with the expensive benefits, so he accepted! I'm so proud of him! It looks like it will be a great opportunity, and after all, it's walking distance... couldn't ask for a better commute.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Job Search

I am currently employed at a dead-end job. The benefits are great (full medical, really low dental payment per month), the schedule is completely flexible and the pay is not that bad. But, I am doing the same exact thing I did last year, nothing more, nothing less. I am not a manager or a more senior position and if I stay at this job, I will not be one ever.

Another firm offered me a job that on the surface looks great, more money, better title, great location, great on the resume, etc. There is a catch and it is a big one. This new firm will only cover medical for myself and not LEO (or our upcoming IPO). They will allow you to add them to your coverage at a ridiculous rate. So much so that it turns out I would be taking an effective PAY CUT just to work at this new place.

So much for moving up in the world.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Finished my last final today! I have a stack of books to sell back and a stack of outlines to throw away. But that can all wait, because first I need to catch up on life... watching movies, reading books (fun ones, not case books), going to the spa, going to the beach, shopping for work clothes and whatever the HELL ELSE I WANT TO DO! So excited!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

So Close ...

I just finished Evidence and Ethical Corporate Practice. Tax is on Thursday morning. I'm so close to being done, yet so far away. The amount I have studied this semester is pathetic, and yet I still can't motivate myself to study for finals. and 5 finals is way too many. I didn't think IL was that bad, and I always thought people complaining about it were just being dramatic. But this year, I AM THAT complainer. It seems like finals will never be over. I didn't make my own tax outline, and so far, I've only read through it once. Hopefully I magically learn about calculating gross income and the cash method in the next day or so.

On a much more exciting note, I start work on Monday. I just got an email about the first day details and some of the events planned for the summer. My summer mentor also sent me an email, and she seems really nice. She's a 4th year corporate associate who does primarily M&A, so I hope I can work on some of the matters that she does. Mostly, I'm excited to not have to study anymore, and to be able to watch TV and not feel guilty.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Still 3 more

I just finished my wills & trusts exam, and I took my pass-fail M&A exam on Tuesday, yet I still have 3 more finals! Monday afternoon is evidence, Tuesday afternoon is Corporate Ethical Practice and Thursday morning is Federal Income Tax. BOO! When I stop and think about all the work I still have to do, it feels like it will never be over.
Honestly, I will be SO happy when I'm done with this year and a 3L!
The good news is, we got our federal tax money today, which we promptly spent on booking hotels and flights for Hawaii in August! That was a fun distraction.

I guess it's time to get back to studying. I don't know if it's finals or pregnancy, but I'm starting to feel SO TIRED all the time and every once in a while, a little nauseous, but nothing too bad. Perfect for the studying I need to do!