I haven't posted until now because I thought I had used up even my (usually high) quota of complaining, but I couldn't bring myself to write anything positive or upbeat either. The night after the
trip to the ER, Timmy's fever spiked again. We alternated the max doses of Tylenol and Motrin for 15 hours, plus gave him three cool baths before it finally broke again. I knew that if I called the Doctor she would tell us to go to the ER again (because his fever was over 105), and I knew that the ER would just do the same things we were doing to get his fever down before testing for what was wrong. I couldn't bear the thought of traumatizing Timmy with another trip there and I didn't like the idea of paying my $150 copay again either, so we stayed home to do battle on the fever. I spent 8 hours on Thursday traveling between the Pediatrician and the Lab trying to figure out what was wrong with him, and we ended up getting a shot of antibiotics plus a new prescription to augment our Augmentin (ha, get it?).
He passed out immediately after the shot on the exam table.
He hasn't had any more really high fevers, so hopefully that infection is dead. We never did find out what was wrong.
Anyway, that sounded a lot like complaining, didn't it? The point of the post is to tell you that we're trying to get back into a rhythm. Now that we're in October, Timmy is in daycare full-time. I have this week to myself. Next week our babysitter starts. I wanted a few days to break her in while I'm here, so we'll spend four afternoons together next week. Then the following Monday is my first day of work. Therefore, this week sounded like a good time to try and find a routine that will work for us. Mostly that just involves our attempts to be more organized.
Sunday we planned out our menu for the week, bought all the groceries we needed, and cooked. I made meals for several nights, washed and cut up produce for salads to take for lunch, and made sure our pantry was stocked for the week. We did laundry and cleaned up so that we could start our week on a fresh note and hopefully convince ourselves that we feel healthy and ready to take on Monday.
Monday morning I got out of bed when PJO did, made the bed, showered, and got ready. PJO and I prepared lunches together in the kitchen before Timmy woke up. PJO was out the door on his way to work by 6:40, and that's when I got Timmy and ate breakfast with him, got him dressed and on his way to daycare.
My favorite part of the morning is eating breakfast with Timmy. I always ask him if he wants oatmeal or cereal, and he loves getting to choose. Lately, it's always been an enthusiastic "O-MEEL!!" I usually make a green smoothie and share it with him.
The only problem is all the dirty dishes this creates, which adds time to our morning routine. I think we'll need to wake up earlier or do more the night before if I'm actually going to get into the office at a decent hour, but it's helping to know that we'll be able to do it.
How do you make your mornings efficient?