Continuing my pattern of only ever posting to complain about work. I just finished a week where I billed 92 hours. I billed 933 hours since March 1st.
Let me tell you, I'm not enjoying this. Sleeping 3 hours a night, never seeing your husband and kids, skipping meals because you're too busy to eat, feeling your body ache from sitting so much... None of this is normal, and yet it has become my norm.
I haven't had time to read the Why Women Can't Have it All article yet, but based on what I have heard, I am living it. The past four months have been "great" from a work perspective, but soul crushing from a personal life perspective.
We can't afford for me to just stop working and I would need to make a pretty high salary to afford to pay for child care and our other monthly expenses so there aren't a whole lot of options at the moment. But I feel desperate to change something. Desperate enough to think being a stay-at-home mom for a while sounds good.
I am hoping work calms down enough to make this job possible until I can make a move to a better lifestyle job. I love the people I work with and am learning a lot, but this lifestyle will kill me before it helps me.
My assigned mentor when I started at the firm (who just became a partner last year) told me that those few months leading up to maternity leave were her slowest ever (at 100% of pace) because for her first 8 years at the firm, she never billed less than 150% of pace, which is essentially what I've been doing. Why do people do this to themselves?