Is it alloy? Who knows. But I hope it isn't. When I next get a new(ish) car, I'm not going to have a lot of choice. Let me explain. Around 70% of them are too expensive and around 20% too cheap and nasty. I then have to eliminate all the cars with those ludicrous fairy light eyebrows as running lights. Finally, the new car must not have alloy wheels. I just don't see the point of alloys. The slightest encounter with a curb and they go out of shape. And then alloys mean locking wheel nuts. And inevitably you either can't find the key when you need a new tyre, or the key breaks (as it did once when I tried to change a tyre), or you discover, as I did once, that the same car was made by both Ford and VW - I had Ford nuts and an incompatible VW key. The garage had to drill the nuts out. So, definitely no alloys. By the time I add in all my requirements I think there are going to be about two cars to chose from. In the whole world. Maybe I should learn to ride...