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Showing posts with the label snow

Scraping through the snow and waving

Now Appearing is snowed in. We will be back when we can dig ourselves out.

But where are the snowboarding ducks?

We just took Goldie for a walk round a nearby lake (Mouldon Hill, for Swindonists), which was looking rather glorious with blue skies and a thin dusting of snow. The lake itself was particularly appealing - frozen over with a white snowcoat on top. There were a couple of swans attempting ice skating, but looking more like geriatrics in ill-fitting shoes as they eased their way across the ice. But no ducks. Not a duck in sight. I can only assume they're either frozen in or (more likely) sheltering in the bushes. A shame really. After the ice skating swans I would have enjoyed seeing a snowboarding duck.

Snow joke

I'm panicking slightly at the moment as I'm due to head down to Plymouth this afternoon for a full day of events around Ecologic there on Friday - but last night we had around 10cm of snow and the roads are borderline passable. Fingers crossed... That's Goldie, out in the snow this morning. At least she's having a good time! In fact it's lovely - and would be great, if I didn't have to get somewhere. Here she is in action:

Shock - snow delays blog

Trains, you might understand, but snow delaying a blog? It's like this. Ever since Monday my daughters' school has been disrupting my working life. Monday they came home at lunchtime. Tuesday and today, they were home all day. So most of today I've been ferrying them around here, there and everywhere. Of course, you might say I shouldn't take them. But it's their birthday today. Could you really say no? But if they're still off tomorrow, they walk...