Showing posts with label California. Show all posts
Showing posts with label California. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Celebrating My Brother's Wedding

 I've been gone this last week
to California
in Celebration of my brother's wedding.
 Jed and Torrie
 This was such a happy occasion!
Our families came together in love and support.
 Both Jed and Torrie were 
suddenly widowed 
while in their early 50's.
Pretty devastating for both.
Now, years later, they have found each other
and have a second chance at love.
We couldn't be more thrilled.
 It's wonderful to see my brother
happy again!
Torrie is loving and kind
and a perfect match.
We are delighted to welcome her as our sister-in-law.
 For the wedding and reception they chose the 
stunning Shadowbrook Restaurant in Capitola
which has been in operation since 1947
Amazing food
The height of ambiance
 A hillside cable car takes you 
down to the restaurant
 river's edge
 The Soquel Creek 
empties into Monterey Bay
and is dotted with waterfront homes.
Last year Mr. Cactus and I paddled a canoe 
 through this beautiful area.
 Weddings are always such a wonderful time to 
bring family together.
Our Step Mother 
who will be
 in a few weeks
was able to attend.
My sister and brother 
have been very lovingly involved in her day to day care 
over the last few years.
 My sister Robyn, and her husband Bruce
and Mr. Cactus
 Jed and Torrie
we wish you years of joy and happiness
and love you!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Empty Nest

After 30+ years, and 5 children we are experiencing Empty Nest.
Our youngest has gone off to college.

It's definitely a time of mixed emotions.
We make great efforts to raise our children to be independent, with the skills necessary for that outside world.
And then when they leave we are often left wondering how the time went by so fast.
I keep listening for Sounds:
The refrigerator door opening
The front door opening
Teenage laughter
Teenage friends
Drum practice
Band practice at our house (at least I knew where they were)
Pool parties
Late night hours
The constant hum of the dishwasher, washer and dryer
Hi Mom, I'm home
Bye, Mom
Love you, Mom

Now, it's just QUIET

Mr. Cactus had the perfect solution for Empty Nest.
A week's vacation to San Diego for just the two of us.
We pondered the last time we went away together, without children, family or friends.
All the hustle and bustle to get from here to there.
And honestly, we could not recall a date.

I'm feeling very spoiled. Mr. Cactus brought his golf clubs, and I've got my sewing machine.
Free time to see the sites, rest and relax.
And we have our cell phones to call our children when the pangs set in.