Showing posts with label Ironing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ironing. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Iron Wars

 In reading Quilt Blogs 
for several years
a common theme and BIG frustration
has been to find a decent iron that will last.
As quilters we all are looking for
something affordable
that can be used every day
and will perform for a long period of time.
I have read review after review
as we try out this iron and that iron,
and have been as exasperated as the rest of you.
I once had a Rowenta that I loved and used for years.
It was replaced by another expensive new Rowenta
that began sputtering and dripping within a year.
...obviously they lowered their standards in design.
I finally resorted to buying inexpensive irons that 
were good for about a year and then tossed in the garbage.
Last week I found myself in the position of needing a new iron
but just as apprehensive about making a purchase.
In order to make a decision, I read what other quilters are saying recently
about their irons.
My friend Nanette (Freda's Hive)
wrote a similar post about her hunt for a decent iron
and how she had decided upon an affordable
Digital Advantage by Black and Decker
I read a few more reviews and decided
to give this model a try also.
I will keep you posted on how it works
or IF it works long term.
 One of the nice things about the 
Digital Advantage was the cost.
I didn't feel like I had to risk big bucks only be later disappointed.
At a retail cost of  $45
and using my 20% off coupon at Bed Bath and Beyond
I came home happy.
The iron is heavy in weight and feels solid to the touch.
With a week's worth of use,
it has provided excellent steam and glide.
So far so good!
Let's hope it lasts.
And to cheer up my sewing room
I even splurged with a new Ironing Board cover.
Happy Days are Here Again!
We quilters are easily pleased :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Miracle Ironing Board Cover

 Happy Valentines Day
my friends!
I  hope your day is filled with
 I bought myself a little 
Valentines present
and let me tell you, 
I am in 
 Years ago I had purchased a 
and used it
and used it
and used it
until it eventually wore out.
 Next I decided to purchase a regular
cotton covered 
ironing board cover.
because it was easy to grab
at a local store.
 What was I thinking?
I must have been experiencing a 
a memory lapse
because within a few months
the cheap muslin cover was marred with
ugly stains
and the pad was thin and worn through.
 As a quilter who uses an ironing board every day
I knew how to remedy the problem.
I quickly went back to 
my first love
and purchased a 
 The covers are woven with a fiberglass yarn
guaranteed  * never to burn. 
(* set iron on MEDIUM heat )
It's the same kind of material
used for 
firefighters, race car drivers and astronauts
protective clothing.
They come in a wide variety of sizes and product.
When ironing delicate linens or silks
the nap allows the iron to glide smoothly
and buttons to sink into the cushion.
For quilters, it's wonderful for pressing seams
and avoids the imprints 
from the seam allowance.
I am now happy, happy, happy
and only wish I could find an iron
that demonstrates the 
same kind of quality.