Showing posts with label Travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travel. Show all posts

Monday, September 8, 2014

Hiking and Quilts or Is That Quilts and Hiking?

 One of the nice things about living in the Phoenix Metro
is that we are only a 3 hour drive from
the South Rim of the Grand Canyon
We took a few days vacation with our friends 
the Hollands to combine
some hiking with visits to a few quilt stores
along the way.
 Paul and Mr. Cactus
were quite the adventurers as they trekked 
down to 
3 Mile Rest House on 
Bright Angel Trail
With endless switchbacks, the Grand Canyon
is known as "a place of extremes"
While descending the 2400 feet,
going down can be hard on the knees,
but the coming back up can be exhaustive.
Mr. Cactus was quite surprised he had service
when his phone rang
deep down in the canyon.
It was our 90 year old Aunt
calling to say she was home from the hospital :)
At least it was good news!
 While the guys hiked
Denise and I hung out at the top of the rim
visiting places like Lookout Studio
and the Lodge
 Always the quilter looking for inspiration
I noticed this Hexagon pattern
on the tile floor in the ladies restroom :)
(go ahead and laugh)
 The day before on our ride towards the Canyon
we stopped at a few quilt stores 
like Quilter's Store in Sedona
Very nice with a great selection of batiks
Southwest patterns and fabrics
and even some Modern
and Quilts on Route 66
in the small town of Williams
 Quaint with a Vintage feel
and current fabrics.
We were glad we stopped.
And to not overload the guys with too much
quilty stuff in one day
we spent the evening in Flagstaff
at the Lowell Observatory
where Pluto was discovered in 1930
on this telescope.
We've been to the Lowell several times
but this was our first visit at night.
They opened up their telescopes
for some terrific views of the Moon
I was even more thrilled to be able to see
up close
 the rings
around Saturn and 3 of it's moons.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Quilt Show in Pinetop/Lakeside, Arizona

Over the 4th on July holiday
we went with our friends The Hollands
up to the resort town area Pinetop/Lakeside
This is the first we had been to this part of Arizona
and it was wonderful to get out of the heat
and to a higher elevation.
Denise and I attended a quilt show presented by the
Quilters Of the White Mountains
while our husbands hiked the mountainous trails.
 In the next few days I will be showing you a few of the quilts
I found especially impressive from the show.
Unfortunately, the show had terrible lighting in the convention center
so please forgive some of the poor quality in my photos.
In fact, I observed some attendees using the lights of their cell phones 
as they walked the aisles
in order to see the see the quilts :(
I kept changing the settings on my camera
with the hopes of capturing some of the color.
My most favorite from the show:
Arizona Starry Night
by Alicia Sterna
 Alicia wrote
"Van Gogh's Starry Night, a favorite, is the 
inspiration for the look at a desert sky.
 Small pieces of fabric mimic the brush stokes of paint.
 Desert plants silhouette against the night sky, 
as city lights reflect against the mountains."
 Alicia quilted this herself on a domestic machine.
Beautifully done!
 Hazy Shades of Winter
a silk quilt
also by Alicia Sterna
I really liked her work!
Alicia wrote
"Inspired by Patti Carey's Misty Pines pattern
is all about the 
Zen Tangle inspired quilt designs.
 Winter colors of dupioni (silk) evoked a mood of
hazy winter forests.
Irregular borders provide a contemporary look."
Quilted by Alicia on her domestic machine,
free motion quilting.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Mesmerized By Chihuly

 I've never been one who
has wanted to run away to the circus.
But, if ever I was tempted to drop everything
and join a group of artisans
it would be 
 We were invited by our friends
The Hollands
for a delightful evening
at the Desert Botanical Gardens in Phoenix
to view the 
Chihuly Exhibit
 Mesmerized is the only word to explain my experience.
Winding paths of Desert Flora
that included 
bursts of color
in the most unexpected places.
Dale Chihuly 
known for his large scale glass sculptures
is credited with revolutionizing the
Studio Glass movement.
I find his life to be as interesting as his creations.
 Chihuly's Exhibits 
can be quite massive in size.
A very prolific artist with
permanent collections through out the world.
 We arrived at the Botanical Gardens right before the sun went down
and were able to walk the desert paths
while still bathed in natural light.
 Citron and Yellow Fiori
Taking pictures of Chihuly's work is somewhat like
trying to capture the Grand Canyon.
The  camera just cannot embrace
the scale and scope of this experience.
 Absence of color
gives an eerie image of ghosts in the forest.
Some Chihuly creations
are taller than the tallest Saguaros
 While others are as simple
as Red Reeds
 You can even see interwoven sparks of color
surrounding the Garden Restaurants.
are impressive in and of themselves.
I learned that there are over 2,000 species of cacti
all of which are native to the America's.
 As the sun dropped closer to the horizon
the glass began to light
bringing crisper perception
to the hillsides and trails.
 Chihuly Reeds in the forefront.
Camelback Mountain in the distance.
 Glass gives images of fireballs
 Or underwater sea creatures
Chihuly In The Garden
runs through May 18th.
If you live in the area 
or will be nearby in the next few weeks
I highly recommend
placing this on your must do list.
You will never be the same.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Was A Very Good (Quilty) Year

 Can it be that we are now at the end of 2013?
Where has the year gone?
One of the nice things about keeping a blog is that
it makes it easy to go back and review what was accomplished.
I always start my end of the year search 
anticipating there won't be much to show.
And then when I begin going through posts month by month
I realize maybe I finished a few more quilts than I originally thought.
There are always twists and turns in life and
2013 was no exception.
This is my 301st Post out of 365 days for the year :)
When I started 2013, I set a goal to 
Finish UP 
quilts that had not been quilted.
You know those stacks that wait patiently in the back of a closet?
As with all good intentions,
I started off with gusto
Star Crazy
The top was completed in early 2011
*I even led an on-line group
and I just needed to meet the right person 
to have it quilted.
 My next quilt to take to Pat was
Rabbits Prefer Chocolate
which was started several years ago
The blocks were completed but the top still
needed a little assembling.
 In March my friend Lori Holt (Bee In My Bonnet)
wrote and asked me
 if I would make a pillow with 
her new Half Hexie Ruler
that had just been launched into the market.
Of course I said "Yes!"
I love everything Lori makes
and I really enjoyed playing with her rulers.
 In April I completed a 
T-Shirt Quilt
as a gift for family members
using Crooked Nickel's
easy to do
fusible technique and
 May brought a very fun completion
after sewing blocks for months
following Lori Holt's (Bee In My Bonnet) on-line tutorials.
Row Along Quilt
will always have such fond memories.
Another goal I had for 2013 was only sew from my stash
and I'm proud to say this entire quilt was made from scraps.
Lori even gave us a design to make the 
cutest label!
 We were very fortunate to be with Lori during those months
because her ideas became the book
Quilty Fun
this last year!
Yay Lori!
Cross Terrain
pattern by Freshly Pieced
was made out of my red and white scraps.

                                              Then my life began to change :)
The book store I worked for 
announced they were
I began to wonder what I should do next?
Pat had recently purchased 
Triangles On A Roll
and I had the opportunity to become 
Sales Manager
I began to spend hours and hours 
playing with 
all the various papers
 I also started creating my own patterns
(something I had never done before)
and a new pattern company
Cactus Needle Quilts
was launched in July
 What a wonderful 
it's been since then.
I have learned a lot!
6 new patterns
came out on the market
starting with 
Christmas Pyramids
Gina is made with
the basic Half Square Triangles
 The Eyes Have It
uses Quarter Square Triangles
 Hourglass Squared
also uses Quarter Square Triangles
*even the border is made with QST's
 Baby Waves 
is made from Half Square Triangles
that are simply cut in half.
So easy to do!
 I liked it so much,
I made one in blue.
 And my favorite quilt that I made in 2013
Indian Blanket

I made
Mod Geo Cruiser
as a pattern tester for 
Love that it matches my new aqua Cruiser bike!
 I've also been busy writing 
Scrappy Chevrons
With only a little spare time
I managed to crochet to a finish in 
the last few moments of December
Moss Stitch Afghan
was a gift for my daughter and her husband.
Oh yes, and there were the monthly
Bees Knees blocks
made and sent out to various members of our group.
I learn a lot from these wonderful ladies.
2013 Was a Very Good Quilty Year:)
And I'm excited to see what 2014 will bring!