Showing posts with label Morrison Dr.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morrison Dr.. Show all posts

09 December 2015

Coleman Marine Supply

Coleman Marine Supply, Morrison Dr., Charleston, SC 
Not a bad landmark for a Marine supply business, eh! It certainly is eye catching.

I just got back from a dinner/household shower thrown by a group of my hospital volunteers for one of the ladies whose house flooded during our recent floods. She was quite surprised and emotional to know that so many people cared for her. I do work with some fine people. She was in the group from the Shadowmoss area that not only got flooded for the second time just after being rebuilt but was robbed as well. Can you believe that? Thieves went in and took what valuables weren't water damaged. That is a sad statement. Tonight her friends tried to heal some of the damage done.

08 February 2015

A brunchie good time!

Edmond's Oast, Charleston, S.C.

It is in the high 60's, bright and sunny and everyone in Charleston went out to brunch. At least I did and now I need a nap. I finally got to Edmund's Oast and am blown away by the bright new buildings on Morrison Dr. Edmond's Oast has plenty of parking and new outdoor dining. The food was delicious(smoked pork loin & brie sandwich with peach jam, oh my) and I found these two photo ops to share.