Showing posts with label carved bear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label carved bear. Show all posts

13 January 2019

Wild Kingdom of Harleyville, SC

Bear carving, Harleyville, SC
I always look for the bear carving when driving through Harleyville, SC. I almost missed him this time but sure enough, he is still there! There must have been a wood carver living in the town at some point because the eagle a little further up the road appears to be done by the same artist. Familiar roadside art work that I always look for.

The driveway gorilla was a new surprise and required squealing brakes and backing up for a shot. Thanks Harleyville!

05 November 2014

Harleyville Wildlife Center

Harleyville's carved bear, Harleyville, S.C.
I can't resist checking on the local wildlife anytime I drive through Harleyville, S.C. The bear and eagle are holding up. There used to be a giant eagle on the other side of the road but I think he had his beak clipped last time I was there and this time I didn't see him at all. There must have been a local chainsaw artist who left his mark.

As you can imagine, Harleyville had some trouble with people stealing their signs and finally decided to try to make a profit on it. They sell the signs for $20 a piece. I am not sure if this information is still current but it sure is fun and they would be a good gift idea for a Harley rider. 

02 December 2012

Wild Kingdom of Harleyville

Carved bear in a tree, Harleyville, S.C.
My back yard is green and natural with no flower beds or formal plantings and I am tempted to leave it like that. I mentioned to a friend that the only thing I would kinda like would be a full size carved bear coming out of the trees. I may need to buy a chainsaw and learn how to make one. The conversation reminded me of the carved bear in a tree in Harleyville, S.C. Check out the eagle perched on top.

Further on the same drive through this little town is a giant carved eagle. Sadly on this trip it looks like part of his beak is missing. Too much time in the sun without sunblock? It happens to us all.