Monday, August 13, 2007

My Nose Twin...

George over at Crews' Views issued a really fun challenge. He said to see how many cats you can find that are nose twins with you.
Right away I knew who not only has a nose like mine but even her face looks rather like mine!

My nose twin is the lovely Momma Grace!
Here's the two of us... What do you think? And look we both take care of "our" kittens too -
Willow is not really my kitten
but I love her as if she were my kitten. Ruse and Audace really are Momma Grace's kittens. Aren't they an adorable family?!?!?
Hey, do the kitten's noses look like mine too?!?!?


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You two do have very similar faces! :) Very cool. :)

Samantha & Mom said...

Cute, cuter, cutest!!! You do look very alike, noses and faces! And yes, we can see a resemblance with the Momma Grace's kittens noses, too.
Your FL furiends,

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, yoo look alike! And just beyootiful.

Anonymous said...

That's an excellent response to the challenge. I don't think I can tell your noses apart!

Daisy said...

That is a perfect nose- and face-twin!

Chat Gris said...

So cute, beautiful family! Nice pictures too!
Best regards from Portugal!

Marilynn said...

Oh, hey! They ARE nose twins! Grace + 2 and you -- how wonderful! This is a terrific post, especially the decidedly maternal aspects to it. It's amazing about mommy-kitties. I wonder if Grace remembers that they were her babies, or if she just expects them to defer to her ... and they do! I'll have to watch them more carefully than ever!

Thanks for this post. It's marvelous!

and Grace & Company, too, of course

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt that that is your nose twin.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Wow, what a great idea! You definitely found your nose twin! I had the honor of fostering Grace & her babies, Audace, Ruse, Marigold & Brutus (Marigold & Brutus live in New Jersey with their Mommy Rose and sisfur Emily). Grace was and still is a amazing mommy! It looks like you are too!

Mosaic Cats said...

OH Wow.
So much orange cuteness in one post.
Mosaic Lady's head just exploded.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

That is a purr-fect match for nose twins and face twins! So many gorgeous cats, wow!

caspersmom said...

You definitely found your nose twin. Purr-fect match.


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Wow...I can almost not be able to tell you apart. And you are all soooooo cute!!


The Meezers or Billy said...

ooo, you look really alike! purrty!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Whut a cute fur fambly!

Tara said...

Wonderfully cute noses! Just lovely!

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Oh! You look just alike!! Everycat's got twins! We're trying to come visit everycat's blog, and we're running out of things to say about face and nose twins! I gotta go ask mine if she want's to be face-twins with me!


Parker said...

That's a very nice match - I am still looking!

Boy said...

Yep! You two do wook awike!

Mr. Hendrix said...

wow! look at those noses! I think you also have a lot in common with Grace. You're a very caring kitty just like her.

Jimmy Joe said...

Wowie! You and Momma Grace sure do look a lot alike. Momma Grace's kittens look a lot like my kitty-momma, too, actually, Momma Spook who lives in Auntie Jane's barn. I love all of your pictures--so much beautiful white- and orange-ness!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Bogart H. Devil said...

Awwwww... super cute!


The Crew said...

Great work! You & Grace look like sisters.

Lux said...

Momma Grace *does look like you! Or vice versa ... (confused now)