Showing posts with label midway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label midway. Show all posts

Monday, 18 August 2014

Where do you get your inspiration?

A fairly un-crumpled and neat page from me today!  I love October Afternoons Midway collection - it is one of those collection packs where I love all the papers at least one side and on quite a few both sides!  I took the inspiration for the design for this page from the little polaroid camera that comes in the set:

I matched the colours to the rainbow stripes and cut then out of some card stock.  I then just layered up a few papers and lots of the stickers from the pack, the journalling is in a glassine bag behind the photo...and the photo is using another of those instagram filters - I love some of the effects!

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Trends on Tuesday - The Beauty of Banners

I thought I would have a little look at banners today - which often appear on my pages.  You can buy them ready made on stickers or in embellishment packs or cut them out of your papers, which is what I did for my page.  I made straight banners, just cutting a little triangle out the bottom of the rectangle - you could also use a square punch to make the triangular shape if you are worried about your cutting.  If you want to vary your banner you could try making more of a rhombus shape and then cutting out the triangle (so the two long edges of the rectangle go at an angle inwards).  Don't only use paper for your banners...material and ribbons work too and add a bit more texture to your page.

I have used this style of banner for a page before where you make a nice fringe of different sized banners under the photo, I used the gorgeous Midway Collection that is in from October Afternoon - it is one of my favourite packs of papers at the moment as it is packed with colour and beautiful designs.  I also used some Firefly cosmic shimmer mist and some of the stickers that come in the Midway pack too.  

Some more banner filled pages :)

I hope that inspires you to make some.