So, tonight our 9 yr old little girl will attend her very first dance. Where on earth does the time go? Seems like just yesterday she was crawling along the floor and needing me for every little thing in her life and now she's off and running and has a more active social life than I do! I find myself trying to pay more attention to how many times I say "Just a minute, Ashleigh" and really trying to just stop for 5 min's and listen to what she has to say because it won't be much longer before she'll be doing her thing even more and won't be needing me as much (so she'll think at the time!) I'm taking her to get her hair done and then she'll go to her friends house for pizza and then the dance. I had to laugh when Andrew said "Mom, she's not old enough to go!!" Yes son, she is..I guess you just danced your last pre-teen dance huh? LOL! So funny. I think he's a little surprised at just how fast things are moving as well.
Well, hopefully I will get a little time to craft this wknd. I'd like to get into a few challenges and I'd also like to try and get back into my scrapbooking. Does anyone else out there find that you either scrapbook or you make cards but for some reason, you never do both at the same time???
Have a great day and stay warm and dry and hope you don't get snowed in!