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Showing posts with label Butterfly Fund. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Butterfly Fund. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Saturated Canaries "Butterfly Baby"

Each morning I start my day reading through my blog roll and this morning, Krista, from Saturated Canary, had this to say .. 

"This week, my sister Jen left me a link on FB to a family whose infant son is infected with Epidermolysis Bullosa.  I had never heard of the disease before.  I'm not sure that, if I sat for an entire day and tried to imagine the worse disease for a child, that I could have imagined this disease.  It is truly that upsetting.  You can read more about it here."

Her sister, Jen, asked her to do something special for these families, so Krista designed this darling image that will be available starting tmw. All proceeds from this digital stamp for the first week of sales will go to the Butterfly Fund charity. You can read Krista's post HERE and see how you can help. 

Here's a card Krista created with this sweet image ...

I've never heard of this disease, but when I read up on it, it brought tears to my eyes and made me even more thankful for my healthy children. It's heartbreaking. I know I'll be making a purchase tmw for sure. Thank you, Krista, for all you do.