Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts

5 Aug 2013

Vinegar hair rinse

A vinegar hair rinse makes your hair feel fabulous.  You will not believe it until you try it.  It removes shampoo residue, cuts through the dulling residue left by styling products, and soothes irritation caused by chemical hair treatments.

9 Jun 2013

Fabulous easy Body Cream

I love the idea of home-made natural body creams, but in reality... well they can be very thick - more like a balm really, or they separate after a few weeks - (in our warm climate)... or worse.. go rancid.  Or if using shea butter - it goes gritty (it doesn't like being heated much).  So this is my version of an all natural body butter / cream that works - even with shea butter!  It is absolutely awesome, with oils, and butters added, perfect to keep your skin in fabulous condition over winter.  (And cheap to make to - but nobody needs to know that!).

2 Tbls (30ml) Rose-hip Seed Oil
2 Tbls (30ml) Jojoba Oil
1 Tbls (15ml) Avocado Oil
2 Vitamin E capsules
10g Shea butter
10g Cocoa butter
1 Cup Good Quality Aqueous cream (or a basic cream)
1 tsp Honey
1 Tbls Witch hazel
16 drops of essential oils of your choosing (I used Rosemary and Lavender)

* Gently the heat the Rose-hip, Jojoba and Avocado Oils until warm.
* Take off the heat, and add the vitamin E and the 2 butters, mix until butters are combined with the oils.
* Add the aqueous cream, honey and witch hazel.  Mix by hand using a hand whisk.
* Lastly add in your essential oils, and whisk some more.
* Bottle in whatever looks fabulous.
* This cream will last a long time without the need to refrigerate. (over 6 months)

References, Additional Reading and Shopping:
Please kindly have a look at my "My Favourite things Store".
Here you will find a collection of books (most of which are on my bookshelf) where I get a lot of information for my posts.  You will also find the items required to make a lot of the products found on my blog.  
I receive a small commission for items purchased through my store - Thanks for the support. 

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30 May 2013

Quick face cream for mature skin

I make this recipe a lot.  I am not against a good aqueous cream - after all it is the cream recommended the most on babies skin.  Just make sure you get a really nice one, with as few additives as possible.  
I have also noticed that quite a number of those very expensive face creams seem to have the same ingredients as a basic aqueous cream - and then - with their own list of essential oils and tinctures added.  A bit like we are doing right here.  
Or for the purists out there make your own basic cream for a pure natural cream. and add the essential oils recommended here.    

Aqueous cream
Well this just acts as a base, and as mentioned, it is the cream most recommended for use on babies skin.
Factor 50 Sun Protection
Your face needs a lot of protection to avoid those sun spots, and the inevitable wrinkles!
Rose hip Seed oil
A vital ingredient in my opinion - Used for the treatment of minor skin disorders.  It may relieve the symptoms of eczema, aid in repair of skin tissue, assist healing of acne scars, dry, sensitive sun damaged skin  smoothes wrinkles, helps reduce the signs of aging, wound and scarring associated with minor burns and sun burn.  Suitable oil for all skin types.  Proven effective in the treatment of : scars, dermatitis, psoriasis, pigmentation,  stretch marks, acne, scarring, dry sensitive skin, cradle cap, nappy rash.  Contains 77% fatty acids- which have vital functions in the regeneration of skin cells and the repair of damaged tissue. A great agent in the fight against dry, weathered, and dehydrated skin. It works wonders on scars and is the predominant oil used for treating wrinkles and premature aging, particularly photo-aging caused by exposure to ultra-violet light.  Also reduces and fades scars, treats skin that has burnt or exposed to radiotherapy.  It even helps make chickenpox scars less apparent.
Jojoba Oil
Jojoba is actually a liquid wax with a chemical composition that resembles the skin. It has absorption properties that are similar to our skin's own sebum.  Its waxy structure means it never goes rancid and can be used to help preserve blends. It is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory and contains Vitamin E.  It is readily absorbed into the skin making it good for eczema, acne, dry scalp, psoriasis, and sun-burnt skin.  It’s non-greasy, softening composition make is suitable for the face and can be used in thickening creams. Jojoba has a natural sun protection factor of SPF4.  
Vitamin E Oil
A natural Vitamin E oil obtained by vacuum distillation of vegetable fats. Great for preventing rancidity in cosmetics and it acts as an anti-oxidant in creams, lotions, baby products, cosmetics, and more.
Frankincense Essentail Oil
Traditionally it is used for skin ailments.  The oil has Analgesic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, astringent, carminative, properties. And benefits skin: blemishes, dry skin, scars, skin ailments, stress, wrinkles, wounds. The oil is also used to slow breathing for meditation.
Palmarosa Essential Oil
Primarily used in the fragrance industry, it is also known as an insect repellent.  It has Antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic, antiviral properties.  And benefits the skin for minor skin infections, scar tissue, wrinkles, Acne, dermatitis, moisturizes the skin, stimulates cellular regeneration, regulates sebum production.  
Neroli Essential Oil
Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties.  Benefits the skin as a general skin care, used for  oily and dry skin, poor circulation, scars, sensitive skin, stretch marks, wrinkles, thread veins, mature & sensitive skin, Tones complexion.

100ml basic cream or a good aqueous cream
10ml factor 50 sun cream (for a sun protection - very important in our African climate!)
10ml Rose hip seed oil (for skin rejuvenation, and it's amazing properties for mature skin)
5ml Jojoba oil (excellent for the skin)
1 vitamin E oil capsule (awesome for mature skin)
5 drops frankincense essential oil (cell rejuvenation)
5 drops palmarosa essential oil (cell rejuvenation)
2 drops neroli essential oil (tones skin)

- Mix all ingredients together, cutting open the vitamin E capsule and adding to the mix.  

Tips and Suggestions:
* For more fabulous ideas have a look at my Natural Health & Beauty Index Page
* Please Comment and share your ideas and experiences.

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22 May 2013

Aloe Vera and Ferox

Aloe Ferox is Indigenous to South Africa
This is just one of those plants that should be in every garden.  They are easy to grow, and makes babies quite fast.  I have them growing near my veranda.  As living in the bush we have insects - loads!   And Aloe vera is a lovely quick relief.  Just  break off a leaf and rub the gel straight on.  The plants over 2 years old have stronger healing properties, so use the older bigger leaves at the bottom.  They not too crazy about the cold though.  Lucky for me, it is rarely cold here.  Otherwise they do pretty well in pots on a warm windowsill.

Part of plant used:
Leaf gel or juice from inside the leaf

Health Benefits
* Apply direct to sunburn, burns & scalds (ferox & vera)
* Rub gel directly onto mouth ulcers (ferox & vera)
* Drink Aloe vera juice for Digestion problems. It relieves constipation ( do not use if you suffer from piles).  CAUTION: The outer yellow sap is a powerful laxative and can cause Diarrhoea
* Have a look at my recipe for Aloe vera juice.  
* Apply direct for relief from insect bites (ferox & vera)
* Chapped skin, eczema, skin irritation (vera) and itchy skin
* All Purpose Wound healer with it's anti-fungal and antiseptic properties.
* Apply Fresh Gel to the outside of the eyelid to treat Conjunctivitis. 

Cosmetic uses:
* Mix sap into your cream for excellent moisturizing (vera)
* Mix sap into shampoo to soothe dry or itchy scalps (vera)
* Mix into sun-cream for its soothing properties (vera)

Pet care:
* Apply direct to sunburn, burns & scalds (ferox & vera)
* Apply direct for Relief from insect bites (ferox & vera)
* Chapped skin, eczema, skin irritation (vera)
* Arthritis & digestive problems (15ml per 9kg of body weight daily) added to food
* Apply externally to get rid of ticks in cattle & dogs.
* All Purpose Wound healer with it's anti-fungal and antiseptic properties.


3 cups Aloe vera leaves
5ml vitamin C powder
- Aloe vera may be prepared as 100% juice, stabilised with vitamin C.
- Pick large leaves, cut the skin off, rinse the yellow sap off with water and place the clear gel in a blender.
- For 3 cups of gel, add 1 teaspoon (5ml) of vitamin C powder and blend at low speed.
- Place in a covered container in the refrigerator for up to a month.  or in the freezer for up to 3 months.
Tip:  It is great to place the gel in ice cube trays, and use the frozen ice cube direct onto burns, aches, swollen joints etc.  
- Take 2-5 tablespoons, mixed with water or added to fruit juice, which helps to disguise the gooey texture and makes it easier to swallow.
-The pure juice, taken regularly, is recommended as the most effective way to reap the medicinal benefits of aloe.

My References and Additional further reading:
Please have a look at my Books and references page for where I got a lot of  the info for this post.

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18 May 2013

Making liquid dove soap

- Soap is one of those frustratingly difficult things to make from totally natural ingredients.
- There is of course Castile Soap, which is made from natural products, a lovely moisturizing soap - but is quite runny, and fairly expensive (as in not a good cheaper alternative to bought soap).
- Then there is the option of of making your own, using a plant called Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis)  - but you have to use it rather rapidly, as it goes off - and also rather runny.
- Then there is the cosmetic industry which has spent fortunes on perfecting the perfect recipe.  And in my personal opinion Dove soap is probably one of the better options.  But the price of the liquid soap is a bit pricey.  So for a 100g bar of soap you can make 625ml of liquid dove soap- which works out to a huge saving!
- Here's how to do it.  So easy.  The added glycerin gives the soap a wonderful feel, and is very good for the skin, as bar soaps can be a bit drying

1 (100g) bar of dove soap
1/2 Tbls (7,5ml) Glycerin
2 and 1/2 cups (625ml) Boiled water

-Grate the bar of soap
-Add all ingredients to a pot, and place on low heat
-Stir on and off until all the soap has melted (about 20 minutes or so)
-Put into soap dispenser bottles and the left over into glass bottles for storage.
-It will thicken up even more over night to be almost exactly the same consistency as Dove liquid soap

The verdict
- Totally awesome!

Tips and Suggestions:
* For more fabulous ideas have a look at my Natural Health & Beauty Index Page
* Please Comment and share your ideas and experiences.

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