Showing posts with label Face Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Face Care. Show all posts

30 May 2013

Quick face cream for mature skin

I make this recipe a lot.  I am not against a good aqueous cream - after all it is the cream recommended the most on babies skin.  Just make sure you get a really nice one, with as few additives as possible.  
I have also noticed that quite a number of those very expensive face creams seem to have the same ingredients as a basic aqueous cream - and then - with their own list of essential oils and tinctures added.  A bit like we are doing right here.  
Or for the purists out there make your own basic cream for a pure natural cream. and add the essential oils recommended here.    

Aqueous cream
Well this just acts as a base, and as mentioned, it is the cream most recommended for use on babies skin.
Factor 50 Sun Protection
Your face needs a lot of protection to avoid those sun spots, and the inevitable wrinkles!
Rose hip Seed oil
A vital ingredient in my opinion - Used for the treatment of minor skin disorders.  It may relieve the symptoms of eczema, aid in repair of skin tissue, assist healing of acne scars, dry, sensitive sun damaged skin  smoothes wrinkles, helps reduce the signs of aging, wound and scarring associated with minor burns and sun burn.  Suitable oil for all skin types.  Proven effective in the treatment of : scars, dermatitis, psoriasis, pigmentation,  stretch marks, acne, scarring, dry sensitive skin, cradle cap, nappy rash.  Contains 77% fatty acids- which have vital functions in the regeneration of skin cells and the repair of damaged tissue. A great agent in the fight against dry, weathered, and dehydrated skin. It works wonders on scars and is the predominant oil used for treating wrinkles and premature aging, particularly photo-aging caused by exposure to ultra-violet light.  Also reduces and fades scars, treats skin that has burnt or exposed to radiotherapy.  It even helps make chickenpox scars less apparent.
Jojoba Oil
Jojoba is actually a liquid wax with a chemical composition that resembles the skin. It has absorption properties that are similar to our skin's own sebum.  Its waxy structure means it never goes rancid and can be used to help preserve blends. It is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory and contains Vitamin E.  It is readily absorbed into the skin making it good for eczema, acne, dry scalp, psoriasis, and sun-burnt skin.  It’s non-greasy, softening composition make is suitable for the face and can be used in thickening creams. Jojoba has a natural sun protection factor of SPF4.  
Vitamin E Oil
A natural Vitamin E oil obtained by vacuum distillation of vegetable fats. Great for preventing rancidity in cosmetics and it acts as an anti-oxidant in creams, lotions, baby products, cosmetics, and more.
Frankincense Essentail Oil
Traditionally it is used for skin ailments.  The oil has Analgesic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, astringent, carminative, properties. And benefits skin: blemishes, dry skin, scars, skin ailments, stress, wrinkles, wounds. The oil is also used to slow breathing for meditation.
Palmarosa Essential Oil
Primarily used in the fragrance industry, it is also known as an insect repellent.  It has Antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic, antiviral properties.  And benefits the skin for minor skin infections, scar tissue, wrinkles, Acne, dermatitis, moisturizes the skin, stimulates cellular regeneration, regulates sebum production.  
Neroli Essential Oil
Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties.  Benefits the skin as a general skin care, used for  oily and dry skin, poor circulation, scars, sensitive skin, stretch marks, wrinkles, thread veins, mature & sensitive skin, Tones complexion.

100ml basic cream or a good aqueous cream
10ml factor 50 sun cream (for a sun protection - very important in our African climate!)
10ml Rose hip seed oil (for skin rejuvenation, and it's amazing properties for mature skin)
5ml Jojoba oil (excellent for the skin)
1 vitamin E oil capsule (awesome for mature skin)
5 drops frankincense essential oil (cell rejuvenation)
5 drops palmarosa essential oil (cell rejuvenation)
2 drops neroli essential oil (tones skin)

- Mix all ingredients together, cutting open the vitamin E capsule and adding to the mix.  

Tips and Suggestions:
* For more fabulous ideas have a look at my Natural Health & Beauty Index Page
* Please Comment and share your ideas and experiences.

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