Showing posts with label Growing Fruits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Growing Fruits. Show all posts

25 Apr 2013


My papaya, (or sometimes also called paw-paw) trees have been growing like crazy this year.  I am picking at least 1 papaya a day, sometimes more.  There is a lot to be said about growing your own papaya, it is very healthy for one.  My gran is probably the best example of this, she eats a papaya every morning for breakfast and is a very healthy, fit, 91 year old.
Papaya from my garden- ready to eat

How to plant Papaya (Carica papaya):
This is extremely easy if you live in a warm semi-tropical climate, like I do - no frost allowed!  Mine grow from the seeds thrown into the worm farm.  Whenever I use the compost produced from my worm farm.  The papaya seeds go "sunshine" and they pop up all over the show by their hundreds. I then do a major thinning out session and leave only a couple of the stronger plants.
My advice here (for those without a worm farm) is just throw a few papaya seeds from a store bought papaya into your veggie garden and cover with a thin layer of compost.
Other than a nice warm tropical climate, they need to be:
- watered fairly regularly but not over watered.  (3 times a week)
- a healthy dose of sunshine (but mine actually do just fine in the dappled shade as well),
- and nice fertile soil.  I fertilize mine with an organic fertilizer about three times a year.

The Paw paw (or papaya) tree shoots up quite fast, has flowers and then produces fruit, this is where a lot of patience is required.  From the time you see those very first the first little fruit starting to appear on your paw-paw tree it is a year, until those first ones change colour and ripen.  From then on-wards it is easy sailing, Picking pap-paws practically daily thereafter.
After a few years (3 or so)  it is best to cut down your old paw-paw tree and let one on the other gazillion seedlings take it's place.  By this time those paw-paws are way too high anyway!  You can also cut the pawpaw down to about a meter off the ground. It shoots new stems out the side and the new paw-paws are easier to then reach
papaya popping up all over 
Nutritional benefits
Vitamin A            
Vitamin C            
Vitamin E            
Vitamin K            
Niacin  (Vitamin B3)
Pantothenic acid
Riboflavin  (Vitamin B2)         
Other Nutritional Values
Dietary Fibre

Health benefits 
- promotes healthy skin
- Used as a face pack can help rid get rid of acne
- great food to help your eyes see better
- protects against heart disease and strokes
- protects prevent certain types of cancer
- helps against nausea and morning sickness
- can use as a poultice on slow healing wounds and skin infections
- aids in digestion
- helps protect and clean the colon

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