Showing posts with label Indigestion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indigestion. Show all posts

23 May 2013

Indigestion remedies

Most people seem to get indigestion at some or other point in their lives, some more than others and to greater and lesser degrees.   Indigestion is basically your body not being able to digest food properly, so we looking at heartburn, stomach upset, nausea, burping, wind, and bloating.

You have probably heard it all before but here it is again - a reminder on how to avoid indigestion.  At the bottom of this page, their is a lovely recipe for a soothing herbal tea that will help with indigestion.  Or have a look at my natural health index page.  Then under Indigestion you"ll find some fabulous remedies to help ease it.

Then there are always the factors which can't really be avoided:  like emotional upsets, or just plain old age which slows everything down including digestion.  But the list below still will help.

The Steps:
* Allow yourself time for meals.  Sit and enjoy it rather than eating on the run... I know... easier said than done, but still a major cause of indigestion is because of wolfing down food way too fast.

* Eat slowly - this will also help you lose weight (just by the by)

* Eat smaller portions more often

* Chew your food well and thoroughly... enjoy it don't breathe it in!  Digestive juices are secreted in your saliva, which triggers the stomach juices to get active.  The slower you eat the the easier it is on your system, and allows your system to work properly

* Sugar's and fats can increase the winds, so try cut these down.

* Try eat more whole foods containing fibre as this moves more easily through those squiggly intestines.

* Drink plenty of water (I'm sure you've heard this before!)  water keeps the intestine contents moving, cleanses your body and keeps you hydrated.

* Take a probiotic or eat yoghurt to increase the good bacteria in your gut.  This is always my first line of defence.

* Avoid fizzy drinks (they're just nasty and gassy)

* Stimulants such as too much coffee, tea or alcohol.  And spicy foods - intestines aren't too crazy about those.

Herbs that will help:
Eases, Relieves indigestion
* Angelica (Angelica archangelica)
* Bergamot  (Monarda didyma)
* Burdock (Arctium Lappa)
* Chives  (Allium tuberosum)
* Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
* Lemon Verbena  (Aloysia triphylla)
* Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis)
* Marjoram  (Origanum majorana)
* Oregano  (Origanum vulgare)
* Parsley  (Petroselinum crispum)
* Peppermint  (mentha x piperita)

Aids digestion
* Bay Leaf  (Laurus nobilis)
* Caraway  (Carum carvi)
* Chickweed  (Stellaria media)
* Coriander  (Coriandrum sativum)
* Danelion  (Taraxacum Officinale)
* Dill  (Anethum graveolens)
* Lovage  (Levisticum officinale)
* Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Improves slow digestion:
* African Wormwood  (Artemesia afra)
Aloe Vera

Treat Tense Indigestion
* Catnip  (Nepeta mussinii)
* Chamomile  (Matricaria recutita)
* Lavender  (Lavendula sp)

Fennel, coriander  caraway, chamomile, ginger and peppermint all aid in digestion   The fragrant tea helps stimulate the flow of digestive juices.  All of which relieve indigestion.  If you don't have all the ingredients don't panic, just utilize what you do have and leave out the rest or swap with other helping herbs.  Any of the herbs listed above all help with indigestion.

1/4 teaspoon fennel seeds
1/4 teaspoon coriander seeds
1/4 teaspoon caraway seeds
1/2 teaspoon dried peppermint (or mint)
1/2 teaspoon fresh chopped ginger  
1 chamomile tea bag.
300ml water
* Add all ingredients to a pot.  Cover and simmer for about 10 minutes.
* Strain the tea.
* Sweeten with honey to taste.
* Sip whilst still warm

My References and Additional further reading:
Please have a look at my Books and references page for where I got a lot of  the info for this post.

This post is linked to:
Healing Plants and Recipes Pinterest
Jill's Home Remedies
Common Sense Homesteading
Lambert's Lately

18 May 2013

Magical Moringa tree

I was very recently down in Durban, and coz you can't get country living out of me (even in a city) I had to take the opportunity of waking early and visiting the Shongweni Farmers Market in KZN.  It is only open from 6:30am till 10am!  What a wonderful experience.  Lots of adorable dogs, laughing children, people in gumboots, hay bales, and the smell of wonderful fresh produce.

Whilst strolling the market I came across a stall selling Moringa trees.  I was given the spiel all about how fabulously miraculous the Moringa tree is.  Well of course with my complete fascination in healing plants I just had to get one, then Google it later to see if what they say it is is actually what it is....  Jenny at the stall encouraged me to taste some leaves... and mmm.. yummy, a bit like baby spinach.  They can be added fresh to salads or to soups etc.  Jenny also made a tea from drying and crushing the leaves, which can then be put in a coffee plunger to get a very nutritious tea.  Then low and behold when I get home to the bush, one of the blogs I follow: Faithful to Nature  has a little write up all about this tree that I had only just heard about.

Latin name: 
Moringa Oleifera

Edible parts: 
Leaves, flowers, roots, pods and seeds

Nutritional Benefits:
The tree boasts a long list of Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, protein, anti-oxidants,
Vitamin A (Arginine Carotene)       
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)    
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)           
Vitamin C            
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Mineral Contents
Amino acids Contents
Other Nutritional Values
Antioxidant Properties

Health Benefits:
This is what the Moringa tree is reported to help heal:
- Increase the body's immune system
- Promotes a healthy circulation system
- Promotes a healthy cell structure in the body
- Helps in stabilizing Diabetes
- Supports normal blood glucose levels
- Natural anti-aging benefits
- Calms, moisturizers and nourishes the skin
- Anti-Inflammatory support
- Helps in reducing arthritis
- Promotes healthy digestion
- Promotes energy
- Decreases anxiety, depression and sleep related disorders
- Heightens mental clarity
- Naturally increases energy

My References and Additional Further Reading:
Please have a look at my Books and references page for where I got a lot of  the info for this post. 

This post links to:
Healing Plants and Recipes pinterest
Naturally Living Mamma
Natural Living Linkup
The Prairie Homestead
Terrific Tuesdays
Not so Wordless Wednesday
Whole Foods Wednesdays

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